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Potential Manager Suggestions?

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by CountyDownFaithful, Nov 5, 2020.

Discuss Potential Manager Suggestions? in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. R u n e

    Nov 8, 2020
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    We have won 9 leagues on the bounce, why would we wanna change the entire dynamic of the football club?

    Its working well the way it is, we are just going through a little rough patch
    Whoflungdung likes this.
  2. Peter T. Lawwell Esq Chairman of Celtic FC PLC Gold Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Charlie Mulgrew
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    The SAM Song
    Dunno about that. His scotland teams playing much more positively than a lot of the * that Lenny's served up this season.

    I think it's wrong to judge Clarke by his kilmarnock team as he obviously adjusts his tactics based on the players he has available. He has that meticulous eye for detail and match planning that modern managers thrive on.

    We should have went for him after Rodgers.
  3. Peter T. Lawwell Esq Chairman of Celtic FC PLC Gold Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Charlie Mulgrew
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    The SAM Song
    The team has been coasting domestically and winning based on the talent in our squad, but there's a ridiculous lack of fitness coaching and tactics in our setup that is going to cost us.

    As can be seen in our litany of failures in Europe, and several embarrassing performances vs Sevco.
  4. belfastcelt Gold Member Gold Member

    Jan 15, 2009
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    Ironically if clarke went from west brom, doing a decent job to scotland and achieving what he has, our support would be all over it.

    The fact he was at killie and done an exellent job, actually turns most fans off. The snobbery within our support because of that is amazing.

    We are going to finish the season with Lenny and we win the league, but i agree with some posters above, then will be time to adjust our football set up
    Leone Naka Fan likes this.
  5. DennyCelt Free Palestine

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Denny, Scotland
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    Let the People Sing
    Totally - McGregor was sensational under Clarke for the Serbia game, while he’s been hopeless in a Celtic shirt near enough all season. Anyone stopping to wonder why that is? :fear:
    martin_d likes this.
  6. Foley1888

    May 15, 2008
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    There is no doubt Clarke is a good man manager and more tactically astute than Lennon.

    At Killie he transformed a relegation fodder team into one that was competing for Euro places at the top of the table. All be it with reserved tactics but he knows how to play to the strengths of his team and gets them to play as a team. The same has happened at Scotland as can be seen by gradually improving performances, if it wasn’t for that diddy McBurnie it would have been another win yesterday.

    Whether he would have been a success here we will never know as it won’t happen now. However it looks like we could be doing with some of that togetherness and team spirit amongst our own team just now and playing to our strengths rather than shoehorning people in.
    DennyCelt likes this.
  7. john2061

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Last person I would want in charge is Clarke boring to * football and yes he better than Lennon tactically but also has the odd brain fart as we saw on Thursday night with his subs .
    The board have shat the bed here this was the best time to change the manager but Lennon got the job now till the end of the season unless we have a very bad run of defeats .
    StevieBhoooy! likes this.
  8. celtic warrior

    Aug 29, 2007
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    The board will never sack a manager off the back of europe results.

    The only time they will sack any one os when domestically, all is lost and we take 1 defeat too many and ended getting skinned off of some * like Raith.
  9. Jeremie Frimpong

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Clarke is a non-starter.
  10. Dublin Celt

    Jul 19, 2019
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    Barry Coffey
    When we won at motherwell they were never gonna sack Lennon over the international break, I agree. The only way Lennon will be shown the door this season is if the league is as good as done.

    Sent from my GM1903 using Tapatalk
  11. Breathnach67

    Sep 1, 2019
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    The White and The Green
    Bruno Lage or Eddie Howe for the fresh young manager approach next season. I'm resigned to Lenny being here for the long haul.
  12. StevieBhoooy!

    Jun 18, 2012
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    We took Tommy Burns post Kilmarnock ! But I suppose he was ‘one of us’...

    It wouldn’t have been an issue for me with Clarke.. The fact that he plays beige football and is dull as ditchwater would...

