Sold eddie wanted to.leave struggling get gs at st
Does anyone know about ucl suspensions do they carry on fron last season
Did anyone else think McGregor Foul was pen before for Forrest goal
This what happens when you sign some one who only scored 30 goals
dmitri kharine for me lol
This game is balloted so celtic should find this easy to find the group of folk who drag the club's name down
Only thing is going annoy me is ballot system even tho I went to the Partick game also a st holder I probs won't get a ticket which will piss me off
Only creditability ronny can get in Europe is still in after Xmas
They are why do you think it's on the book
When's tickets for home game been released
Dive or not dive who cares all I want to know y Neil. Mccann was going nuts
Hope he stays fit this season he's got a good cross on him
scott fox partick maybe good understudy
could be worse we could have huns board
they both scored tonight
as much a dislike police and what they do you cant blame them certain section of celtic fans do sing songs that get us into shite many fines do we...
* some c*nt is in my seat:31:
as you all know were voted 3rd best fans well on sunday at thistle game there doing a mins applause on the 23rd min for a fan you passed away...
partick thistle are doing a mins applause on the 23rd min for a young thistle fan who past away and be nice touch to join in with it
Buzzin for the dam first away trip wif celtic canne wait