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Celtic Transfers 2024

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Callum McGregor, Oct 30, 2023.

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  1. Sgt Neppers*

    Jan 14, 2008
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    Rodgers is gonna have to use all his charm, charisma, personality to explain this transfer window if it stays like this. And that won't be enough this time.

    We're setting our self's up for an absolute roasting in the CL at those moment in time.
    Skelleto and NakamuraTastic like this.
  2. Foley1888

    May 15, 2008
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    I think they are playing a squad numbers game.

    You want a new centre back we have 6, some need to go before you get a new one.

    You want a left back, we only have one with 10 months on his contract but Bernabei will be back come December or sooner, he needs to be gone.

    Let’s see what happens with Matt before spending anything serious. A winger we have 6 of those you need to move some on before getting another one of those.

    I know it isn’t easy to move people on when they have long contracts but we could have done an awful lot more by now than we have.

    Before making any additions our bench at the weekend was Sinasalo, Ralston, Welsh, Holm, Iwata, Bernardo, Yang, Palma, Johnston.

    With Maeda likely to be back next week and say Forrest on the bench that bumps either Johnston or Yang of the bench.

    You then have

    One of Yang or M Johnston

    Not even getting in a match day squad and having 3 weeks to get them either out playing on loan or sold for some of them.
  3. Bob Loblaw Gold Member Gold Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    This is becoming worse than last year, and that takes some doing.

    It’s incredibly hard to maintain positivity when we’re constantly trying to hit the self destruct button in the boardroom.
  4. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
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    Tbh we can't afford to not add quality purely as we have players sitting there.

    Put them in the B team to rot and just take the hit on the wages. Not investing because our squad is currently too big will cost us more in the long run.

    We are a club ran by business men and financial brains. There's not a hint of a footballing plan in there. I get it's a business as well but christ.

    It's really becoming infuriating as we, as fans, can do * all. And you sit and watch how * our biggest rivals are and we could easily blow them out the water. But time and time again we choose not to.
  5. HTG "I have an uncle who does Yoga"

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Yeah no longer in the "happy" to wait camp, getting a bit ridiculous now.

    Don't see us bringing a winger or CDM this summer, but need a ST, CB and a LB at the absolute minimum.
    ardis1967 likes this.
  6. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Spot on. They're quite evidently not working hard enough.

    Don't care about all the nonsense excuses the happy clappers like to peddle. There's absolutely no way we shouldn't have identified and signed upgrades on Taylor and Scales by now.

    I refuse to believe it's a difficult task.
  7. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
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    Larsson. Forever and always.
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    All we can do (most of us anyway) is call it as we see it.

    And as it stands its just been nowhere near good enough. If there's no movement by Friday I'll be interested to see what Rodgers soundbites are this weekend.
    NakamuraTastic and HTG like this.
  8. Sgt Neppers*

    Jan 14, 2008
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    I think we have the ultimate narcissistic, control freak in Lawell, who thinks he owns the club. His way has been successful so its the only way to do things.

    They Nicholson/Mckay/Lawell deal with all sides of the transfers. To the * penny.

    We don't have any figure head in the recruitment set up, so falls back to the cabal mentioned above. We're far too reliant on agents as well, as seen when Starfelt left.

    It's so parochial, narrowed minded, nepotistic, and * slow it's beyond belief. The cabal will see it as proficient in their own wee echo chamber.

    See for talented business people, they aren't half * stupid and naive on the football side of things.
  9. HTG "I have an uncle who does Yoga"

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Been patient all summer but to have zero solid links and purely murmers, is really worrying.

    I'm still on the camp of "we'll get players" but the problem now is I don't think we'll get enough.

    I think we'll 100% get a LB and a ST, but I'm starting to worry we'll leave CB now as there's been next to no links since O'Shea, and that deal has fallen through. Not to mention we have 6 CB'S at the club and we're apparently rejecting advances for Welsh.

    Don't see us getting a winger after the Balikshawa injury, and even then I'm not so sure how interested we were in it. It's another area where we have 6 players there and 2 of them are nowhere near good enough. I'm not "as" worried on this area as others, as I do think Maeda, Kuhn, Forrest and Palma is a decent selection of wingers, but It'd have been nice to have a more creative winger in there.

    CDM I just don't think we'll ever get, seems to be a cursed position we neglect since Wanyama left.

    A massive 3 weeks and a half weeks ahead, if we don't have at least 2 in by the 20th it's going to be abysmal from the club. I would, at the very least, like our new players to get a game or 2 before we face the huns. I also think we're at the stage where we cannot afford to sell O'Riley, as it's blatantly clear we won't replace him.

    We've got an elite level manager who I 100% believe can take us to the next level, and I don't see him walking out again even if he's struggling with the board, I think he'll 100% do the entire 3 years with us, but we have a real chance to bury those *, even if they get the CL this season, and we're yet again giving them another out to challenge us.
    NakamuraTastic and Mr Shelby like this.
  10. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
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    Larsson. Forever and always.
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    Absolute minimum has to be CB, LB and ST.

