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Celtic Supporters Thread (contains GB chat)

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Paul67, Dec 17, 2010.

Discuss Celtic Supporters Thread (contains GB chat) in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. made in ireland

    Mar 10, 2008
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    I’m not quite sure what point you’re trying to make here. If Police Scotland’s response to their failure in December—when groups were allowed to chase each other around Glasgow city centre—is to overcompensate by kettling people in the middle of the road without probable cause, then that only reinforces the fact that the entire policing operation has been mismanaged. That’s the real issue here.

    That’s not fair and balanced policing.
    seanm and Easydays like this.
  2. Sween

    Aug 27, 2011
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    It was in response to RR saying the police shouldn't be employing such tactics over political banners or pyro and should be focused on things like knife crime. My point is simply that the police response was primarily due to people battering each other and causing damage around town and not policing banners.

    I agree that it does look mismanaged on both occasions.
    Random Review likes this.
  3. jake10

    Feb 13, 2011
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    You really are an *, there were three French nationals taken to London Road pig station for not not having ID on them, in the UK you don't legally have to provide ID, pigs are causing trouble to justify their budget and need to take a step back either through court action or their own processes, read the article by Jeanette Findlay and educate yourself about the laws of this country
    seanm, greengrocer, elbhoydo and 4 others like this.
  4. made in ireland

    Mar 10, 2008
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    I think that’s the crux of the issue. You don’t need to like football “ultras” or excuse violence to see the real danger in Police Scotland misusing their powers—profiling a group of people and detaining them for hours without probable cause. Everything else being spouted on this thread on this matter is just pretty much irrelevant.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2025 at 9:09 PM
    Sc03jcy, Easydays and NomDePlum like this.
  5. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Would ignore the previous 2 posters lads

    Only see them post in here when something happens and it's normally to stick up for the club

    Or in this case the police

    Easydays and Mystic Penguin like this.
  6. Easydays

    May 18, 2022
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    Just imagine wanks like frank mccallum if they got dealt with in a way they didn’t like.

    They’d be screaming from the rafters for help from anyone and everyone. The type to talk about democratic rights in countries they know nothing about, just to be contrary. Knowing they don’t need to educate themselves.

    Here is a clear abuse of law from a supposedly democratic, law abiding Police force and you have desperate attempts to justify that abuse. Talking about banners and politics etc. This spans the political spectrum, it’s about human rights. Anyone who has ever stepped outside their front door knows how dangerous a precedent Sunday could set. Hopefully a Fans Against Criminalisation comeback on the cards?
    Mystic Penguin likes this.
  7. KRS-1888 Scott La Rock

    Sep 11, 2010
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    It’s the fact that the police doing the kettling have face coverings on that gets me.
    Johniebhoy. likes this.
  8. Vade1

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Back of beyond, Herefordshire
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    The reasonings for these strongarm tactics are irrelevant. To deny anyone the right to water or toilet facilities is both deplorable and cannot be justified for any reasonably time, let alone 5 or so hours. To be detained without just cause, followed by the falsification of facts regarding the detainment is absolutely disgusting. No matter what personal feelings you have towards either 'Ultra's', 'Green Brigade' or the 'Police', there can be no excuse for treating people with a lack of respect and failing to provide the basic needs of detainees and their well being. I understand the negative attention the Police receive from the public and also recognise the authorities low opinion for some fan bases. There are good and bad on both sides of the fence. This situation appears to be an inappropriate muscle flexing by the Scottish constabulary in an attempt to right the inadequacies of their last encounter in the city centre and the rise of confrontations between fans, not only in Glasgow but a regular growing concern across the football community. It will do nothing to improve relations or repair fences from either party. People must be taken to task over these matters. Who made these decisions? What actions were used to apply these decisions? And who were the personnel enforcing these decisions? Individuals should be reimbursed for the cost of unused matchday tickets (they aren't cheap) should officers be unable to prove any law breaking, (they film everything so any claims should be easily substantiated). Body cams should be used, not only for the protection of officers, but also to the protect the public and their civil rights. I get some obnoxious gobby wee sh*t with a wideboy attitude giving a torrent of verbal abuse can light the blue touch paper in these situations and get "backs up" resulting in retaliation and consequence, (dealt with enough of them in my time and it doesn't make it right from either perspective) But to amass such a large group of peaceful supporters who, although feeling aggrieved, frustrated and victimised, have remained within the confinements of the law, and been detained without just cause or basis, it is extremely concerning. It's a testament to those fans, given the circumstances. Though I feel any transgression would have been both swift and brutal.
    But as I wasn't there and I cannot claim to know every specific, neither would I dare to. But going on the overall reporting and accounts given, the general consensus appears to be overwhelming in its claim of unjustified, over policing at the expense of football fans treatment. Without the clarification on issues, how can we correctly proportion blame, Speculation is a dangerous weapon without all the absolute facts.
    It's not a case of fans=good, police=bad type of thinking in every case. But on this occasion it does seem simplistic enough to apply such a thought process.
    adios and Boruc17 like this.
  9. BelfastBhoy74

