According to BBC, there's no plans to sack him.
Any Nutritionist would tell you that a balanced diet includes some fatty foods etc. in moderation, It's unreasonable to ask players to change so...
Agreed. think respect went out the door with their positions and the fact half them don't understand the game plan tbh.
He's also earning a few grand a week to get results, so surely its not unreasonable for us to be questioning his management either.
Banning fizzy drinks and asking players to reduce body fat, pffffft! the guy thinks he's bossing a weight watchers club.
Positive thats for one share, just another way to make money for these places. You serious though 75p? What a rip off man, mind you they are...
aye, I would'nt imagine it to be treated in the same way as going through other avenues of purchasing shares. Just couldn't believe it when I...
I know, couldnt believe it when I first saw it :smiley-laughing002:
You can genuinely buy them from asda.
We might need a cash incentive also tbh :smiley-laughing002:
Thanks, I wasn't expecting my post to be called honest, more along the lines of 'get to fuck ya happy clapper' :smiley-laughing002:
Seems the jury on RD is split just now, I've been worried this would happen from the start tbh, of course at the start I was a 'negative bastard'...
Quite happy at the prices, hopefully get a decent turnout and few good nights!
Let's hope astra will be 'tyred' and 'exhausted' when we play them..
FUCK OFF?!:56:
Astra seem to be a well driven team with the manager looking to steer them in the right direction.
Im not sure how the players are going to be able to match a team of cars. I know that was terrible, I'm sorry:54:
We should really be looking to top that group, providing we get the right players in and we pull the finger out.
Thats not actually too bad so far!