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Lennon Calls For An End To Offensive Chanting

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by VerdeBlanco, May 17, 2011.

Discuss Lennon Calls For An End To Offensive Chanting in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Padraig1916

    Jul 18, 2010
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    ....is all we ask. :celt_2:
  2. gunt

    Sep 25, 2006
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    funny that!!! They are songs about fighting Britain. Of course Britain is the place where they are not going to be popular with a lot of people. People do not want to hear songs written from the perspective of the side who were fighting their country. Like it or not the vast majority in the UK still see Britain as their country.
  3. cat123

    Jan 18, 2007
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Tom Rogic
    Fav Celtic Song:
    The Fields Of Athenry
    That's stretching the truth a bit. If you asked the vast majority of the people of Scotland what nationality they considered themselves they would answer Scottish and not British.

    Alot of British people know their country has committed crimes against humanity, why did so many march against the Iraq war?

    Let the people sing.

  4. gunt

    Sep 25, 2006
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    nah I got into them in the way most should get into a team. I just got into kicking a ball around as a wee lad and I started to watch Sportscene or Scotsport, liked the look of the strip and some of the players and that was it. Nothing to do with roots, religion or who my family supported (they were not OF supporters). Basically innocent stuff. Football should be about lads who love playing the game and people who love the sport watching it. I think politics takes away that innocence and tarnishes it. I also do love the support although the Celtic supporters I knew when I was young were from nowhere near Glasgow and didnt ever dabble in the political stuff.
  5. seamus1967 Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Fav Celtic Song:
    This land is your land.
    I think the same would go for the Welsh.

    And Mercians, And Cornish.

    imo, pro-British people look through pro-British tinted glasses
  6. gunt

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Most people have a dual identity. Scottish and British. Its only really become common to put the Scottish part of the identity miles ahead of the British part in maybe the last 10-20 years. I think if you took the population as a whole then even in Scotland a majority would still say they partly identify with Britain. I would say that would rise to a very big majority in the over-40s age group. Basically (leaving aside people with an Irish republican background) the older the person the more likely that Britishness is important to them. I know my older relatives who lived through WWII and at a time when Britain still was a world power feel cadgy about separating from England because of all we went through together with the English in the 20th century including two world wars. I dont think that age group feel comfortable with suddenly wanting separation from the English. Anti-Englishness is far far stronger in the last 20 years than it was before.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2011
  7. gunt

    Sep 25, 2006
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    have some grace and honour FFS. I acknowledged a mental slip, apologised and edited my post (stating I had). Yet you still after I have done that keep bringing it up.
  8. seamus1967 Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Fav Celtic Song:
    This land is your land.
    Or perhaps Margeret Thatcher & the voting system that left a nation unrepresented in government for several years?

    Please don't refer to people like me as a ned. I didn't get my education from Braveheart. My feelings towards the English have been derived at through experience.
  9. cat123

    Jan 18, 2007
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Tom Rogic
    Fav Celtic Song:
    The Fields Of Athenry
    Your quite a judgemental guy gunt, I think the anti-english feeling has more to do with their arrogance and ignorance than Braveheart. How many times have they called the Scottish, Scotch?

    Excellent point seamus1967, Margaret Thatcher & the conservatives. Nothing left to be said on the matter.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2011
  10. gunt

    Sep 25, 2006
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    The last sentence was a joke (should have used a smiley). Its the rest of the post that is relevant.
  11. gunt

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Pity the one sentence everyone picked up on was the joke last one. As for growth of anti-Englishness, its complex. The vibe I get from pension age people now is that they almost feel guilty at the idea of splitting from the English because of what all the British went through together in the world wars etc. Remember too that Labour actively lampooned and discouraged any whiff of Scottish patriotism. They continued to be hostile to this right into very recent times but were espcialy bad in the pre-Blair era. I actually think this was especially bad in terms of the Scottish catholic population. Labour fed them with all sorts of crap about the SNP being 'tartan tories' and how an independent Scotland would be like the old Stormount unionist government in northern Ireland.

    Labour discouraged Scottish patriotism and I think Scots absorbed a lot of this self loathing. A lot of people still take the * out of anything or anyone interested in Scottish heritage. I think this has only died away in the last decade. In the 70s and 80s there was rivallry within a strongly unionist mindset. It may seem a contradiction to have major bitter rivalry between the UK nations but still be really very much for the union but that was the norm. You could call it unionist patriotism.

