cliftonville! :smiley-laughing002: :50:
stoke are only going one way. DOWN.
Wall Street 2. While not as good as the first, I actually rather enjoyed it. :50:
It's hilarious how Hibs' seem to think they own the colour green. :smiley-laughing002: Bastards have even arranged a victory bus parade....
terrific performance :50: bring on the hibees
Stokesy!! :50:
Because they are joyless, humorless twats.
No coincidence that it seems to have picked up since Brown came back :50:
and we are back :icon_mrgreen:
Think I'll go hang the washing out
Pray For Jagga
there's always bbc scotland, might be funny listening to them crying :56:
happened again :smiley-laughing002:
bet you it was a wonder goal :(
ah well :smiley-laughing002:
get in there! and it would be daly that gives the free kick away :56:
:celt_2: :62: