Right bhoys its time to go out there and bring back the BACON!! :52:
OOOO oooo OOOOO oooooo LASAGNE! pom, pom, pom, pom. Come on bhoys pump these feckers ... ragged. :ynwacelti
Malmo just put us as:- Peppa Pinky, Babe, Porky, Perky Orson, Hamhock Snowball, Squealer, Napoleon Ganon No...
My Dad's got a Picasso and a Stradivarius, not worth much though. Stradivarius couldn't paint and Picasso made shite violins :55:
Lollipop men make me cross!!! :87:
really! that womans always got thrush about something lately :47:
Haggety hag per chance :smiley-laughing002:
Bloody Utopia's that lot. Northampton gets my vote, people from there go to Corby and MiltonfuckingKeynes for their posh shop :56:
WHIT? There's other forums! :97:
Absolutely, disgusting.... now if you was talking milky coffee that'd be ok :50:
Ooo where do you start? Caiman, Snake, Tarantula, eggs of various birds but by far the worse .., naff chocolate covered beetles, more disgusting...
Know what you mean, if we carry on like this we won't even qualify for the Christmas Party raffle!! :56:
His penis gets in your way too? :97:
Doom, gloom, misfortune, disgrace, am way tae kick the dawg, I have nae a dawg, I', ganna get me a dawg! Seriously? :97::smiley-laughing002:
Usually have my dinner on mine :56:
:nonono::nonono: and :nonono:
BOOOOOOM what a goal :50:
:veryhappy: who needs strikers ...
Was in Château Au Lait but now getting peeved by fecking Harry Potter fans visiting a viaduct, yes it's a viaduct, not a fecking bridge on the way...
Did he have wellies on? If he did who know who it was :smiley-laughing002: