you could look into wireless homeplug adapters, you plug your ethernet cable from your downstairs modem in to the adapter which then is pluged in...
Whit, yer no oan tha pill, well i suppose i'll huv ta wear a johnny then....
Thousands of them walking by my flat in Duke Street at present, a sight to be believed, i have not seen so many ugly, disgusting, vile, fuckers in...
[IMG][IMG] Poor Old Peter.
Diarrhoea. I have been a nurse for 16 years and I still can't spell the fucking word, and its a word i use alot in my business.
Can't beat a few off these!!! [IMG][IMG][IMG]
I would fuck anything i could get my hands on, if i was locked up in a cage.
666 times, the evil bastards.
Last seen them at the Barrowlands i think in 1989, worst fucking gig i have ever been to, the Reid brothers were so fucking out of there faces...
I still enjoy this cover version
still a class tune to this day Tubeway Army - are friends electric
Babylon Zoo - Spaceman Started off so well, then has to be the most over hyped pish ever
i bought a reconditioned one from pc world, last year, good prices for some decent laptops
Totally talentless I am
I think those acrobats called Spellbound will win it with auld Jeannie a close second.
St enoch square is full of junkies and alkies, they fucking congress there every day, I live up from the St. Enoch hotel which is a doss house for...
I live across the road from the shop, was wondering what was going on, now I know.
enjoy the silence was one of my favourite tracks by them
Stevie starr has been kicking about the circuit for years, I even seen him on David Letterman many years ago....
and also.... My Name is Joe wonderful...wonderful movie