    Jan 13, 2009
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    Good summary of the fact.......I just wonder will we ever get a structure response on the "what and the why"
  10. Vade1

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Back of beyond, Herefordshire
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Larsson, Sutton, Hartson
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Fields of Athenry, Grace
    Oh, we'll get a 'structured' response, just not likely a truthful, open and honest one. It'll be laden with bias opinions and one sided arguments by all parties desperate to claim the 'High Ground'. 'Tis the way of the world as we know it. :39:
  11. oh bhoy

    Jul 26, 2010
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    wonder if the fans behind the dugout will get praised for the remarkable restraint they showed after the extreem provocation from the rats on the sevco bench
  12. henriks tongue

    Sep 1, 2008
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    The so called Ultra culture is a poison that needs to be removed.
    They are not simply football fans supporting their team as they claim, they are ultras (using their own definition) that extends far beyond football support.

    They are a group of politically motivated, often violent, often bigoted, pro terrorist idiots constantly spoiling for confrontation that use football as a vehicle for their tribalism, bad behaviour and questionable ideals.

    Whether it's political banners, pyro, fighting other ultras and charging through the city, songs/banners glorifying terrorism or refusing to be searched when previously being warned it would happen and entry to game would be denied and then complaining when it happens.
    Our particular brand of ultras are just wee boys pretending to be rebels on their days off.

    The authorities are finally recognising the problem and trying to do something about it - even if somewhat badly executed at weekend.

    Clubs are also sick of it.
    When the club you claim to support condemn your behaviour, even telling you stay away - no, you know better and go directly against your clubs wishes - is that supporting Celtic?
    Even Rangers are putting out pretty strong statements after the recent shameful banner.

    If you go to any mass public attendance event, whether it's a gig at Hampden or travel abroad, for security reasons you get searched - strangely, our ultras don't object to that and get the flares and banners out at the Hydro or airport?

    Support our football club responsibly or get out.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2025 at 7:49 AM
  13. NomDePlum

    Aug 10, 2017
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    The Club is the supporters, not the bureaucracy that runs it.

    I don't agree with everything the GB/Bhoys do and say but banning people because they are having a say is not what I want from my club.

    Where you getting it that the club or anyone is telling them to stay away?
  14. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    You are another one that's ignoring that other fans were ketteld

    You like the other two * can't see past yer hate for the GB/BHOYS it's * embarrassing
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2025 at 11:18 AM
  15. henriks tongue

    Sep 1, 2008
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    Not ignoring it all, it clearly wasn't handled well.
    But if those kettled did a very simple thing that every other supporter was happy to do and was warned would happen - like be searched and show ID, you go to the game and support the club, there is no kettling.
    But no, let's be kid oan rebels, stick it to the man and then plead persecution afterwards.

    More of this is coming due to ultras behaviour across multiple clubs, but I guess that plays into the narrative they are trying to create of being 'oppressed' , so probably exactly what they are looking for.

    There is no GB hate from me, the passion from the GB when positivity channeled and supportive of the club is absolutely fantastic - they just don't know where to stop.

    Enjoy the journey GB/Bhoys, it's your own creation.
  16. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    So what about the regular fans then what's the excuse for the way they were treated

    5 hours spent in that situation last week

    People not able to food water or go to the toilet for hours is taking away basic human rights

    See if you or anyone else thinks that's justified then frankly you are a * *
  17. Jackie Daytona Gold Member Gold Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    I’ve plenty of criticism to aim at the Green Brigade but the biggest issue last weekend was the extent to which Police Scotland are willing to abuse their powers.

    Yes, the Green Brigade could have consented to he searched and I’ve no sympathy for anyone carrying pyro, which by all accounts some were. But that’s not really the issue. It’s the question around the powers that led to them being kettled and searched in the first place.
  18. Pogues

    Aug 29, 2015
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    I kind of agree with a lot of what you say but my issue is the extent to which the police went to over, what I'm assuming, was trying to stop pyro or banners getting into the ground. Unless I'm missing something, it seems way over the top.

    In saying that, when the group have that pig watch thing going on then they've really got to expect the polis to * them up any way they can.
  19. made in ireland

    Mar 10, 2008
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    I hope that I’m just misinterpreting what you’re saying in your last paragraph, but under no circumstances should a police force act in a way that suggests they are carrying out reprisals or revenge. They are funded by taxpayers to ensure public safety and to police in a fair and balanced manner, not to target specific groups.

    If their concern was preventing individuals from bringing pyro into the ground, then searches should have been conducted at the point of entry—not a mile away down the road.
  20. henriks tongue

    Sep 1, 2008
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    I never said it was justified, you know it and I know it.
    It was wrong.
    But it's the only rational argument you have left so you repeat it ignoring everything else - in addition to some good old fashioned abuse of course :39: