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Official Match Thread: CELTIC v HEARTS - Co-operative Cup QF. ALL MATCH CHAT IN HERE!

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Daver, Oct 26, 2009.

Discuss Official Match Thread: CELTIC v HEARTS - Co-operative Cup QF. ALL MATCH CHAT IN HERE! in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. shop

    May 16, 2008
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    aye, easy as that.

    sometimes you've got no alternative but to laugh at posts like this.
  2. W33kev

    Nov 8, 2008
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    larsson moravcik lambert
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    ynwa, athenry, willie maley,let the people sing
    why would you sack tm he cost us 2 mill in comp
  3. wulliebad

    Dec 30, 2006
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    Land of the 45.
    As a football club have we sunk so low that if we lose a few games we stamp our feet and throw our toys out of the pram and shout sack the manager...?
    I thought we was better than that,things have changed at celtic the last few years and i must say its for the worst.
    We must give the guy time to build his own team on the pitch and then judge him on how we do.
    Yes we might win * all this year and get humped out of europe but i would accept that if it meant it payed off in years to come with a good celtic side.
    Yes we lost in the cup but the team ruled the match for most of it and was very unlucky not to score a few goals,i would be more worried if hearts didnt have a save to make all game.
    How much of that was hearts letting us boss them and hitting us on the break time will tell.
    We have a hard enought time as it is getting players and managers to come to the spl without becoming a short temper sack every * kind of club.
  4. smiddybar

    Sep 10, 2009
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    Togher, Cork City
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Bobby Murdoch
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Hail Hail
    But - that's just me... the guy who can't see the fall of quality under Mowbray. The guy who thinks we're play well, but hurting over lack of finishing. I have said it before and I say it again. A bit of luck in our recent matches, and we would have scored a few goals more and everything would have looked completely different even though the general performance would have been identical.[/QUOTE]

    I have to agree with the latter comment, and another thing I would say is that Samaras, when he did come gave much more sparkle to the forward line. This was principally due to the fact the TM had operating in and around the box as opposed to being drifting out to the wings as in other games.
    Unfortunately his finishing was atrocious and had he done a better job in that dept we would all be seeing things in a much more positive manner this morning.
  5. trackebhoy

    Oct 4, 2008
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    me too m8, just need a goal scorer the chances were there lastnight
  6. Hoopy07

    Jun 19, 2007
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    Arthur Boruc
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Fields of athenrye
    Dont know why people say it would cost loads to sack mogga, he is on a 1 year rolling contract.

    We paid more to get him than it would cost to sack him.

    Will give him time even tho he is not the man, just hope am proved wrong.
  7. timthebhoy1

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Section : 143 Row : GG Seat : 36
    Fav Celtic Player:
    Aiden McGeady
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Fields of Athenry
    We have to give him time. We lost last night. Big Deal. How many times over the last few years have we lost in the cup at that stage?? I can remember Hearts, now twice, and Falkirk over the last 4 years. It seems to happen and I am not going to cry about it. Most on here think that we have the * given right to win every match.

    Last night we actually played well, prob as well as I have seen them play recently but couldnt score. On any other night one of teh chances would have went for us. One of teh balls in teh box would have broke to one of our players. If we werent creating the chances then it would be a problem. Teams go through these stages at some pont in teh season. Its ours now.

    Stick behind the team and show them some support, I know it will be hard for some of you though!!!
  8. erie32c

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    our paddy
    Fav Celtic Song:
    only our rivers run free
    this is not a reply to any above posts,just me haveing my own wee post , i watch the match last night and enjoyed it ,we came so close to winning at least 4,1 but didnt , i beleive we did all we cud to win but was one off them nights that the ball didnt go into the onion bag ,paddy mc court had a sscreamer off the top bar ,smmmarras had two good effords, and i was happy with the team ,and i will continion to support celtic as a footballing team ,no matter what the result ,some people r a bit fed up with the results ,but for me its about supporting CELTIC no matter what ,and i believe for me its the way it should b ,its not life or death for me as i have to show good exchample for my two boys ,as for getting crazy over results will not teach my boys the true meaning of supporting a footballing team,and that is to stay true thu thick and thin ,,i also understand the feelings of fans posting here and the reasons why ,but after the fans have a day or two to settel down i am sure that tthey will rally around once again and get back to what we do best ,,and we all no what that is ,,,,,slan anios mo charras ,,,mon the hoops
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2009
  9. Pop67

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Danny McGrain
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Hail, Hail
    I think BTM is getting it right. We had more shots at goal last night than we did in the last two league games last season put together. We know we need a foward who can score. We've known that for a season and a half. If we had one last night we would have won 6 -1.

    I think we need to be patient. The "Divine Right to Win" brigade always come out after these games. All they know is "sack him, and him and him". Replace them with whom? "Dont know".

    Personally I think there is a power struggle going on in the dressing room. Mick and Heid are at the centre of it. The way BTM plays exposes them for the mediocre players they are in a way WGS style didnt. Micks act of lunacy last night was a symptom - they know they are losing the struggle.

