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2034 World Cup in saudi arabia will be alcohol free

Discussion in 'World Football' started by jake10, Feb 15, 2025.

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  1. jake10

    Feb 13, 2011
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    The 2034 FIFA World Cup in Saudi Arabia will be unlike any other, as the country has announced a complete ban on alcohol sales during the tournament. This restriction will apply not only within stadiums but also in hotels and across the entire nation.

    Saudi officials have emphasized the importance of respecting the country’s cultural and religious norms. Alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited in the kingdom, and the 2034 World Cup will adhere to these rules despite the expected influx of international visitors.

    Prince Khalid bin Bandar Al Saud has called on fans to embrace the nation’s traditions while attending the global event. “Every country has its own culture. We are happy to host people within the boundaries of our own culture, but we do not want to change our culture for others,” Prince Khalid told British news site LBC.

    The alcohol-free policy echoes a similar decision made by Qatar during the 2022 World Cup. In Qatar, alcohol sales were restricted to specific fan zones and hotel bars, with a complete ban in stadiums. Saudi Arabia’s decision, however, extends even further, prohibiting alcohol throughout the country.

    The announcement has sparked diverse reactions across the football world. While some fans support the stance as a reflection of the country’s cultural integrity, others have expressed concerns about the impact on the traditional World Cup experience. Despite these differing opinions, Saudi Arabia remains firm in its decision.

    With preparations underway, authorities are working on various hospitality measures to ensure that fans still enjoy a memorable and comfortable experience during the tournament. The event promises to showcase Saudi Arabia’s rich culture, hospitality, and modern infrastructure while offering a unique, alcohol-free atmosphere.
  2. buchanbhoy

    Dec 8, 2008
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    Pathetic the tournament is being held there in the first place considering their human rights records, anybody that has ever been there will know they are a bunch of hypocritical people.
    Thank * I will never be back there or deal with the people again.
    Hopefully the tournament is a commercial flop and FIFA learn they should not be bought.
  3. The_Bhoy

    May 20, 2020
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    Alcohol and human rights free
    seanm likes this.
  4. greengrocer

    Nov 28, 2009
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    Should never have been allowed but FIFA, and pretty much all sporting bodies, have been cozying up to these places to the tune or billions into their pockets.

    It's a disgrace and if any nations had balls they'd simply boycott their *
    jake10 and cidermaster like this.
  5. cidermaster Gold Member Gold Member

    May 19, 2014
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    Money has easily the loudest voice nowadays. And yes it is a disgrace that the World Cup is going to be held there but no real surprise.
    greengrocer likes this.
  6. CH4 Gold Member Gold Member

    May 30, 2009
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    The fat English Lager louts could do with a break away from the bevy.
    The_Bhoy and Twisty like this.
  7. honda Gold Member Gold Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    2034. I'll believe it when it happens.
  8. buchanbhoy

    Dec 8, 2008
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    Try working there to see what a shower of hypocritical * holes they are!
    The_Bhoy likes this.
  9. HoopSprings

    Jul 27, 2005
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    I don't see the issue with an alcohol ban - I don't like it but it applies to everyone. Surely the real issue is their human rights, with the death penalty in place for homosexuality, atheism and apostasy? We kicked out South Africa as a result of apartheid, now you have a whole raft of countries who don't think apartheid goes far enough and FIFA couldn't care less.
  10. Bonobhoy

    May 14, 2009
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    Doesnt matter....We all be dead anyways.....That asteroid is hitting us in 2032

    Enough time for another 21 trophies here...
    The_Bhoy, jake10, CH4 and 1 other person like this.
  11. hiphopaddict

    Jan 31, 2008
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    Death penalty for atheism? That's mental. So you are allowed to believe in a religion that contradicts Islam e.g Hinduism or Judaism. But if you believe in no religion at all you'll be executed?

    Why would u say that your an atheist in that case? You'd just pretend to follow a religion....any religion....to avoid the execution
  12. seanm

    Mar 4, 2013
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    * fifa and uefa. Corrupt * HH
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  13. HoopSprings

    Jul 27, 2005
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    If you are aware of the law, then I would agree it's probably easier just to lie and pretend to be religious.

    Probably worth mentioning that 14 countries have death penalty for atheism - all Muslim majority or Islamic theocracies. And yes, they generally tolerate other religions, but mandate death for no belief at all.

    Fail to believe that a man rode to heaven on a winged horse and it's curtains...
  14. hiphopaddict

    Jan 31, 2008
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    So in executing atheists....they'll be deciding what is an acceptable religion and what is not? I assume so. Cause there are some crazy religions. Some that people have just made up.
    Is Atheism not a belief in itself?.....to believe that there is no *? That's a belief. Maybe not an organised religion. 2 different things.

