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The Board

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by The Prof, Oct 26, 2020.

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  1. fms06

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Derry City
    This 'mathematically impossible' is just another way of saying 'Lost the League'......I cant see a contract given where it states 'we can only get rid of you when you lost the league and not before'........

    I cant fathom why they kept him, I cant fathom the amount of 'potential' we bought particularly in the striking department......

    The running of the club has been shambolic......and I DO NOT believe they have a plan going forward, rudderless....
    Wee Baldy and seanm like this.
  2. James Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 22, 2009
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    In fairness as Mckay is already in a job I imagine he would have to work some sort of notice period. I agree though I don't get why the current regime haven't/didn't sack him and even appoint and interim til the end of the season
  3. Seán Mac D Gold Member Gold Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    "The job of your Board is to look to the future and we should do so with a sense of togetherness in the coming months."

    Nothing says we want "a sense of togetherness" better than erecting a 6ft steel fence round the stadium.

    'Together when we need your cash, apart when we'd rather not listen to the commoners.'
  4. Luis1967 Gold Member Gold Member

    May 15, 2010
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    Apart from missing 4/5 starters for 2 games after Dubai the pandemic hasn’t affected as much. Well not as much us they want as to think. Missing Eddy, Bitton and Elhamed in October is the only other time we’ve had a problem with it and let’s he honest they were hardly missed.

    Knew they would only come out and talk about the review when we won a couple games in a row. Not doubt we they finish the review it will be after beating Aberdeen and County. Too obvious of them to say he’s here to dart today but after 6 wins they will think we will all fall for it.
  5. James Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 22, 2009
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    If his bonus is for winning 10 in a row then it is still possible that it can happen so he would be due the payout as soon as it is not possible I imagine a statement will be released saying he's off
  6. john2061

    Jan 21, 2010
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    This Mob on the board are the most unambitious lot I have ever come across and the way they treat the supporters is shocking .
    The new CEO and new manager should be in now or at least around April so give him time to look at the players as they is going to be a big turnover of players leaving and arriving .
    But they must also bring in a new head of recruitment as we might have to bring in 7 or 8 new players and Duffy and barkas and Ajeti haven't impressed .
    Sgt Neppers* likes this.
  7. fms06

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Derry City
    100% get that, that's why I cant get my head around this mathematically impossible. If hes having a torrid time off it (he was/is) then surely a little foresight into the contract.....

    James if that rumour is true then 5 or 6 weeks from now when it becomes mathematically impossible on Saturday 5pm, we as fans will expect him to be shown the door by Sunday or Monday at the latest, I dont see his little ego walking away without a pay off, if even it was only a few months left......

    I believe the plc have no plan other than 'let's wait and see who becomes available in the coming months' with their fingers crossed and candles lit........that's how this club off this size is currently being run.......pathetic really....
    seanm likes this.
  8. CountyDownFaithful

    Jul 11, 2018
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    That statement is what we’ve come to expect from the PLC.

    Hollow words. Meaningless sentences and paragraphs that answer none of the questions that we, the lifeblood of the club, are looking for.

    They’ve managed to cause more frustration and upheaval. More questions than answers once again.

    They are banking on the ‘faithful’ supporters that will renew regardless of this seasons failures and the managerial position. I’m all for supporting the club through the bad times and the good but I will not be allowing rats like Bankier to take me for a mug. Renewing your season ticket without any fight is a vote for the PLC. We need to withhold our cash for as long as possible until meaningful change happens. Replacing Lawwell is just scratching the surface.
    Sgt Neppers* likes this.
  9. seanm

    Mar 4, 2013
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    Tory *.HH
    john2061 and Sgt Neppers* like this.
  10. Sgt Neppers*

    Jan 14, 2008
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    Says a lot, tells us nothing. No questions answered, no clarity of a vision. Deflection married with lack of ambition. CFC, the toy of uninterested elitist gammon *.

    Togetherness???!!!!! There's * all in the way they act or speak that has "Togetherness" in their plans.

    Laziness, cronyism and self interest. No care for the club, the fans only their pockets. Scummy *.
    john2061 likes this.
  11. JamesM09

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Another awful statement.

    You’d have to be blind not to see what they’re doing here. It’s been carefully crafted to make it seem like there’s more going on than you’re average fan can understand. Drop in a wee mention of European competition and upcoming changes to format just to scare everyone.

