He will mega shine in Munich
Sorry my mistake Queens Park won at the Piggery:84:
PS You forget how dam good Ireland are, hope you go on and win the Grand Slam.
Forgot to say if Scotland had won Celtic would lose home to Bayern. If Ireland win Celtic knock out Bayern:84:
If you are wrong we win 4-1:60:
Scotland will finally beat Ireland today tfft:scotland:
We will WIN
A famous 4-1 win on our away to knocking them out. The talk of Europe and just wait to the next tie.
Yes the classic could have been more or could have been less covers me again with a 17:31::56:
More superb photos Johnie especially the Great Northern Diver ones:50:
More fantastic photos Johnie, especially the bottom one with the winter plumaged Black Guillemot:50:
Superb photos Johnie of such a big majestic bird:50:
He is coming good and is going to get better. Off to eat my hat.
Yes fuck Plastic Corrupt City and Cheque Book Pep
If we think he was good first time round wait till we fully see him 2nd time round. He is going to be beyond sensational!!:36:
I am very sorry for being very wrong:84:
Told you all:36: