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Celtic Supporters Thread (contains GB chat)

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Paul67, Dec 17, 2010.

Discuss Celtic Supporters Thread (contains GB chat) in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Seán Mac D Gold Member Gold Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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  2. StevieBhoooy!

    Jun 18, 2012
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    The Qatar (and Russia previously) world cup situation is one I’ve talked a lot about in other threads... all points you make are correct..

    Fifa and uefa have had their corruption proven but other than a few golden handshakes nothing much has happened so the competition auctions continue with ever higher stakes to the ever higher bidders...

    There is a situation a bit like domestic football where the member clubs ARE the Association... (I won’t get started on the SFA here) .. the member countries make up uefa and fifa .. without the nations they don’t exist..

    Every country knows there were issues with Russia hosting (Bungs, bribes, drugs, espionage, more drugs, chemical weapons and more bungs). EVERY nation knows there are issues with Qatar !! Every one of their neighbouring Middle Eastern countries (Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).) have cut off all land borders and direct air routes...

    The problem re. The world cup is that there are NO morals in football. If there were.. then no country would be bothering to try to qualify for 2022. They would all have taken a stand at 1500 (and counting) dead workers and felt ashamed at ever considering it never mind competing to be there.

    But no.... the money at stake outweighs heavily any minor voice of ethics that might lurk somewhere in the various national FAs.

    If even a significant % of prominent countries had taken a stand then I suspect more would have followed and there would have been no Qatar 2022. Might possibly have brought about at the very least a complete overhaul of fifa if not an entirely new world football body.

    I find it more sickening by the day that this is going ahead.

    Getting back to the GB and banners...

    I feel very uneasy when politics are brought into Celtic Park... Football politics yes.. but not just pure political issues (world or UK). Football fans don’t come in one size/shape/*/ or political species... they will never all conform to the views thrown out by one fan group.

    The great banners of recent times were about football or football politics. ‘4 horsemen ‘ ‘asleep at the wheel’. Etc were well received because they were relevant to the majority of fans and were about Celtic and football. Even the BoyAta one (which was harsh and personal) was justified and well received.

    It’s no coincidence that when the banners have been overtly political .. they have been equally controversial and poorly received.

    For me .. the Rod Stewart banner was very poor judgement... Nobody should be stating who is welcome or not welcome at Celtic Park.

    There are surely better things to spend funds and ‘banner time’ on than verbally attacking other supporters whatever their affluence or political leaning. He’s not a board member after all.
    Whoflungdung and Pogues like this.
  3. Seán Mac D Gold Member Gold Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    @StevieBhoooy! you've just acknowledged that there is politics with UEFA and FIFA but then say it is wrong that it should be brought into Celtic Park.

    This "No politics in sport" stance is mind-boggling illogical. It has been in sport all throughout it's history!

    I put up a few examples a few pages back of the suffragette Emily Davidson who ran onto the track of the Epsom Derby horse race and was killed by the King's horse while campaigning for woman to get the right to vote.

    Jesse Owens refusing to 'Heil' Hitler at the Berlin Olympics.

    Tommie Smith and John Carlos raising their clenched fists on the Olympics podium while the national anthem was on, campaigning for civil rights for blacks within America.

    More recent examples are the tributes to Nelson Mandela after he passed away, 'Show Racism the red card' or the very recent 'Rainbow Laces' campaign.

    Politics are a big part of life. Sport is a big part of life. The 2 have and will always intertwine.

    If politics isn't your thing, that's fine. No-one is forcing you to bring or endorse a political banner, chant or message at the game. But accept that some people are passionate about perceived wrongs in society and want to use any platform possible to bring about a positive change, like those examples I've listed above.
    Doogs., Sean Daleer and StPauli1916 like this.
  4. Callum McGregor The Captain Gold Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    You can’t keep politics out of football any more than you can keep politics out of the workplace. It’s inevitable.
  5. packybhoy Administrator Administrator

    Oct 15, 2011
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    Well there’s the fans against criminalisation. Irish National Republican rallies. Scottish Independance rallies. LGBT marches. Socialist and trade union. Orange walk protests. Support for refugee rallies. That is all of the top of my head but I’m know there’s a few posters who could state the rest. All that aside from their food bank drive organised through the club by themselves. Collection of money and sponsorship for tifos and displays. And the annual football tournament they have taken on the road outside of Glasgow every year where they ensure it’s attended by refugees from all walks, homeless and Celtic support who give a big input and a free barbecue for everyone. Why do you ask? You could have probably googled most of that.:50:
    Sean Daleer and StPauli1916 like this.
  6. Pogues

    Aug 29, 2015
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    Totally agree with this. Bringing World or UK politics on a scale that is now occurring is only going to cause divisions in the support, which is completely unnecessary. Celtic fans telling another Celtic fan to * off and take his kids somewhere else kind of sums it up.
  7. Seán Mac D Gold Member Gold Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    For the record, I think as some have said that the Rod banner could've been more eloquent but I don't accept that most of their banners are controversial or poorly received.

