ave got resident evil 5, left4dead, cod waw. gears of war 2 ( all for xbox360 ) for trade Looking for fallout 3 for Xbox or ps3.
any 1 got fallout 3 on xbox 360 for trade ??
get fallout 3 mate great game but sadly no online
naw would ruin the Scottish game
ps3s are awful thats why :56:
this is never ever going to happen :56:
think they range from about £400-£600 mate not entirely sure through as im a concession :50:
highly doubt it through :L would be fuckin class through
the legend of zelda a link to the past and the ocarina of time. would say ocarina of time is one of the all time best games.
Fuck man who and porto :50:
pm mate
pm'd mate
we can hardly fill the stadium as it is just now never mind an expansion :38:
aye mate :50: are you the wee guy Fae cranhill ??
never heard you tbh mate :56:
the gb wurny there mate :97::56:
any 1 know any decent sites to get these :50:
completed the game and stioll not seen a deathclaw
the 1st Resident Evil was scary as hell man