What a Bobby dazzler
Fool Fuck you how would you like to meet up on the 18th at ross county and I'm not joking prick
My mum's dead mate
By a dodgy penalty they should of never been knocked out there would of been an uproar if that happened to the Republic wouldn't it
If you read my earlier posts you complete retard then you will know.
I know mates pressed wrong button whiskey will do that to ya
Maybe you should be supporting Northern Ireland there doing a better job than the north
Well no I don't give a fuck if the roI fail to qualify but if I started supported them I will now because of your big mouth the Danes scored
Hi guys I'm half Scottish and Irish I support Scotland because I was born there but should I also support Ireland
That was me when i played life is strange lol
Still do better than craig gordon
mel gibson
You must be trippin mate.
Undercover fenian
Calm down hun:50:
Sorry about that mate.
lol i used to find them in the linn cemetary also in a woods path
Aye mate i was working for glasgow city council in the parks but thankfully i dont have anybody who rely on me for money
job centre for me lol