Check out Brotherhood on Netflix, well worth watching.
Excellent show, going by the new trailers the gang is going up against Republicans. Will wait and see how Republicans are portrayed in the new...
He would be worth it if he could train a few of the Bhoys to take free kicks like he can.
Done, @CorkBhoy37
I'm watching Brotherhood at the moment, well worth a look.
Campaign started on Twitter & Facebook to get the whole country behind the team on Nov 15.!/GoGreenOnNov15...
I'll second that, Cork City fan. :50:
The jury is still out on Ki, don't believe the hype.
i hate these qualifiers.
R.I.P. Y.N.W.A.
Seen Shane play a lot for Ireland and would love to see him come to Celtic. He's a well grounded lad, wears his heart on his sleeve and give a...
Thanks for the heads up.
Ashamed to say that I'm from Cork today.
1150 :50:
Would of won the CIS cup if Stokes was playing instead of Sammy.
No problems with this one. Watch St Johnstone vs Celtic Live Stream Online