I had a dream we got Liverpool the other night so they should be going through,or maybe the dream was to signify that something big is going to...
Is he actually gone yet? For all inensive purposes he is still very much our player and a deal looks a lng way off with Birmingham
I think your reaction is funny,yes.
You never know she might have been a good 14,you been through Central Station? BOING,ING,ING,ING!!
Did you hear about the Magic Tractor? Went down the road and turned into a field!! Two fish are sitting in a tank,one fish turns to another...
Another over-rarted,over-priced Hibs youngster - no thankyou The thing is if Ben Hutcheson or Simon Ferry was currently playing for Hibs we...
We are getting Liverpool - i have foreseen it you see. anyone else would be a good buzz,want someone good though,if im going on a trip,Germany...
Kinda of disappointed with dementia,all though its bad and all,she really doesn't know whats going on. I was holding out for some flesh eating...
Im Just in,take it we got bet,haha. We ain't better than Tottenham man,they have quality players,better players trhan ours.It's math man. I...
fuck sake £30 000 is still more than enough,more is just outrageous gluttony plus Sunderland is a dive Glasgow is much better. Every player has...
Anyway this Basa chap is not bad came 39th in a poll of 100 best players last season in Le Equipe,Tamas is no were to be seen. LIGUE 1...
I got fuckin banned and i was only winding someone up.There seems to be underlying issues with this yin. I do enjoy a good Romanian stripper...
Nirvana are mega man. from bleach to in Utero to the unplugged gear,well good used to listen to them a lot in my teenage years but quality band...
Karris,just out of curiosity,why were you going on a date with someone in his late 30's? Never really had any real disasters in my time.Remember...
Fuckin hell dude calm doon.Ive seen less questions asked during a Guantanamo bay cross examination
for those not fluent in french or Glaswegian
This deal will happen,we ant him,he wants to come,its only really a matter of time man Translated into They really do speak like that in...
Meant to get this one in earlier [IMG]