Scrambled. I make cracking scrambled eggs!
No and I doubt I'll get to the open day, it would work out quite expensive and probably not worth it for me when most information is on the web...
I'm heading off to uni next year so I'm researching at the minute and Strathclyde offers the course which I'm most interested in (Psychology with...
Passed my test about 3 months ago and my advice would be just to take each things as it comes, relax and enjoy it! You won't do anything too...
No, tattoo parties, they were quite popular in Belfast for a while there.
Oh the irony!
School on Monday, wtf?! I don't start back until 3rd September!
Probably head out tonight, going to stay at a friend's house down in the country tomorrow and then I'm off to London on Monday. Enjoy everyone!
Sorry to hear, awful news. Best of luck to your brother, hope that he makes a full recovery as soon as possible.
Thanks everyone, had a great birthday!
Always hear my parents talking about when they saw him in Galway I think, sounds like a fantastic experience.
It's on Sunday but cheers!
Nothing much apart from the small matter of celebrating my 18th on Sunday:icon_mrgreen: It's finally come at lonnnngggg last!
That really looks the part-nice one CB!
Thanks for going to the effort of putting this together for John CB. I imagine it will be a huge boost to him at this difficult time.
He wasn't exactly in the Hitler Youth out of choice, had anyone on here grown up in Nazi Germany it is almost a cert that they too would have been...
17- pre O'Neill generally. I've been lucky to be of an age where the majority of my Celtic memories are fantastic ones though, not many people...
They're done now, no point at all worrying about them, nothing you can do. Just relax and if you don't do as well as you would like to, it isn't...
:56:Vinnie's one cool guy!
:56:That was amazing!