    Unfortunately.. I agree on Lenny . We are stuck with him until end of season unless it’s Lost well before then. I hope that win or lose it will be his chance to go or the boards chance to tell him he’s going. The club needs a personnel revamp from top to bottom.
  13. Brian Dunphy

    Sep 27, 2020
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    The Merry Plougboy
    I would top myself if Steve Clarke was Celtic manager just for listening to his interviews
  14. SwissCelt

    Mar 10, 2007
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    Aiden McGeady, Artur Boruc
    Don't think this Rune guy understands how modern football works. Probably still thinks screaming at players will motivate them
    and make them run for 90min, not something ridiculous like actual professional fitness coaching.
    JamesM09 likes this.
  15. Seán Mac D Gold Member Gold Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    I'd take Victor Meldrew if he could set us up to stop losing cheap goals and start winning consistently.
    Random Review likes this.
  16. JML67 Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I don't believe it.
  17. Foley1888

    May 15, 2008
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    Where we would see improvement in the team on the park in the short term I fear any good progressive coach will want out if we continue to operate in the Framework we have at the moment. It creates a ceiling for us.

    Rodgers was a good example he came in got run of the place for a season and a half maybe two then Peter got involved. Don’t get me wrong Rodgers was snakely working his ticket, which I wouldn’t have had an issue with if he didn’t pull all the fan all my life BS! Also recruitment was the area where we had a major downfall, Rodgers trusted in Congerton and between them recruitment fell to bits.

    If we get a manager in who wants to modernise things and take advantage of data analysis, opponent analysis, tactical understanding and sports science which we really need to as a bare minimum these days that will make us a lot better than we are just now.

    However we will hit that ceiling again when the club, actually i mean the PLC element steps in. Having a look at our shareholding was enlightening, the vast majority of people with money in us are there not for any love of the club or sport but because they see it as an investment of what could happen should we get out of Scottish football or at least take control of our own media. They have little interest in the product on the park or the main support for the team other than staying slightly ahead of the competition and maximising value extraction.

    It is fascinating when you read about German football and the fact they do their upmost to stick with the 50+1 and club spirit minus a couple of controversial exceptions.

    It’s also similar in the coaching where spending your way out of a problem is not often seen as the only solution and therefore encouraging coaches to be more creative and better at developing talent which is sorely missing across much of all UK football. There is still the need to win but being creative, intelligent, charismatic and working closely with your squad is paramount in the German Game these days.

    Lastly the use of analytics and the Moneyball method where it is not for everyone, principles behind it make a lot of sense. For example Brentford and Midtjylland identified weaknesses in set plays and how inefficient they were at capitalising on them. The response was to bring in specialist coaching focusing on delivery and approaches which improved the return for the teams. Given how poor we have been from corners and wide freekicks, even throw ins for sometime this would make sense as an approach for us.

    Further when looking for players they analyse teams more broadly to unearth what is making that team perform well in their leagues, often looking for high performing lower league or less fancied legs to scout. Then do the same with the teams squad and develop targets that way. The two teams mentioned don’t have large budgets (Brentford a bit more now due to player sales) so can’t afford to compete with big league teams either but seem to unearth a number of talented players via this method. It is something we should at least explore a bit further not saying fully adopt but the scouting teams like Bodo Glimt, Greuther Furth, Vitesse, VFL Osnabruck, NAC Breda, SC Cambuur, Vojvodina, Lugano and others who are doing well in the leagues they are playing in.

    Given the size of the rebuilding job we have one our hands we will need to find some bargains beyond EPL flops and Championship players in England, particularly if we want to keep the current model of buy develop and sell for a profit going, because at the moment we are getting a lot more duds and loans in than guys who will help keep that model going.
    truedub1916 and Tgriff67 like this.
  18. CountyDownFaithful

    Jul 11, 2018
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    Should be a case of when now rather than if.
  19. Ipswichbhoy67

    Jul 24, 2017
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    You'll never walk alone
    A total * with a decent record tbf, built the Leicester team that ranieri took over. Could do worse.
  20. limezer

    Jun 10, 2008
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    Now more than ever we can see how important this role is, I hope we go out and make an offer that a quality manager can’t refuse. Instead of waiting to see who wants the job and making a budget choice.