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Footballing Structure - Updates?

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Mr Shelby, Feb 24, 2025.

Discuss Footballing Structure - Updates? in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
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    Couldn't find an existing thread if there is one I can perhaps merge!

    But aye, just been thinking about the behind the scenes situation. All the chat about the Huns etc and issues they have behind the scenes, wanting a sporting director or whatever you want to call it.

    Do people think we will see us appoint a DoF or similar in the near future? It appears to have gone quiet on that front again. Or is Tisdale currently looking at that as part of his role? I seem to recall he was initially being brought in to act almost as a 'consultant' but would be good to clarify that again.

    Personally I hope there's a bit more of an update come the summer. I still have concerns about this side of things and naturally as we have seen in the past, the uproar/chatter on here and from us as a fanbase goes away when we are doing well and winning on the park. But I still think there's signs from last summer and in the most recent window that our approach to recruitment needs looked at.

    I also think if we are serious about being a side that regularly competes at the top table in Europe then its an absolute must.
    Random Review likes this.
  2. HoopyT Danny McGrains Bearded Army Gold Member

    Nov 11, 2006
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    For some real continuity and consistency in our style across managers it's got to be something we look at putting in place.
    Mr Shelby likes this.
  3. saltire78

    May 15, 2010
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    Can't see how we appoint for that position while we have an Ange/Rodgers type character in place... We could have with Delia definitely, Lenny probably first time and definitely at the end of the 2nd term... But, if we bring one in now I reckon we say goodbye to Rodgers.

    But it's definitely something we should be monitoring in the background, with an eye on implementation down the line... Look for a coach and director to be brought in simultaneously - maybe a constant panel with about 3 names for each on it for each position, and see about trying it out with compatible figures from a position of strength, rather than if we were desperate in the future.

    Must remember though, that our single attempt close to this - Dalgleish and Barnes - was a catastrophic mess... Sometimes the grass isn't actually greener on the other side...
    Sween likes this.
  4. JC Anton Get yer, hats, scarfs badges & tapes

    Jul 26, 2010
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    We never hear anything from our CEO what the plan is..
    Random Review and Peej like this.
  5. Scotzbhoy

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Fields of Athenry
    Mind lots of chat about this when Lennon left second time around, then Ange was so successful, not just on the park but in terms of transfer business. I agree that it'd be good to put something in place to ensure continuity from one manager to the next. Ironically, Ange's time as manager made me think that actually, if we were to go down the DoF route he'd probably be the ideal candidate. Doubt he'd ever want to take on a position away from the training ground, but if he gets sacked from Spurs in the summer I genuinely think we should ask the question of him.
  6. Foley1888

    May 15, 2008
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    In theory I think it makes sense but o get the fear we would appoint a Gordon Strachan or even Martin O’Neill to that role if we done it, someone not actually experienced in it and make Kennedy head coach.

    I have said before I would like to try get the boy in from USG who has seen a data led recruitment strategy implemented and modern thinking. However, he would probably get chased by Lawell and our old board.
  7. eire4

    Jan 5, 2006
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    For me the 2 of our biggest issues are our academy structure and the fact there is no real pathway from it to our first team. We really IMHO should be going on a public offensive to get our B team into the sfl league structure. Alongside this what plans do we have to upgrade and expand the stadium, the main stand in particular, that is if we have any although we most definitely should IMHO.
    BelfastBhoy74 likes this.
  8. Scotzbhoy

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Fields of Athenry
    I don't think the league structure is the answer for the B team- need to be pushing to bring back the reserve league.
  9. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
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    Larsson. Forever and always.
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    I'm not so sure.

    Most top managers work under a director of football or sporting director nowadays. I think we are just behind the times.

    Just because our first attempt didn't work out would be a terrible reason not to try again..
  10. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
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    Larsson. Forever and always.
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    This is a concern for me as well.

    Again, because everything has worked out relatively risky on the park this season its gone quiet but its something that most fans have wanted direction on for some time.
  11. saltire78

    May 15, 2010
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    Actually, Ange was on record saying he didn't do most of the training ground stuff, and day-to-day stuff with the players if I remember right... He actually oversaw a lot as a director type role and left the coaching to the coaches
  12. henriks tongue

    Sep 1, 2008
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    Great question.
    Lack of transparency about all things sporting, player recruitment etc is a perennial problem that our stewards often hide behind to avoid accountability.

    It feels more than reasonable to expect a published sporting structure and strategy for shareholders and fans.