    The GB banner which pointed out the hypocrisy of the SNP criminalising Celtic fans for singing about Bobby Sands attempting to free Ireland from English rule, while lauding William Wallace as a hero for doing exactly the same thing, was absolutely brilliant in my opinion.
  8. Pogues

    Aug 29, 2015
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    Yep, mostly good causes that are worthy of support. Out of 52000 season ticket holders, how many do you think get involved. You'll see where I'm going with this.
  9. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Hope your parents never took you in the 80s/90s then.
    Johniebhoy. and johnboy19 like this.
  10. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Should we stop abusing the huns then?

    Have a word with yourself ffs.
  11. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Nobody told him to take his kids elsewhere.

    You are at it
  12. packybhoy Administrator Administrator

    Oct 15, 2011
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    As said it’s a grey area. Rod Stewart banner was wrong. Tories banner 100% correct. There have been ones like Rodgers as the sniper sign against Linfield wrong. Bobby Sands and William Wallace was a very valid point that was stretched by the media and other parties to suit there own political motive. There will be lots of incidents that become unsavoury at best but have a big fan base have more dickheads. And that goes for concerts or anti government rallies. As said if there is such a need for correspondence with the Green Brigade then somebody needs to start working on a group who can raise such questions. Ten or twenty people here or there scattered about won’t work but get together and you will arrive at more answers.
    Away in Milan I stopped a guy from * against the Duomo cathedral as there were cops watching and explained to leave that to the huns. And he listened and came away with a bit of mouthing. Fast forward an hour or so later this guy comes back pumped up to * looking to put a bottle over my head. I assumed he was well lit with drink and drugs. But hey ho could have happened at a rave and this I believe is the first time I’ve mentioned it. I didn’t come home outraged and calling all our travelling fans *. Point being is depends on how much you want to highlight a situation.
    We were political when founded. We were political in the troubles of 1920s and a new brand of Loyalism swept the shipyard transferred from Belfast. We could go on for the whole evening picking holes but IMO the Green Brigade have done more good than bad. One of our most highlighted political displays was the Palestine one. I’ll leave you with that because the world now knows what happened.
  13. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    People cite money, UEFA, VAR, the big 5 as being detrimental to the game of football.

    The day we try to eradicate the division and tribalism is the day football truly dies.

    Scared to take your weans to the football incase of sweary words. Wow.

    I don't think football is for you.
    johnboy19 and packybhoy like this.
  14. Seán Mac D Gold Member Gold Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Take them to a political rally instead.
    Sean Daleer, johnboy19 and packybhoy like this.
  15. packybhoy Administrator Administrator

    Oct 15, 2011
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    In your heart
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    There is not 52,000 of the Green Brigade even with non members. Let’s see where your going. As your looking at political persuasion. How many of the ex British army members would agree with the soldiers involved in * Sunday being brought to trial for the murder of innocents. Now turn it to how many members of Families for Justics against the Hyde Park bombings and murders of soldiers would like to see the Paras answer for * Sunday. Now you can say nothing to do with your point but you will find that is the actual point of why they are political. Even the cover ups with Tories and Cops with the deaths of 96 Liverpool fans. Why did we all wave red cards at Thatcher at the 88 cup final? Dundee United fans and all. Maybe we shouldn’t have been offending a serving Prime Minister considering she travelled a long way to discuss the introduction of Poll Tax to Scotland only as a trial.
    Why do we have Tories on our board which goes against the wishes of majority of Celtic fans?
    Why did we have the head of M.O.D. Who told lies about weapons of mass destruction to bomb Middle East countries. A definite war crime you’ll find.
    Lord PARKHEAD pushing for the introduction of stopping money for single parents.
    Celtic charitable foundation giving the poppy appeal thousands of pounds a year.
    Celtic board for facilitating Police Scotland and security groups to harass and film fans and turn up at their homes or jobs. All human rights offences.
    So if you want to merry dance and skirt around certain issues you don’t agree with. Let’s go all or nothing and put every fans personal gripe on the table.
  16. Jeremie Frimpong

    Nov 29, 2017
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    Tens of thousands.

  17. Tim-Time 1888 Always look on the bright side of Life Gold Member

    May 19, 2012
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    From the brilliance of that display to the sheer stupidity of sparklers, that's the problem.
    Seán Mac D likes this.
  18. Seán Mac D Gold Member Gold Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    I agree. The pyro in Europe is indefensible at this point.
  19. Doogs. Lustig your the one, you still turn me on.

    Mar 25, 2010
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    I did mate. And I stand by it. If you can’t accept that we, as a fan base, have always been politically motivated since our inception then maybe you should consider joining a support where you won’t hear bad words and get upset.
    Sean Daleer and Whoflungdung like this.
  20. Marty McFly Whoa, this is heavy Gold Member

    May 11, 2014
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    He's on aboot Rod's kids
    Sean Daleer and Doogs. like this.