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NFL outside US

Discussion in 'Other Sports' started by greenman, Aug 5, 2011.

Discuss NFL outside US in the Other Sports area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. greenman

    Jun 28, 2011
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    This is for the people who where never been to the USA for no more than a vacation. I keep on seeing alot of NFL logos and stuff on this website and i wanted to know how many people like the NFL outside of America and ex American pats

    I grew up watching the NFL NBA and hearing about Celtic from the family back home.

    When I started watching football(soccer) It became just another sport just as important as the others but no more. It quickly became my favorite and now I barly care about the NFL and if i watch American football its colleage im just trying to see how big the evil NFL empire is getting and if it is gaining any traction overseas

    I could rant to you about why i call the NFL evil but thats for another day :56:
  2. Cathairbhoy

    Feb 7, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Joe Ledley
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Celtic Symphony
    I really love the sport now. At first I played Madden 08 and thought it was quite cool, the glitz of it all. Soon, I learned the rules and found the whole aspect of play-calling etc. pretty cool. Three years later, and I know the Eagles are my team. I watch every game (5.30am on a school night 3 times last season) and know everything about the sport. My dream is to hopefully one day be able to see Deebo play in the flesh.
    Celtic are by far my life, but Philadelphia mean a * of a lot to me :50:
  3. mls1

    May 22, 2008
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Nakamura and Moravcic
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Fields of Athenry
    I dont think most people bother with it here mainly because its not the "thing" here and games come hard to watch aswell as there is a lack of coverage and people couldnt go to watch their favourite NFL team here.
  4. Cathairbhoy

    Feb 7, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Joe Ledley
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Celtic Symphony
    Have to disagree pal. While at first it is hard to get into,once you choose a team you will see the coverage is wider than it appears. The Eagles played 17 games last year, and around 10 of those were on TV. The rest were easily found on streams. Tbf thats probably a higher televised percentage than Celtic! lol
  5. Overkill187 Batshitcrazy

    Jun 30, 2005
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    I find the show around the games pretty entertaining. The pregame analysis and the whole build up on a sunday morning is interesting to watch.

    the games however are ok to watch. Mostly just the last 5-10 mins are really exciting.
  6. Markybhoy

    Nov 9, 2008
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    I love the NFL and would rather watch it than watch football. Unless Celtic are playing.

    1. Watch Celtic
    2. Watch my NFL team
    3. Watch any NFL game
    4. Watch a football match that doesn't involve Celtic

    Things I love about the NFL:

    • The spectacle of the matches. Every NFL match is an occasion

    • I like that it takes 2-3 hours to play a match
    • The parity of the NFL. Money does not guarantee teams success. The salary cap and the draft system keep the sport relatively equal for all the teams. Unlike the EPL where you can just blow other teams out the water by outspending them or poaching all their best players.
    • You don't see NFL players diving, cheating and acting like fannies the way footballers do
    • The media coverage of the NFL is excellent and quite evenly spread across all the teams. With football you get * tabloid journalism that is always about the same handful of teams
    • I can enjoy sitting down and watching an NFL match even if I have no affiliation to either of the teams playing. I don't really feel that about football anymore
    • The draft - The draft is an occasion in itself. It's great to watch the young college kids getting their big break and it's exciting waiting to see who your team is going to select
    • There is no segregation of the fans. It's great that fans of different teams can tailgate together and sit beside each other at matches without it ending in violence.
    • I like the stop-start nature of the game. It makes each play an event. If it's 4th down and the team takes a time-out, the anticipation of the next play is awesome.
    • The TV coverage. The commentators and analysts for NFL matches are generally of a very high standard. Guys like John Gruden and John Madden really break the game down and are good at explaining the finer points. They help me to understand the game better. Compare that to guys like Mark Lawrenson and Alan Shearer on MOTD and there really is no comparison!

    Still, having said all that, there is nothing quite like being at a Celtic match. That's still the best for me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2011
  7. Cathairbhoy

    Feb 7, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Joe Ledley
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Celtic Symphony

    Agree with almost all of that post. For me, the main advantage that football has over the NFL is fans passion.
  8. Aldobaldo

    Aug 3, 2010
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    Deep in the West of Scotland
    I do watch NFL on a sunday and monday night when it was or ch5 and ch4 (not sure if its on this year). I would watch football matches before NFL most of the time, for example la liga is shown at the same time as the NFL on sunday.

    Have to agree with a few points in regards to the analysis part of the sport, those who are involved in the commentary break it down well and keep to the subject unlike many football commentators who often couldn`t see whats in front of them,
  9. Bunk Moreland

    Aug 26, 2011
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    I've been a Green Bay Packers fan since the mid 80's and I don't miss a Packers game now either on TV or a sports streaming site. I watch as much NFL as possible and used to go to some Scottish Claymores games when the old NFL Europa was still going. I think it's a great sport which is seriously underrated here.
  10. celtic croatia

    Oct 25, 2010
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    Zagreb, Croatia
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Neil Lennon
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Let The People Sing
    i started to follow NFL two years ago... don't know why.. but i watched games and step by step i learned the rules...

    i'm Texans fan, but i like pats as well
  11. C2911

    Aug 31, 2008
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    Been a Steelers fan since '05. Planning to watch every game this season, if I can.