I love dogs but if Peter Lawwell has a dog I bet it's a fucking wee wanker. Fuck him his son ,his wanker driveway ,his dog and his 5 chins This...
Absolute wank that this isn't on Sky. Anyone have this on their IPTV yet? Mine is acting like a hun bastard
Plenty pencil neck
Fucking nailed it right there ! Been thinking for ages wtf is it with this guy still here and aye ,that's it
He'll be pish and no kick a baw ,if he does he will be shite and shuffle of the the farmer clubs down south . I hope this comes back to bite me...
Tonight I posted "congratulations on another well won 3 points tonight " on the Lanarkshire referee association facebook page . They kept deleting...
That compilation gave me a squint ,how anyone can say he looks rapid from that is beyond me
Here’s a thing I noticed today and yesterday . All these community pages clogged up with yummy mummies who went to the university of life...
His knees looked fucked there too
It’s happening yes but shouldn’t people be thinking it’s worrying that the old and sick are dying before their time as opposed to buying all the...
Correct you are as are most people ,it’s a quote that is being flung around and used as if it’s nothing now . That’s concerning .
Put your tap back on and reread my post ,I’m attacking the attitude of people when they say it’s only killing the old and sick not you.
See this attitude kinda baffles me ,yes it’s mainly the elderly and people with underlying health issues that are dying . These people need...
Any links to his interview ?
Anywhere I can watch this online folks ?
Birthdy caird pish he’s a dunce
There it’s there ,that’ll do ,now empty your pish bag
Aye cool ,you no got a fence to sit on ?
You are being the ballbaag ,I am highlighting the crocodile tears of the Scottish media ,cheers for highlighting that you are a pish the bed...
Hiya Mr Lennon ,you know how you had bullets in the post and things ,well what do you think about the wee dicks with bangers ? Get to fuck with...