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Lennon's Current Approval Rating Among Fans

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Bhoyyo, Mar 18, 2011.

Discuss Lennon's Current Approval Rating Among Fans in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. oranBhoy

    Feb 8, 2011
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    County Donegal, Originally Glasgow
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    Of course im offended to be called a hun what right thinking tim wouldnt be but thats by the by, i know what i am,& yes off course i expect to be took to task, im all for debate albeit constructive,,i wouldnt say someone who disagrees wi me is hun put it that way
    He got his tactics spot on all season?? well not today when it really really mattered he didnt,,anyone could see that hooper was out of sorts he shoulda been replaced at least from the 70 mins mark he was useless you could see sammy was trying to link up play with him but hooper was just tottally out of kilter.
    then when we go 2-1 down in extra time still no real reactions,,why not put on stokes change to a 3 man attack at least throw everything at them we had nothing to lose,,ye i will throw the gordon strachan thing up cos its a valid point,,that wee guy won 3 leagues in a row but he was NEVER as worshipped as Neil Lennon already is, due to this Irish warrior pish we keep hearing spouted,ill give Neil till the end of THIS season if he doesnt now win the SPL against the worse rang*rs team in decades then hes not good enough to manage our club IMO
  2. JamesConnolly

    Apr 2, 2009
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    If he doesn't win the league hes away so am waiting.
  3. doyle

    Feb 21, 2006
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    I would like to revamp 'fritz a grand ol team' as its a bit old and cheesey, needs some fat beats
    He has won nothing, had a chance yesterday and blew it, i'm not convinced we will win the league so maybe a Scottish cup.. against a side who are currently being run by a bank that's not good enough so its a resounding no for me
  4. Gordybhoy1967

    Nov 28, 2009
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    Like i have always said, he has untill the end of the season to prove himself
  5. Boruc-1

    Mar 12, 2011
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    Really disagree with you in many points.
    1st all Sorry for the hun jibe.
    Now,you seem to think lennon got his tactics wrong in other games, examples?
    I do agree hooper was mince and looked terrible but he is the type to float through a game doing nothing then blast one in granted he didnt do it there was always a chance.
    I stand by lennon not playing stokes from the start. Did you complain when he played the same system and done them 3-0 no, or 1-0 no, so this proves the system does work its upto the players to show. Unfortunately they didnt show up. NOT LENNONS FAULT.
    And on strachan when he came to us i was gutted i thought he was a *, a wee smart * who went out his way to embarrass ppl, although quite funny lol. My personal opinion soon changed, but fans wont to see good football as well as tittles, just look at the huns they hate smiths tactics even though theyr winning tittle its boring. Plus have you not read a paper or watched the news, i no it wasnt well reported or anything but he has received death threats bomb hoaxs bullets so clearly he loves the club so much there fore he is loved back and always will be.
    The only ppl who would agree with you are huns so maybe you support the wrong club.
    1 Neil Lennon!:shamrock: hope tht was constructive for ye:50:
  6. oranBhoy

    Feb 8, 2011
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    County Donegal, Originally Glasgow
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    over and over
    Aye i support Celtic & no one is bigger than the club .though thats not the way it seems some times nowadys,,yeah i have saw the death threats etc directed towards him...a total disgrace off course & he has my upmost sympathy i like he guy he was a great player for the club,,he has passion & im sure commitment but does he have the expierence?? & do all these things matter anyway when we cant beat our hated rivals on cup final day when they where totally at there lowest ebb that they have ever been,,heres another thing,,why wont he play juarez,,whats went on there?? now stokes our top scorer is justifably (imo ) looking for answers on why he didnt get off the bench yesterday,, and its a bad day when you cant have a go at the team manager without being labelled a DOB but sadly thats the way it seems,not just with you ( thanks for apology & can understand ur own grief after today),i hope lenny does get to grip wi this team & soon cos ill tell you this they done no favours at all for him today,,that was a massive slip up today & we cant afford one more on the run in to this title oh & i thought wee strachans team played great stuff at times & we had 3 great seasons under him yet when did u hear any songs bout him or "in strachan we trust" its like a cult has grown round Lennon ffs yet hes won * all,but ill be cheering as loud as anyone when his team does,hh.
  7. Boruc-1

    Mar 12, 2011
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    They may be being run by a bank but they are still able to spend as much as us or more in transfer fees maybe not wages but its people like you who dnt rate the rangers team who are the most upset and pour out theyr negativty when they beat us, lets be honest they must have some thing .Of course they dnt look to great but the will to win is there a will be wile wattys there. Why should he not get the job just becuase he dnt win the league, we are competing and in the league have done as much as we could to damage theyr tittle chase, just a pity other teams seem to over acheive against us, and refuse to raise there game against those * maybe its the flux of ex hun players managing in the spl or maybe my paranoia is off the scale. lol
  8. Boruc-1

    Mar 12, 2011
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    lol Fair enough, Think ave been suckd in the lenny cult i go ultra defensive when ppl say any thing critical of him wich is prob fair critism. Entered a couple of heated arguments way they burd through it:56: I think it sympothy to think what he must go through daay to day and he is restricted to so many things no man should ever put up with, and glasgow aint the biggest, think you maybe altered my veiw on it, where as if it was another mobray i would be hammering him but as its lenny ill say its all down to my respect for his situation. Good on you for being able to see through it whilst still caring.:50: League flags comin home! hail hail! catchye another time ma bhoy:50:
  9. Hammy89 Gold Member Gold Member

    Apr 10, 2008
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    think we haven't had any continuity ever since the last season of WGS. that's too long with too many players leaving and too many players coming in. when judging whether i want Lennon as manager next year i won't be counting his trophies. obviously i would like to win the double but i think we need him to buck the trend of chopping and changing the squad that has happened too much recently. i would like him to build upon this season and judge what he has done next season.
  10. Twisty . Gold Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    * sign him up........look at this team compared to last season.next season we will be stronger,better and even if we don't win * all(which i doubt) then he still deserves it.are we gonny change manager every season unless we win the league?ffs time to accept defeat sometimes,even if it does * us all off
  11. SuperNick

    Mar 8, 2009
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    behind you
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    Hope that is not the case
  12. kubrick

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Quite simply...YES