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Celtic Supporters Thread (contains GB chat)

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Paul67, Dec 17, 2010.

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  1. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Wouldn't be the first time they've worked in a certain manner with the police
    Mystic Penguin likes this.
  2. Twisty . Gold Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Thought it was due to them all covering their faces ? Doesn't look like it here.
  3. Mr. Slippyfist

    Dec 20, 2009
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    Supposedly due to them refusing body searches, or pocket searches - I assume looking for pyro before entering the game.

    Surprise surprise though, the travellijg support who were allower entry yesterday, let of flares inside CP.
  4. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Yesterday, there was a premeditated attack on football supporters by Police Scotland. We believe their actions were unlawful and we are currently taking legal advice. The actions of the police should serve as a stark warning to all football supporters in Scotland and anyone who values civil liberties.

    At 10am, the Green Brigade and other Celtic supporters congregated at the Celtic Social Club which is a routine practice. At this time, there was a considerable police presence. At no point was there any attempt from police officers to relay any information about concerns or expectations of how fans should move to the stadium. Similarly, there was no attempt to share information in advance through mutual channels (Celtic Football Club) as is often the case.

    At 10.45am, we attempted to depart for the stadium. At this point, around 200 people were kettled on the road. We were told that we were being held until all away supporters had entered the stadium and would then be moved along. After around one hour, the police informed us that we had been detained under Section 60 of the Public Order Act. The reason given was that people were concealing their identity despite the fact that most people were not wearing masks. When this was pointed out, the concern moved to hats, hoods and sunglasses. We offered to remove these items but this wasn't accepted.

    In order to leave the police kettle, the following was expected of all individuals including young children:

    - submit to police detention, being held by two officers by the arms, taken from the kettle and into a further police corden
    - submit to a full body search (including a refusal to privacy for females)
    - give full personal details
    - show ID to verify personal details
    - have hats, sunglasses, scarves and snoods confiscated
    - have all of the above actions filmed, including ID documents and clothing

    Understandably, we were reluctant to comply with these draconian and unnecessary measures and were therefore detained in the kettle for almost five hours, with no access to food, water or toilets, and missed the entire match. In the end, zero arrests were made despite the huge sums of public money wasted on the operation. We have since learned through a Police Scotland press release that every person has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal despite this not being informed to us at the time.

    While we are clearly angry at what happened, we are more concerned about a pattern of repression against supporters which is increasingly worsening across Scottish football. There is a concerted effort between police, clubs, football authorities and others who seek to control the game to abolish supporter groups who do not conform to their agendas or values.

    It is no coincidence that this police operation followed sanctions by Celtic plc against the same people in the same week. Likewise it is no coincidence that Celtic plc fills its Safety and Security department with ex-police. In recent weeks, the SPFL - with approval of clubs - introduced unprecedented collective punishment sanctions against supporters.

    Scottish football has a committed, passionate, creative and overwhelmingly positive supporters culture. Instead of embracing this, it is routinely targeted often leading to mainly young males being unnecessarily and harshly criminalised. Strangely, yesterday's incident was exactly 12 years since the infamous 'Gallowgate kettle' which sparked mass demonstrations and ignited the successful Fans Against Criminalisation campaign.

    In light of recent events, we are calling for a formal review of fan engagement in Scottish football with a view to implementing a formal framework for fan engagement at both a central and a club level. It is only through proper two-way engagement with supporters that supporter concerns can be efficiently managed. We will begin consulting and coordinating with all interested supporters in Scotland on how to achieve this.

    To be clear, our concerns are not limited to practices often associated with ultras but all and any supporter issues. All supporters have the right to be heard. It is only through a formal framework that this can be achieved and ultimately lead to supporters' common wishes being respected and interests protected.

