Just back from catching this - thought it was excellent. I don't want to give much away, but the film catches elements of Alien, Aliens,...
This window has been mental - going from one end of the extremes to the other.
Also not a kick in the baws of the Ajeti price if we're going down that route. Look it is what it is, but Idah wouldn't have been my choice. Not...
Aye, why not. Crack on.
I don't want to get caught up in money too much but he's never a player in that price bracket. That's not a kick in the balls of Edouard money and...
Crazy bastards are suggesting a part exchange including Sima Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Looked class today. Missing a goal, but wouldn't have mattered.
The football was shite the majority of the time though. Aye, we got there in the end but it was rough.
This forcing a move from the inside stuff is starting to out me off himnto be honest. Can't trust people who act like that.
This is the route i'd take as well. If we don't like how he's progressed, then simply sell after that. If he's progressed well, bleed him into...
THIS!!!! People, especially those on Twitter - theyre the worst - still think Lawwell is running the club day-today. There's absolutely no...
City fans moaning about being kicked off the park ...
First time watching this - fast, frantic and exciting. What I will say is that there's some amount of wee guys desperate to play the hard man...
It's bad that Ange had clearly picked up on this from reporters (and possibly fans) and had to spell things out to them. He picked people for...
Crazy take.
There's a few things happening here. 1) I honestly don't see this happening unless Idah goes public (and he won't). 2) It's a new management...
Easier said than done with goalkeepers though isnt it? Plot twist, Sinisalo is actually coming in to start with KS being the experienced backup.
How do we get this guy game time this season?