    Well what I'm saying is that they must have a list of acceptable beliefs and religions. Saudi Arabia decides and that's it. Anything not on the list??? The infadel is an atheist!! And must be beheaded!!! Big bendy sword and Alladin pointy shoes
  15. HoopSprings

    Jul 27, 2005
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    I think when it comes to religion, they are all made up by someone.

    I wouldn't say atheism is a belief though, it's a rejection of the claims made up by people about the supernatural.

    And as I said, it's not just Saudi Arabia, the list includes such other moral luminaries as Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran and Pakistan. It's about 45% of the Muslim world.
  16. hiphopaddict

    Jan 31, 2008
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    Atheism is obviously condemned in the Qu'ran somewhere. Countries basing their secular laws around Islamic principles, with a punishment to match.
    In some Islamic countries it's legal to behead your own wife if she has been unfaithful to you......and at the same time no punishment for a husband that does the same.

    10 years ago the Islamic State were even more insane in their interpretation of sha'ria law. In their crazy caliphate they didn't just behead Atheists and throw homosexuals off rooftops, they beheaded all non-Muslims that they encountered for not being Muslim.....they even beheaded Shia Muslims and Sufi Muslims because they were not Sunni Muslims like them. Whole entire villages massacred because the Islamic State saw them as the 'wrong kind' of Muslims.
    I often wonder why Iran (a Shia state) didn't do more to protect the Shia in Iraq and Syria when they were being massacred.
    HoopSprings likes this.
  17. hiphopaddict

    Jan 31, 2008
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    They do not want to change their culture for others..that's what they are saying......unless it's by embracing and welcoming the Westernised World's largest and greatest sporting event to their very Islamic country. They are fine with some aspects of Western culture....if it's going to make them cash. If it's not worth cash then it's ha'ram...banned....sin died....no allowed or you'll get beheaded.

    Yes you find that like other religions can be.....Muslims can be massive hypocrites....double standards oot their *. I cannae stand double standards!!!!!! Eating a piece on bacon is filthy and disgusting......yet refusing to use toilet paper and using your bare hand to wipe your * is not.
    I know many Muslims that do not miss mosque on the Friday ever. Staying behind for extra prayer and studies of the Qu'ran. Same Muslims sell drugs all week to make a living. Exploiting people till they get that Merc AMG that yhey all seem to afford.

    The Qu'ran is the definitive word of Allah. Every word of it is the word of Allah......yet when you question why then does it say that Muhammad took a 13 year old girl, as his wife? You are told that it doesn't mean that the girl was 13. It says that. But it's not what it means.....it doesnae mean 13 years like we see it today apparently. Years were different in those days. Even although every word of the thing is meant to be the exact word of Allah. Bending rules to suit yourself it's cold!!!!
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2025
    HoopSprings likes this.
  18. hiphopaddict

    Jan 31, 2008
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    Was speaking to the Muslim guy that has the shop at ma bit. We were discussing the partition of India. I love talking about history ya see.
    Well the double standards were flying everywhere.
    He was adamant...saying the partition was a good thing...4 million people died during the mass relocation of people...and he's saying partition was a good thing.
    "Why???" I asked obviously
    "Cause Muslims cannot live with Hindus" he said, "They can live with Sikhs....but not Hindus"
    "Why????" I asked again,
    "Cause Hindus worship false idols" he says. Meaning statues and ornaments of their Gods. Iconaclism is what he's getting at

    ........."So you can't live beside Hindus for this reason....yet you.up and move to Scotland where the churches have massive crucifixes, statues of saints and effiges of biblical characters with people worshipping them everywhere.........This you can overlook when it comes to the benefit system, free NHS and free further education....worshipping idols doesn't bother you that much"
  19. jake10

    Feb 13, 2011
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    Where to start with your racist *, obviously this guy in your corner shop is representative of all Muslims because it suits your warped views, all Muslims moved to Scotland for benefits, does that include the ones working and who run their own businesses and I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people claiming benefits in Scotland are white and the protestants are supposed to hate our Catholic idolatry so are they claiming benefits too despite their religious beliefs. Seriously, guy in the corner shop said it so it must be true of all Muslims, I have problems with aspects of the Muslim faith but it's not centred on farage like hatred of another religion and peoples rights to claim benefits they are entitled to
  20. hiphopaddict

    Jan 31, 2008
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    Nope. Your wrong as * I'm afraid.
    Did I say any of that at all?

    I'm only telling you what this one particular man said on the subject (partition of India). I hope it's not representative of the views of all Muslims. Cause I find his view ridiculous. If your trying to paint me as some ignorant racist you are well off the mark. I have a PHD in History and I'm interested in all religions.
    It was not me who had the naive narrow minded outlook here. It was the guy in the shop. That's why I discussed it. If you are thinking I am some kind of uneducated racist then you are very wrong