    If we go into the UCL with scales at CB and our excuse is because we still have 3 others that the manager doesn't rate on board, we are finished before we have even started. CDM or a powerful CM is still crucial too but beginning to think we won't see it.

    It's just bewildering to me at this point tbh. I'd love to know what goes on in that boardroom.
    NakamuraTastic likes this.
  11. HTG "I have an uncle who does Yoga"

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Let the people sing
    I 100% believe the rumour that we don't want to be too far ahead of the huns, can't really explain it any other way.

    Our best summer and January window in recent times has, by far, came after they won the title. Our second best Summer window was the summer they came back up to the top flight, can't be a coincidence.

    I think the issue this summer is clear, we have zero proper scouting in place and we're completely relying on Rodgers contacts, which is why it's taking so long.

    I agree that they need to be the absolute minimum, but the longer we go with all 6 CB's currently at the club, the more I worry we'll go into the new season with Scales starting, and I like Scales more than most, but it's blatantly clear he needs improved upon and Rodgers doesn't rate Lagerbielke, Nawrocki and Kobayashi, so not getting him a proper CB is infuriating.

    Not worried about anything domestically this year as even if the huns get CL, I think they are utterly atrocious and are a loss or two away from a complete meltdown, but we're going to get pumped in the CL with this current squad.

    I remember after Ange's first season, there was a lot of praise for the board (or more-so than usual) but I always maintained that the success was 100% down to Ange, and it's been proven, and we don't win the title this year if Rodgers doesn't bring in Idah, who was 100% his idea.

    We can't proceed forward as a club until Desmond and Lawwell go (and It's clear Nicholson is either just a puppet or simply *, so he can go too)
    NakamuraTastic likes this.
  12. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
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    Larsson. Forever and always.
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    I don't want to believe it. But as you say I can't think of many other reasons.

    Don't see what difference it makes if we blow them away every year. Surely gotta look after our own best interests.

    If things stay as they are and we don't strengthen I'd still be concerned about domestically tbh because one or two injuries, or MOR leaving and we suddenly look quite average again. Showed at the weekend how pivotal he is.

    There's still time of course. But we are cutting it really fine now unless we have some deals near completion that will spring out of nowhere (quiet at the back).
    HTG likes this.
  13. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
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    Larsson. Forever and always.
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    Said in the Oshea thread earlier today but I think Chris Mepham is the CB we will end up signing.
  14. JC Anton Get yer, hats, scarfs badges & tapes

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I'm just surprised anyone is surprised tbh..
  15. HTG "I have an uncle who does Yoga"

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Let the people sing
    It wouldn't shock me if we sign Beck, who I think was our third choice LB after our first choice (whoever that was) and Bueno fell through. A good player who I do think will overtake Taylor, but it's a lazy an option you can get. Would be delighted if there was anything in the Wijndal rumours but considering it's from Pendy, who has a 1 in 10 hit rate, I'm not getting my hopes up.

    Idah I think will eventually sign, as there's no reason for Norwich to keep an unhappy player who was very mediocre for them before, whether we sign him in the next week or nearer the end remains to be determined, but going so long with 1 fit ST is very risky.

    Only other CB's I think we've been linked to this summer outside O'Shea was Mepham and Daniliuc, the former has had zero recent updates and the latter is still at his club and there were recent murmers again, but the fact there's been zero other links or proper updates is worrying.
    The_Bhoy likes this.
  16. NakamuraTastic

    Jan 8, 2019
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    Saaaaf Laaaandaaan
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    Naka, Rogic & Alan Watts!
    Sky TV

    For *'s sake PL - Don't pull ahead too much, we need a competitive league, otherwise no one will buy or watch the * thing!

    PL: Roger that!
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2024
  17. Lewis Kerr

    Jul 9, 2018
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    If we don't address the middle of the park and buy a CDM we'll get tanked in Europe. Worryingly, most fans still don't seem to see this as a priority. It's just as essential as LB/LCB, maybe more.

    McGregor simply can't defend. Mitchell Frame played 16 minutes of the last game vs Feyenoord and won more tackles than McGregor did throughout the entire campaign (he played all 6 games). That's an astonishing statistic in the worst way possible.

    If we neglect this position, other signings won't make a blind bit of difference. You're just * against the wind. Would love to be wrong, but I've seen it too many times in Europe.
    ardis1967 and Mr Shelby like this.
  18. murphy88

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Aye, after the last two windows, there was nothing off limits for this one.
  19. themouth1888

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Just hoping we were never interested in that boy from Burnley because if we were and couldn't stump up that fee we are * worse than even I thought.

    Something has to happen but not sure what. Rodgers must be content either that he's a mug after what happened last time.
  20. Skelleto

    Sep 21, 2010
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    Boys of the old brigade
    Have gone from excited, to dissapointed to frustrated to wanting to inflict physical violence on the board.

    Sadly, i think we as fans are victims of a dispute between Rodgers and the Board just as last time. Rodgers aint getting what he want to bring in, so he's not bringing in what the board wants.

    A Idah transfer in the last days of the window is SO * obvious. They will parade him on Facebook like crazy.
    NakamuraTastic likes this.