are you joking!!!:97:
is that sarcasm?:97:
ESFJ. probably sounds about right. Im definatley a "wear my heart on my sleeve" type of guy
Fucking exactly! well put mate!
never said it was a crisis mate but its not good enough! i was ill watching that performance today. there was only one team who had the real...
we got beat at home by fucking st johnstone today mate! fuckin wake up!
im sorry mate but you honestly need your head checked!
best post ive read on here for a long time!
I made it through 9 in a row. hardly missed a game,and was still there every week supporting my team. I always will be, no matter what!...
so our defence was good today???
WHIT? how the fuck could he defend our defence today?
fuckin big time mate! murphy wouldnt get a game with ma local amature side. honestly!
is it unrealistic to want to be able to beat fucking st johnstone at home? is it unrealistic to want a centre half thats has half an idea what...
we are the mugs who stump up £500 a fuckin season to give diddys like this a lifestyle that folk like us could only dream about! if he is making...
Ive heard it all now!
i wouldnt know mate?! i dont pay those cunts any attention
wit the fuck are you on about??? you smokin crack or something?
he couldnt hit a cow in the arse with a bread board so far this season! give him a couple of weeks on the bench so he realises he needs to get...