    The Daily Record pedals this sort of old Labour thing which encouraged petty rivallry with England but with an anti-independence stance. Labour voting, pro-union people who like their Scottishness as a tame and safe thing within a safely unionist framework pretty well describes most Scots throughout the 70s,80s 90s etc, even right up until the very recent SNP rise of the last few years. I think it is changing and identity is changing but it is recent and is mainly in pre-middle aged section of the population. Personally I would say my identity has always been 80% Scottish and 20% British but I do remember well that until very recently it was a fairly small minority of Scots who put their Scottish identity so far ahead of British and who backed independence. The last few years have undoubtedly been the most strong period of Scottish identity and nationalism since the 18th century.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2011
  12. seamus1967 Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Fav Celtic Song:
    This land is your land.
    Its hard work reading a block of text like that, makes my eyes sore.Maybe use paragraphs?

    I'm off night night :bbpd:
  13. JamesConnolly

    Apr 2, 2009
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    By going with that then, britian is a bigoted place and britian is the problem they dont want to hear the right from the wrong. And you know what! IT NEEDS TO BE HEARD!
  14. Bhoy Brian

    Dec 30, 2007
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    This is sad can anyone not see that what people are saying is the irish songs arent a problem with most people its purely the ira songs in the same way we have a problem with uda etc bs on the other side . There are some cracking songs sang at celtic park and it sends a shiver down m y spine when i see cp especially before a cl game BUT cant we leave the pro ira chants out of the ground because we are not like them but if they were to change the laws we maybe viewed like them so for the good of the club leave the ira in your personal space
  15. Gonnae Sit Doon

    Dec 16, 2010
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    How many Glasgow/Scottish people in the last 40 odd years spent any time in jail for their Irish Republican politics.

    Two maybe three people.

    Against what, 20,000 buckfast republicans who may or may join in a singalong depending on their mood at any given time.
  16. gunt

    Sep 25, 2006
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    Not really. Most people from the mainstream population of any country tend to side with their own country. That is human nature. THat is not bigotry, just the default strong identification with ones own country. Most people in the indigenous population of any country will tend to identify with it and while aware of shortcomings in the conduct of their country. People tend to be less self critical about their own country or the one they identify it with. You can also see this with Irish republican tims who I feel really are loathed to be self critical and take a very surface 'list of grievances' one-sided approach. Irish republicanism made huge numbers of terrible mistakes and did some pretty evil stuff. Why do you not chose to sings songs highlighting the bad things they did? Because people buy into a political creed and take a side and focus on criticising their opposite numbers and stay silent about stuff they know was wrong on their own side. If they acknowledge it its a lot more muted than the animated way they highlight the bad things about the opposite side. That is the problem with human nature. People take sides with those they can most closely relate too. British people do that but so do Irish republicans.

    Personally I have always thought that its wrong to see OF fans who are really into republicanism or loyaism as representative of the catholic and protestand populations of Scotland. I think on both sides the clubs are a magnet to people who want a vehicle to express their views in a highly public way. I dont think its in any way representative of the country. I think the degree of votes for the hard left and the far right in Scottish elections shows just how small and unrepresentative the loyalist and republican hardliners are in Scotland
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2011
  17. seamus1967 Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 14, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Fav Celtic Song:
    This land is your land.
    A written work—be it an essay or a story—is about an idea or concept. An essay explains it; a story narrates it. To help the reader understand and enjoy it, the explanation or narration is broken down into units of text, the paragraph. In an essay, each paragraph explains or demonstrates a key point or thought of the central idea, usually to inform or persuade.

  18. Mystic Penguin

    Sep 10, 2009
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    Republic of North Lanarkshire
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    Amhrán na bhFiann
  19. Gonnae Sit Doon

    Dec 16, 2010
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    Can't really say tbh, i voted for a party that wishes to end the union.

    They won a landslide victory.

    I'm sure some of them might even be republicans then again maybe not.
  20. gunt

    Sep 25, 2006
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    mate I make a living writing reports that may have to stand up to very detailed scrutiny at some point. On this site I just speed type my blurbs in about 5 minutes. I know they are ropey with typos and dodgy sentences, no paragraphs etc.