Why would I have a hangover? The laughing smiley face, the antidote of the lost.
Who pulled anyone up ya dick? I want even corresponding with you. Go and take a good fuck to yourself you absolute fucking prick.
Fuck up ya slavering trumpet. New to the club! And AYE, look at some of the posts on here tonight.
It wasn't. You would know if it was me.
Following you? I don't even know who you are. In fact, have I ever corresponded with you?
I've never seen so much excitement from Celtic fans saying their players are shite.
You sir, are an absolute retard. I've shared this opinion with many people; with intellects and purveyors of fine confectionery and also health...
The problem is you used to be able to have a dual business, Timpsons done shoes and keys. The icey used to do ice cream / confectionery etc..and...
Any positives from tonight mate?
The bald Samaras
For a first time in a long time I wasn't there, but my feeling at the end was gutted but optimistic. I thought the atmosphere from the fans was...
The concept of mixed company. I've never done the mixing thing, not religious because that's all malarkey, but hun /human mixing. Even if its...
Samaras. Dug shite.
I just thought the same 3 years later :56:
I went to bed at half time 34-0, we won the second half though :56: We are SHITE!
Bears at Kansas tonight!!! Think I'll be watching this through my fingers....an absolute mauling coming. Can't see where a win is going to come...
[MEDIA] Guess what I'm watching?
I personally don't think it's even a remote possibility however, Mcavennie does sit with some of the main shakers on match days and isn't as...
Can't even remember saying it mate :56:
A peach of a goal, 300 miles covered and an assist off his arsehole.....a successful day Daizen!