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'Honest' mistakes 24/25

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Callum McGregor, Aug 20, 2023.

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  1. constant

    Aug 3, 2024
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    I don't think Alan Muir will referee or VAR another Celtic game this season.

    I fully expect him to be quietly retired by Willie Collum at the end of the season.
    kenniemk2 likes this.
  2. Notorious Gold Member Gold Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Not just in Scotland VAR is a * joke

  3. kenniemk2

    Apr 18, 2024
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    It goes to the best angle behind the goal for me is best angle and shows balls on he quickly passes it off and btw prevents the tv from getting those images then quickly scrolled past the one that behind and closer aswell every time I see it … it’s boiling my * makes no difference to us in long run but dutd and Aberdeen should be making complaints against him it handed hibs 2 points

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  4. saltire78

    May 15, 2010
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    Listening to it, it seems like he decided it was out immediately and then displayed decision-based bias to confirm that. He seemed desperate to find a way to confirm his initial thoughts, even after the AVAR says on a couple of occasions that it's their opinion not to overrule. The final image to "confirm" out involved TWO different optical illusions - the curvature and the ball lifting into the air - to "provide evidence" of out.

    Collum is very good in his analysis, very clear on his thoughts and doesn't shy from it being the wrong call. He deserves credit for that, not snide remarks about what comes next. This is a HUGE move towards clarity and accountability by referees in Scotland, and probably why the REALLY dodgy calls are now becoming much rather.

    He does need to address the bias on Muir's call though, even though that will (rightly) be done by in-house training/disciplinary processes from this point - I'd lose my * if a boss were to use me in a public disciplinary example for others... He needs to know if it was a human "double-down" on a bad decision or if he actually did it purposefully to influence the game. Guess only time will tell how it goes...
    henriks tongue, seanm, Taz and 2 others like this.
  5. kenniemk2

    Apr 18, 2024
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    After watching full show muir gave us the pen against Dundee when the wee rancid ref it was I. Front of tried to say trusty was the one fouling

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    constant likes this.
  6. Sentinel

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Muir's voice in that audio is pathetic. * is desperate to rule it out, utterly desperate. Abusing his position to negatively affect outcomes of our games and loving - absolutely loving every second of it.
    seanm likes this.
  7. DonnyCelt

    Jul 21, 2010
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    Wow, that * should be struck off for that. He was being told the rules by the AVAR, and he still overruled them time after time. He did it for no other reason than to stop Celtic winning. We need to make sure he's removed.
    Maestro 08, Blochairnbhoy and seanm like this.
  8. Taz Blind Justice Gold Member News Writer

    Sep 3, 2009
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    Further to @saltire78 point, what Collum has also introduced is accountability and consequences. It may be in house, but the evidence is there.

    That Hibs v Celtic game was 22 Feb. There have been 2 full rounds of Premiership fixtures and the current Scottish Cup QFs. Muir has not been appointed VAR in any of those games. By contrast, the likes of Aitken, Duncan, Clancy, Walsh and Dallas have all had multiple VAR appointments. So it is not simply a 'rotational' thing. There is accountability and consequences.

    This is not new. Andrew Dallas was the VAR for the St M v Killie game on 14 Sept, when the Rooney kicking Vassell incident happened and it was let slide. Dallas was not appointed to VAR a Premiership game again until a month later... 3 rounds of appointments (+ Int break) 19 October. So it is a standard that was set and has been applied all season: accountability and consequence.

    Looking back as how it was done while Crawford Allen was ref's boss while VAR was in operation, and so far as VAR was concerned, there was little evidence of this sort of thing happening, because it was all just being chalked up as 'learning experience with VAR' yada, yada... and swept under the carpet.

    Collum has brought increased transparency, communication, consistency, accountability and consequences.
    saltire78 and seanm like this.
  9. Jo-Jo-Buffon

    Jun 18, 2009
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    When the AVar gives up, he's not even finished saying yeah once, and Muir is confirming it

    He said we can't say 100% 4/5 times
    seanm and Bratfurdbhoy1 like this.
  10. constant

    Aug 3, 2024
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    Celtic FC must petition the SFA and Willie Collum the Head of the Refereeing Committee, to sack Alan Muir for gross incompetence and indefensible Anti Celtic bias ( given his record as a serious offender over many years against Celtic FC ). Muir has totally exposed himself on that damning VAR recording as being Anti Celtic and corrupt, his position is untenable. He should never handle any Celtic or Ranger's game again in the future, because he has openly compromised himself and lost all footballing integrity and credibility.

    This was his " Dougie Dougie " moment.
  11. Maestro 08

    Aug 30, 2013
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    The audio is damning for Muir. As infuriating as it would be for him to incompetently get a decision wrong it's another thing when the guy next to you is quite clearly drawing your attention to the rule/guidance. At that point an unbiased ref should be thinking to himself 'oh aye, I forgot that, yeah you're right it's inconclusive, goal stands'. Instead he refuses to acknowledge him and eventually brow beats him into agreeing with him. That's bias right there. Caught red handed. As a great commentator once said...He's got to go, he's got to get to *!
    seanm, Bratfurdbhoy1 and constant like this.
  12. Bonobhoy

    May 14, 2009
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    * sickening hearing this.....Even knowing they are all mostly cheating *....But to see it proven know just makes you * sick.

    He should be sacked and made an example off......People saying he should not be refereeing our games....That's just isn't the answer....He could then go on to Ref another game with Sevco in it or anyone vs Sevco and he does something like this.

    Dougiegate was an eyeopener for me....And we all know that we have been treated unfairly for years.....But Celtic need to do something here.

    Just because we are 16 clear doesn't mean this goes undealt with.

    These * need to called out....Now waiting on Gollum saying they apologize and will be retrained.
    Rydo1888*, seanm and Bratfurdbhoy1 like this.
  13. oh bhoy

    Jul 26, 2010
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    muir's position is untenable,is willie collum really gonna try and pretend that muir doesnt know the rules of the game while he was being reminded of the rules.
    Rydo1888*, seanm and Bratfurdbhoy1 like this.
  14. Bratfurdbhoy1

    Sep 29, 2009
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    It's almost anger you hear in his voice. So desperate was he to overturn this. Think that's him outed now. Confirms what we said for years . He is biased against Celtic .
    seanm and DonnyCelt like this.
  15. Sonic Reducer

    Jan 2, 2017
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    Take the two recent penalty incidents involving Queens Park and Hearts...that's every bit as controversial for me and just shows it's not only Muir that's at it.
    seanm and Bratfurdbhoy1 like this.
  16. DonnyCelt

    Jul 21, 2010
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    The more you hear it, the more angry it makes you. He is told on 2-3 occasions by his assistant that it is "not conclusive" to which at one point he even agrees.

    Then he thinks he's struck gold with what is the worst possible view to say the ball is out and persists on making his assistant cave in and agree by constantly screaming "would you agree"

    As Collum said they are trained to understand about perspectives and such, and that you cannot give a goal without full conclusive factual evidence. He completely goes against that for no other reason than to disallow Celtic a goal that ultimately saw us drop points.

    Not a chance he makes that decision if it wasn't one that went against us. He'd be giving that goal all day long if it was his beloved huns.

    He should be sacked immediately.
    Rydo1888*, seanm, Sentinel and 2 others like this.