Yes have taught about that now , but still cant see the difference, can you please explain it to me please?
Can you please explain why you think I am am an Idiot? or do you just prefer to stick to the one liners that mean nothing? or it it that you...
Still do not see how you can separate either.
So? how many sheep can you get into a corner of a field?
No I understand, that was just me making a gripe at a party I support, or at least did, until i saw what Mc Guinness did. So no I was not...
You are talking rubbish they are both the same issue , If you don't have a problem with Biton then you cant really have a problem with the...
A LEADING unionist has backed Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness after he shook hands with the Israeli ambassador despite Sinn Fein's...
Did you get a picture of Mc Guinness shaking the Israeli Ambassador's hand while you were there.
Why, doubt people would to go out of their way to shame a player that supports the state led murder of children? I and a lot of my mates will.
You will be able to buy them outside the ground tomorrow.
That's me arrested then ? This could not be true.t They would have to ban every single person carrying national flags to every other sporting...
Yes Ulsterscot , can you please explain to me why you continue with your negative posts of our players and then want us to believe that you are in...
John Jo Gallagher from Rebel band Adamhans is playing before game from 4pm tomorrow in Malones Grassmarket Edinburgh
It's amazing if you read over old threads from certain posters on here when ever they want to spread lies or make up stories they always say "I...
Well looks like you heard wrong again FinnyBhoy, Celtic saying Stokes is suffering from slight hamstring out for a week. What's the next...
Yea lets ignore the "Big White Elephant in the room" and just have threads that we can all agree on? No point in reflecting what Celtic fans are...
Look I suppose it comes down to this, Some Celtic fans support Celtic solely for footballing reasons, and that's fine. There are others myself...
Good Post, people in general dress in a fashion that supports their personality and beliefs. If you meet a person wearing a Celtic jersey you will...
Why, because you are unable to face facts or even argue you point?