YAAASSS!!! The Yang Gang Rises! He’s got to be MOTM.
Yanging and Banging! :giggle1:
The Yangnaissance continues!
Considering how we started, I don’t think I was expecting us to be 3-0 up by half-time:giggle1:
That was a cracking finish.
He is a chatterbox, and maybe veers in to sounding a bit like a life coach at times :giggle1:, but I still like him on commentary. Maybe he really...
7 minutes… enough time for a Yang double :fear:
That’s a rough one, right before half-time.
Quality from Schmeichel.
What a start that would’ve been.
I’m perhaps reading too much in to it, but the comment about being able to ‘afford’ the deal (when asked about signing a striker) would lead you...
This panel is like a bunch of parents awkwardly trying to make chit chat at their kids sports day.
The ref trying to cage Yang there. Obviously recognises how big of a threat he is :fear:
I guess Kenny is completely out of the picture then.
You can see that Idah’s playing with a level of confidence that he hasn’t had for a while. Hopefully he can keep it going.
It’s embarrassing how quickly they can do some checks, but when it comes to our goals they treat it like the Zapruder film.
Holy fuck, that Pepto Bismol advert might be one of the worst I’ve ever seen.