    We’re not stupid. We’ve seen behind the curtain this season. You stupid * don’t have a clue what you’re doing. It’s all waffle to confuse the support. You don’t have some big plan for Celtic. You hired Neil Lennon on a whim because you couldn’t be * doing your job and wanted a basic yes man.

    Not only that, when the * manager you hired started * up in an enormous way you had no * back up plan and you’ve had to stick with him.

    Now you’re trying to make out there’s some sort of calm or rationality at play when it’s actually just gross incompetence.

    Are we really to believe the idiots that thought a 5 day holiday in Dubai during the middle of an unprecedented global pandemic would fix this disaster are actually really rational and clever guys planning 5 years ahead? * off.

    This was an open and shut case. Sack that toxic * in October and bring in ANYONE else for the remainder of the season and there’s a good chance none of this happens. It’s literally their job and they’re taking the moral high ground by saying they were ‘calm and rational’.

    Thank * UEFA have made a tier 3 competition because that will be our level in 5 years under these *. By the way, they’ll be planning for that.

    I bet they’re working out right now how much they can downsize and still make a profit by being regulars in that tournament, with an occasional Europa League qualification to boost the coffers.

    Honestly if you’re buying a season ticket and supporting these stupid * you’re part of the problem.
    Bonobhoy, Bernie Bhoy, ede and 4 others like this.
  12. Wee Baldy

    Oct 28, 2020
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    Glasgow East
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Henrik Larsson
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Walk On
    I honestly believe that's the very crux of the matter - all that "old firm" * suits them and they know that the huns would have went probably went out of business if we had done the 10
  13. Wee Baldy

    Oct 28, 2020
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    Glasgow East
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Henrik Larsson
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Walk On
    That's it in a nutshell Sean
  14. James Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 22, 2009
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    I don't see him walking away either tbf but then at the same time why would he ? He is due a payoff and if they wait it out til the league is over they wont need to pay the bonus and on top of that he will never get a job like this again so I can't say im surprised he hasn't/wont walk. The guy is a fraud I've said it since about October/November literally the only reason he is here is for the payoff there is no way he is deluded enough to believe he can turn it around
    fms06 likes this.
  15. Icicle

    May 30, 2013
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    The review is still ongoing, I wonder if their waiting until July for the new CEO to make the final decisions.
  16. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Celtic Fans - One million different questions.

    Board answer - Covid
    Bonobhoy, Sgt Neppers*, Cena and 2 others like this.
  17. The Phoenix Black Lives Matter

    Nov 30, 2020
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    Fav Celtic Song:
    Lawwell get to fuck
    The Tory * says the club doesn’t want to rush into rash decisions we all might regret...

    What like appointing a failed ex-Hibs and Bolton boss with a record of unprofessional conduct in the showers after a typically uninspiring cup final performance?

    I wonder how that one went :rolleyes:
    oh bhoy, Sgt Neppers* and Bernie Bhoy like this.
  18. Bobo_

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Gardening leave would’ve been an option if they really wanted him gone no?

    He’s still here because the board still want him here. It’s not finance related IMO
  19. ede

    Jul 18, 2007
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Kieran Tierney
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Bankier should also walk for that meaningless and pointless statement. They have reacted so badly to everything over the past year. There has been NO reaction to our team performances, they reacted poorly to Dubai, no reaction when the manager embarrassed the club publicly over and over again, reacted poorly towards fans by making us outcasts following that riot, NO attempt was made to improve the team in January and has failed again making this statement thats says absolutely * all we did not already know.

    What a waste of time. Everything regarding supporting Celtic this season has been a complete waste of time. Going backwards and regressing by the day. Nothing to look forward to except the possible nightmare that Lennon is still in charge next season.
  20. TonyTim

    Jul 22, 2010
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    That statement pretty much says Lennon will be staying. They will not bring a new manager in because there will be no money given to rebuild the team. We will sell Eddy, Ajer, Rogic, Christie and bring in average SPFL players. Management review on going . There is no mention of any failings of Lennon and his coaching team, blaming the pandemic and no fans, longer transfer window, players wanting away blah blah blah, that pretty much tells me they have made their mind up Lennon is staying.