oh well you can sob for the lost c but cant give up go bhoys go go bhoys go
right...............obviously...just like that
bus bus bus go away you only kick
and agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck saaaaaaaaaaaaaakeeeeeeeee there could of been
i think Karma is favoring us tonight
ha ha Neymar you cant even put it between the pipes
Pukki ! where are you
why no Pukki? what gives Lennon
indeed,without neymar it would of been yellow no one cant deny what Brown did but what neymar did was bad bad
this will be an epic win if we win this
Samaras you greek god you good man
bring Pukki in and give the refs something to talk about after Pukki scores
yeah it was stupid from Brown but he didnt kick him in the back,Neymar played that he barely flinched neymars hand
:54::97::bbpd:..???? really ...my first enemy...you on my list now:smiley-laughing002:
BS BS BS BS BS BS BS well played Neymar well played Neymar
wow Hartson has really let him self go no offence,because cant disrespect a cancer survivor
now come and see how we beat them to down and take the points
sphank you helpy helper
yup pretty much me thinks too those 2 scary spots,nothing more we really gotta improve our passing foo faaak seeeik