These membership packs are in the microwave [IMG]
https://boobychristmas.com/?_gl=1*czza3v*_ga*MjkxMDcyNTI4LjE3MDE1MTYxNDA.*_ga_76B36VV57D*MTcwMTUxNjEzOS4xLjEuMTcwMTUxNjM2My4wLjAuMA Merry...
Just bought a Christmas Tree... the girlie on the checkout asked "ar ya gonna put that up yourself"? I said nah Its going in the corner of the...
Why do female parachutists wear knickers? So they dont whistle on the way down
Jim Jeffries
They sleep top n tail I fink
My missus got bitten the Vagina at the beach in Australia by a blue ring octopus. I got her back on the beach and called the lifeguards. "I am on...
The Dar'l siad to me this morning. "even though your cock is only 2 inches long, It tastes like a foot
gold :62::62::62: