Playing a day after with no real panic to win is the down fall for us in this season and im starting to think fans think its acceptable as "we...
Rodgers would not have picked this side we have the big guys on the bench time to fucking use them
Its time to get the real fucking players on now stop this fucking aboot!!!!
Has anybody ever thought all these incidents maybe set up for a new footballing bill? Bit strange its happening all after one another loads of...
Trying not to rodgers bash but lennom said he wouldnt change much but set us up to be defensivley solid there more of that
I hope when we life both trophys lennon doesnt tae a back seater and makes it about himself along with the players. He is here at the toughest...
Im glad people like you dont run the club
Rodgers is the celtic manager whats your point? He either leaves or can do both
Mancini said he would love to manage us when playing zenit
The worry shouldnt be him leaving it shoukd be who hes taking with him
I would lile to see us gain something out of this but we need to just go all out and fuck it make the changes
Accoriding to a leak burkes up tap
Hoops have been broken numerous amount of times since 2001
Does anyone have any idea why umbro made and sponsored us ? Did we struggle to get a sponsor because other than of recent us and them had joint...
Umbro are a shite make but footballing wise they where and are brilliant! We are money making deals we either need to stay go back to nike or sign...
All we can ask for is to try and win the game and take a positive out it
Mcgregor was missing last night lets not sweep it aside
I habe noticed it with every european team thats visited the last few years the fitness of the salzburg players was frightening to see
Not really a threat infront of goal are they? What they done good was press us high and defended well but i would put that down toour creativity...
Mark that cunt garay at corners!