Didn’t we play Prague in the EL knockouts about 5-6 years ago?
The naivety of the manager to think that he could set us up like that and it’d work is a bit troubling I think we have the sorts of players that...
I’d love it if we could go toe-to-toe with sides like Dortmund in an exciting swashbuckling manner and win 3-2/4-3, but it’s just not realistic...
I wonder who could replace him if we did twist?
I respected Deila for realising he was out of his depth and doing the right thing by stepping away It's a shame Lennon can't do the same I'll...
To close on before bed; Chris Sutton is a fucking choad who chats bubbles Griffiths didn't even look overweight G'Night All
I was proper happy when we signed him Absolutely shocked it's been such a disaster recently Genuinely don't understand what's happening with him...
Should point out that I'm not condoning use of his phone, but still, the way BT Sport covered it, with the interviewer outright grassing him up to...
BT Sport a bunch of proper snide fucks to stitch him up like that
Because he's mates with Lennon and slagging off Griffiths suits Lennon's narrative that the players are letting him down
Managers don't walk anymore when there's money to be made sadly He'll be getting a nice payoff when the board finally takes action, and he'll be...
Sutton been an absolute weapon tonight
Shitty of BT to throw Elyonoussi under the bus
"Have to change the culture"
Went on like Griffiths was so big he had to wash himself with a rag on a stick
The way he goes on you'd think Griffiths was the size of Bear Hugger from Super Punch Out Sutton is a fucking joker
It's like Lennon wrote a script for him
Well said
Sutton going about Griffiths like he's the size of fucking Yokozuna from the WWF or something Clearly "on message", Lennon must be feeding him...
We must be able to?