I wouldn't call that goth music, just Nu metal.
Define goth music please.
He retired a few years ago, he did great for a la liga team after he left us though.
A handbook of what cannot be sung only,takes none of the spontaneity away.
Window's blinds helps too.
I agree to an extent, it may have been one of a few factors that pushed neutral's to vote for obama and when both campaign's are looked at in...
I have more of a chance of getting a job here than you do and thats saying something.
OLD Seen this months ago, on the site.
Rating on SM?
Well were you a rangers fan before? If not then you will be welcomed of course.
Ooft rebel.
Call me when she tattoos her face or vomits and then eats it.
I am protestant, and i support celtic, anything wrong with that?
Ccleaner, use it. Tell him to switch to firefox And has he been playing with porn then :D
We need some sort of handbook authorised by either celtic or the SFA with clear lines as to which songs we can sing, and which ones we can't
He was box to box till his legs started to go, then he became a holding midfielder, kind of like what we did to hartley.
Interesting point there, people who don't want their kids to hear theses songs cannot stop them from being heard.
I know, i'm the one who gave you the site, i was asking diegan to explain.
Please explain.