    In particular the recruitment review after a very poor end to the last window that Brendan called out.
    But also the new sporting structure we have started to recruit toward (?) but heard absolutely nothing about or from.
    C'mon Peter, let's be hearing from you:39:
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2025
    Forestbhoy66, Mr Shelby and JC Anton like this.
  13. JC Anton Get yer, hats, scarfs badges & tapes

    Jul 26, 2010
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    Nicholson is the CEO, its he we should be hearing from even if they are Peter's words..:56:
    Random Review and henriks tongue like this.
  14. Peej Gold Member Gold Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    As happens all the time with our side of things, the club leak enough and say enough to keep fans at bay, but nothing ever happens.

    They'll announce a Peter Lawwell leaving, knowing he's taking over as chairman in 18 months anyway - just to give the fans something to settle down with.

    We will make symbolic sackings of a couple recruitment guys and leak that there is to be an overhaul - it never happens.

    Anyone believing that the club is actively behind the scenes putting together a modern football structure is quite frankly drinking the koolaid.

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    Random Review and JC Anton like this.
  15. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Larsson. Forever and always.
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    This isn't intended as a bash the board thread. Things are going well at the moment, but it doesn't mean we wouldn't appreciate a bit more clarity. Feel like Rodgers mentioned it about 6 months ago after the summer window ended and then that was it.

    We talk about how well run we are but again that side of things we are still lagging imo. Hearts have a sporting director, for example. Why don't we?

    This is slightly off topic but related to the lack of clarity thing, I wish we would do more in depth training videos or behind the scenes stuff. Liverpool are great for it and have a day in the life of X player etc. Stuff like that generates a buzz with fans and just allows you to see into the lives of these guys you're paying to see every week whether live or via TV.

    These 1min training vids etc are a bit pish. We could still be doing a lot more for a Club our size.
  16. JC Anton Get yer, hats, scarfs badges & tapes

    Jul 26, 2010
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    On the face of it we are very well run..

    However, if you actually delve deeper into the footballing structure it's in dire need of modernisation.

    The fear for me is, the board are reluctant to change a 'winning formula' that's brought incredible domestic success and improvement in Europe(this season at least) and I do understand to an extent.. if we were to give a DoF full autonomy for example, it would need to be the correct appointment. And isn't without risk. As we'd be looking for someone with DoF experience as well as understanding the intricate nature of Celtic and the restrictions of Scottish football, while attempting to act and perform like an elite European Club - Difficult to find, if not impossible.

    It is a chance we need to take though and it's the time to do it.. if we react too late we'll be playing catch up with other peer European sides, if we're not already. Thinking of Brugge and the Dutch clubs.

    And if the Huns get their act together with new ownership, domestically could quickly become an issue if we don’t continue to build, improve and modernise.
  17. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Larsson. Forever and always.
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    If and it is still an if, they are bought over, I really don't see them getting worse. The yanks or at least the people they'll pay to put in charge will be more adept than who is currently there. I don't think it's "* it" to make that assumption.

    We need to focus and make sure we continue to improve as you say and for me a big part of that is investing not only on the park but the infrastructure side. We have a winning formula now but complacency could very easily set in, it has in the past.

    More and more clubs, Hearts, Hibs and soon the Huns are utilising these data based agencies or consultancies. Now I'm not sure if we are doing that through tisdale but this is where having someone who's primary role is to manage all that would be so beneficial.

    There must be someone out there.
    Random Review and JC Anton like this.
  18. kenniemk2

    Apr 18, 2024
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    I think a dof makes sense now as the football department has grown you have the b team first team and women’s team

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  19. CookieMonster Geez yer cookies Gold Member

    Feb 13, 2013
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    West Coast
    I think the issue we had in years gone by was Lawwell micro managed a lot of the club which had positives and negatives.

    Now we definitely need to modernise the set up of the club from youth level up but we’ve been wanting that done for well over a decade now. We need to start investing in youth and that starts with decent wages.

    I know we’ll never compete with PL wages for youth players but if there is a clear path from youth to first team and decent wages then I think we’d see a lot more players staying.

    Doesn’t need to be a DOF like other clubs but someone that can maintain consistency in the system no matter the manager.
  20. Guchi Gucci Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 6, 2010
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    This is one of my greatest annoyances.

    For a club so * bent of counting every bean, it is bizarre that we don't put a modern structure in place that would help us get more value. All of these clubs, like Liverpool, don't have DoFs, Heads of Analytics, etc, for fun. It's purely to be more competitive and make more money.

    The only logical reason not to is the dilution of individual power within the club.

    A chairman appointing his SON is probably the only explanation we need for why we haven't modernised.