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Protest - The Right Way To Go About It?

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Dáibhí, Nov 9, 2010.

Discuss Protest - The Right Way To Go About It? in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Dáibhí

    Oct 31, 2010
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    First of all, this has absolutely nothing to do with poppies, so please don't start that discussion again. As admin have said, there are ample threads already for such chat.

    What i'm looking at is the recent refereeing carry-on, and the general reaction of opposition fans and the media towards Celtic with regards to what has transpired in recent weeks.

    Now, we all know what the GB did, and that's for another thread, but the idea of a protest is certainly worth looking at.

    The question is, how would we be best to go about such a thing?

    First of all, we've seen the reaction and comments made by fans of the other Scottish teams. Apparently Celtic fans are "scum", "anti-Scottish" and some would even say that we should "go home".

    I'd suggest that perhaps we should "stay home" when Celtic are playing away.

    Let's see how they like it when they don't get their big Brucie bonuses from a visit by the green & white legions, who sell out their ground, buy their matchday programmes, use their concession stands and generally bump their income by a considerable amount.

    Let them have their home support of next to sod all.

    It won't take long for their bean counters to start flapping when they aren't getting what they want from the much anticipated visit from Celtic.

    I'd also suggest a boycott of all football phone-ins, such as Clyde 1 etc.

    No callers from the Celtic end, and no listeners where possible.

    These shows thrive on the debate that gets going between Old Firm fans, and they love nothing better than getting a Celtic fan flustered on the air so they can all tee-hee after they cut him off mid-point.

    Lets leave them without their debate, and see how long people keep tuning in when it's only Rangers fans, Derek Johnstone and a shitload of poor jokes.

    I know it would be difficult, but it would be a way of putting down a marker and saying "we aren't putting up with the * that you're dishing out anymore."

    No more political banners, no more excuses for the masses to use against us.

    Withdrawal of finances and interaction is the way to go about it.

    Again, thats only my opinion. I could be wrong.

    Opinions? Ideas?
  2. gunt

    Sep 25, 2006
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    keep opinions private and use the ballot box
  3. combene

    Oct 4, 2009
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    Falls Church, Virginia
    Paul from CQN makes a good point. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. The SFA is making one mistake after another. Wait til you see the newspapers tomorrow. There'll be no way back for Dallas and our work will be done soon enough without any bother.
  4. Paul67 Administrator Administrator

    Jan 17, 2007
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    Let The People Sing
    On the radio Clyde thing, I've listened to that phone in for years as I can't take Real Radio serious, and haven't listened to them since the McKenna carry on. Jim Delacunt, however, is slowly heading towards driving Celtic fans away from Clyde with his attitude towards them.

    Take tonight for instance. The first caller was a hun, who came out with a rant against Celtic and their fans. He stated we were sectarian and should be docked 25 points. He said we were Scotland's shame. I couldn't believe what I was hearing from a supporter of the most bigoted club in world football.

    He was allowed to rant his way through the call until he was finished.

    3 Celtic fans attempted to clear a few things up that he said and were promptly cut off in mid speech.

    This is happening every single night that Delacunt hosts the show, (Sheila McLaren hosts it on a Monday) and his sidekick of Darrell King is just as bad. He talks as a supporter rather than a pundit. Davie Provan got him spot on.

    Regarding boycotting away games. It is something I've thought about before and thought it was a good way of making people take notice. The only thing is, Celtic would be starved of a support, and that could be detrimental to the fortunes of our season.
  5. Markybhoy

    Nov 9, 2008
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    Well said mate I totally agree. :50:

    I have listened to Superscoreboard pretty much every night for 2 or 3 seasons now and have always enjoyed it. Since Jim DelaHUNt took over as presenter I have found myself sitting swearing at the radio and getting increasingly riled up about the way he's behaving.

    Whenever someone has come on to have a pop at Celtic, whether it be about their stance on referees of about the banner on Saturday, he lets them go right ahead and always chimes in with sneaky little comments like 'good points' etc If a Celtic fan comes on to defend Celtic then he either cuts them off midstream or else he tells them they're talking rubbish(I have heard him do this on a handful of occasions now).

    DelaHUNt's professionalism and objectivity really do have to be called into question here, he's not making much of an effort to hide where his loyalties lie. Hun *. :38:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2010
  6. Popes 11 Guest

    I sent a complaint to Clyde over Delahunts attitude towards the Celtic callers being cut off and his attitude in general...No wonder he was out off work since Setanta went bust!!
  7. Markybhoy

    Nov 9, 2008
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    As much as I would be in favour of some sort of protest about the referees I don't think I could ever deliberately stay away from a Celtic match. If I lived close enough that I could go every week then I would go every week. Just the way I am.
  8. TAB

    Aug 9, 2009
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    I agree with this completely.