    We would like it noted that the Celtic SLO, John Paul Taylor, spent considerable time at the incident attempting to liaise and help supporters and has given a report of what happened to Michael Nicholson, CEO. We await comment from Michael Nicholson on both the club's prior-knowledge of this police operation and its concern for supporters' welfare.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2025 at 11:32 AM
    Mystic Penguin likes this.
  5. Pogues

    Aug 29, 2015
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    I'm not a great fan of the Green Brigade but, taking the GB statement as factual, Police Scotland have treated them disgracefully yesterday. I hope legal action is taken so the Police are forced to justify their actions.

    What the * were they trying to prevent. Pyros getting taken into the stadium? Fighting between the ultra groups? Either way it's way over the top and hardly the best use of Police and taxpayers money. Questions have got to be asked.

    One point on the statement though. Why the * do they need to bring Celtic PLC into it when they clearly, at this point, have no evidence the celtic board were involved in any way. Just using it as another way to batter the board imo.
  6. evilbunny1991

    Feb 2, 2010
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    Of course the board were involved. It’s naive in the extreme to think they were not told about this beforehand.

    Our board are full of Tory sympathisers. It’s time a lot of them are removed from our club. I don’t always agree with the way the GB act but this is a disgrace and if the club and board are found complicit they should be hounded.

    Fans are the club, we cannot be picking and choosing the type of fan that is allowed to support their club, it’s a dangerous precedent. In any walk of life I am not letting police search me without any explanation of cause.
    Mystic Penguin likes this.
  7. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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  8. Pogues

    Aug 29, 2015
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    Board haters are going to blame them regardless mate. You kind of make the ma point when you say "of course the board were involved" and then later on say "if board are found complicit". So naebody knows but let's blame them anyway.

    I've no idea how these things work but I'm pretty sure the polis will do what they want regardless.
  9. Al Bootyerbaws

    Nov 7, 2011
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    How can they just keep people detained in the middle of a road for hours if they’ve no been charged with anything?
    jake10 likes this.
  10. jake10

    Feb 13, 2011
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    whoever is our new record spend
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    Go on home british soldiers
    Disgraceful treatment of football supporters, criminalising tims for going to a football game, imagine it was happening to rugby fans, the outrage would be off the scale, we as a fanbase need to protest this treatment
  11. Sween

    Aug 27, 2011
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    The police were heavily criticised when fans ran amok through Glasgow in the new year game. It's a terrible look for Police and for a city when you have women and children crying in shop corners because wee needs are chucking fireworks and taking turns at chasing each other around town. And the police are nowhere to be seen, or if they are seen they are chasing their tails.

    Given that context, it sounds like yesterday was a bit of a backlash. Without being there it's hard to give an opinion who was in the right and who was in the wrong. But it wasn't a surprise
    Pogues likes this.
  12. Mystic Penguin

    Sep 10, 2009
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    Republic of North Lanarkshire
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    Watch the video above this post, they have a history of doing it, they've made it clear they don't like the Green Brigade many times. It's not a stretch to assume they probably had hand in it.

    If they didn't they shouldn't come out and immediately condemn it but I won't hold my breath.
  13. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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  14. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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  15. kenniemk2

    Apr 18, 2024
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    Because your from leith why else ?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    I'm no actually from Leith but no bother

    Last edited: Mar 17, 2025 at 6:59 PM
  17. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Celtic Football Club has received complaints regarding the policing operation concerning yesterday’s match, specifically events away from Celtic Park.

    We are reviewing our supporters’ concerns and will be looking into these issues.

    It is important that these matters are addressed and the Club will be engaging in discussions with supporters and Police Scotland to understand the circumstances and events.
  18. HoopyT Danny McGrains Bearded Army Gold Member

    Nov 11, 2006
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    Just read through their statement about Sunday, that's * terrible how the police treated them, might no agree with all they do but this is ridiculous. Just pure intimidation with no justification for it.
    Sc03jcy likes this.
  19. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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  20. Al Bootyerbaws

    Nov 7, 2011
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    They didny even have the balls to put their pishy statement on twitter because they knew what the response would be.