    Although I'm also in favour of a protest, we should never starve the team of our support because of anything. There's definitely better ways to go about protests, without the team suffering.
  9. doctor venglos

    Jan 11, 2008
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    I will always support the right of the Celtic fans to demonstrate if they are not happy over a certain subject or issue.
  10. Bhoy Brian

    Dec 30, 2007
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    the thing with phone ins they are nothing without debate and callers so yeah they do try and stir the pot up and to be honest rangers fans can hone and say what they like as its usually nonsense anyway and the problems we have is that some fans go on and try to put their points accross well but then we have our share of ranters who just get laughed at and that affects the their opinions of fellow supporetrs who are more sensible
  11. kennydal

    Jan 30, 2008
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    The Semi against Aberdeen at Hampden with no Celtic support would hit them directly in the pockets ,Aberdeen would'nt sell out the ground alone ,big loss to the SFA and being a * cup anyway do the final aswell as Motherwell will do the huns in there semi.:icon_mrgreen:
  12. The Prof Administrator Administrator

    Feb 28, 2010
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    Say Hello To My Little Friend ....
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    Boycotts don't work, fans will always want to air their views on the phone ins and as for away matches the team will suffer more than anything else, i respect the right of any individual to do as they see fit, suggesting it is one thing actually doing it is another.
  13. Dáibhí

    Oct 31, 2010
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    It sounds as thought you may think I mean boycotting every match, which isn't the case.

    I'm talking specifically about away matches, as these games are where the smaller clubs, who usually jack up their prices for our visit, make their money.

    The harsh fact is, we can put up all the banners we want, but the people who run the game don't give a * really.

    You need to hit them where it hurts. In the pocket.

    If the clubs who openly admit to relying on our visits every season for an income boost suddenly see that disappear, you'll have a better chance of seeing a change in the way our club and our fans are treated.

    Personally, i'd rather spend the £20 or whatever they are charging us to get into their ground in a Celtic shop.

    By not going to two away games i'll manage to take the money that would be going into the very pockets of the clubs who are tutting at us every second week for heaping disgrace on their beloved league & country and buy the wee man a new Celtic away shirt from the club shop.

    Throw in the money i'd save on their food, match programme and travel and I could even get a name & number slung on the back of it for him, just for good measure! :50:
  14. wulliebad

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Land of the 45.
    The problem with staying away from games is you tend to just hurt the two clubs playing in the game with lost cash income.
    If you want to hurt the SFA and bring what your doing to the media and make rather big headlines then you need to target the sfa cup game.
    Celtic v whoever in the scottish cup final at hamhun......the final is played to a nearly empty ground....no tickets sold to celtic fans.....but outside the stadium for the whole game is 30/40/50 thousand fans protesting...the sfa lose lots of cash and it would be just a little embarising for them and the sponsor.
  15. buchanbhoy

    Dec 8, 2008
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    If you really want to protest just get sections of the ground to turn round and face away from the pitch for the kick off that would generate some headlines .
  16. seanolamisio

    Feb 3, 2010
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    good plan apart from one slight flaw-what if the huns are the opposition?no ones gonnae let they * take over hampden for a an of cup final
  17. Padraig1916

    Jul 18, 2010
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    Soldiers Song
    What about hiring some students to turn up to Hampden and sort the * out?
  18. wulliebad

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Land of the 45.
    Then we will never change anything in the spl because all we care about is stop the huns.
    So whats it to be.....put up with the huns winning a cup....or maybe do something to change things in the spl for good.:rolleyes:
  19. wulliebad

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Land of the 45.
    That would last a few mins at most before people had to see whats happening,plus the sfa still gets the gate cash....
  20. Taz Blind Justice Gold Member News Writer

    Sep 3, 2009
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    ...In Exile
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Paul McStay
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    Celtic Symphony
    Here is a suggestion.

    Next season, Celtic should have nothing to do with the SFA, financially speaking.

    Meaning, we play league football, which is governed by the SPL & hopefully be playing in Europe, which is governed by UEFA. In other words, a complete boycott, by both the support & the club of both domestic cups, which are governed by the SFA.

    No League Cup. No FA Cup. No SFA.