    If we dont get behind BTM as he tries to change our style from ultra cautious WGS style play to something that both looks good and is effective, are we not just doing waht the Huns did with leGuen? We were all * ourselves when he was appointed, but he was chased out because the fans got on his back and helped wee Bawbag win the dressing room fight.

    BTM knows what the problems are, he needs time and money. And our support.
  10. buchanbhoy

    Dec 8, 2008
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    jimmy johnstone
    Fav Celtic Song:
    willie malley song
    I dont know what the answers are but I hope the board are * themselves , EPL 2 we would struggle in the confrence league things are that bad , Absolutely no cutting edge up front , I dont think 1 player for celtic did theirselves any justice last night just pathetic .
  11. DannybhoyCFC

    May 8, 2008
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    Brown, Roberts, Dembele, Sinclair
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Joe Mcdonnell, Grace
    Hey look on the brightside, least were not in debt......

    Feb 18, 2009
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    I felt a bit guilty because I didn't go to the game last night when I had time, not that it would have made a happeth of difference though!!
    We lacked a goalscorer last night plain and simple.
    Samaras is an enigma perpetrated in his own mind. The chances he had and ultimately missed, should be reflected in his wages.
    McDonald never had a sniff to be fair, but he ranted and raved at Paddy McCourt for not passing to him - didn't he realise that he was two yards offside at the time!!
    If the data stacks up, then we can actually say that the loss of Fortune has been the biggest miss from our team.
    When he played in the league for three games we scored 8 goals. Since then we have scored 8 in 7 games.
    If the loss of one player to a system can do that we have serious issues.
    We need a proven goal scorer which costs the earth OR we have to realise some gem from Eastern Europe or Asia to take the SPL by storm. Keep Fortune injury free and the league is over before Easter.
    There was rumours of Robbie Keane, but I can't see it unless he's paid by the wheelbarrow each week.
    I'm not downhearted, but frustrated that for all our possession and chances, we still managed to make Hearts, and especially Andy Driver, look world class.
  13. magicpole

    Jul 16, 2009
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    Watch the game again mate your talking * about McGeady. Mcdonald is a * he did * all. sammy at least put himself in there although his finishing was shocking he never shirked getting in there. Killen is a * dud, If McManus gets another game Lawell can stick my season book up his *...scratch that, I will ram it down his lying throat.

    We cannot buy a goal, we played a lot better last night, we should have scored five. Do not split ranks people, we need to stay as calm as we can, we will win this league. Hail Hail
  14. magicpole

    Jul 16, 2009
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    you used that example with me too. what you forget to mention was ?maloney was going to be out of contract, that is why he went for £1m. If your going to give examples tell the whole story mate, it makes your argument pish. i agree wioth your point on Calamity though, but Maloney was out of contract in the summer and it was better than * all situation.
  15. Callum McGregor The Captain Gold Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Lubomir Moravcik
    Fav Celtic Song:
    You'll Never Walk Alone
    Hearts looked anything but world class last night. We were the better team overall, and we missed far too many chances, but I think that Hearts rode their luck a little last night.
  16. magicpole

    Jul 16, 2009
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    The tragedy fpr me is that those hun * will win this cup and it will spur them on.
  17. cosmicsafari

    Sep 30, 2008
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    Fav Celtic Song:
    Fields Of Athenry
    The board are the root cause of the mediocrity on the pitch. Im all for having a good fiscal policy but theres got to be a line in the sand wherein the money is made available when the standard slips so low.

    The board have basically shot themselves in the foot, the cutting corners to reduce debt will be rendered pointless because they have let us fall so far that spending a f*ck tonne of money will be needed to make us decent again.

    The policy of buying 4 squad players rather than 1 good players has always confused me aswell, whats the crac there?

    The board need to realise that Celtic is a football club first and foremost and a buisness second.

    I heavily suspect that if DD spend the same percent of his annual income per season on Celtic as the average fan does then we would be in a perfectly fit state of affairs.

    Own up DD, your not even a football fan are you?:97:
  18. magicpole

    Jul 16, 2009
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    We are all reeling from a defeat that on the balance of play should not have happened, but it did. we are low in confidence and this is due wholly to the inability of the strikers to put away countless chances.

    We need a striker who can score goals, we needed one last January, the board decided we could get away with it and as a lot of us predicted we cant.

    We brought in Fortune. does anybody on here believe we needed to drag their team aboput a bit more last night, to bring other memebers of our team into play?

    Not me. we needed someone to put the * ball in the net and for me MAf will not do this. so, we are still in the same situation that our strikers could not score at a Nymphomaniac Convention if they were the only guys there.

    Mowbary is trying to make us play football, i think he will succeed but he has too many doo's in his team.

    We need to spend money and we need to get rid of McManus, he is so pish it makes my gums bleed watching him, after that tackle at that time shows he is never a player and never a Celtic captain.

    We are still the best team in the league by a long way, if we get a striker we will cantor this league, if, if if if if * if"!

    I heard there was a small demo against the board. If they do not grow a pair of balls, recognise that their policy of saving a few quid has reduced us to a * laughing stock then i an d every * i know will be outside there sometime soon.

    Calling for tony to be sacked , is not the answer, we need to close ranks and hope that for once in my life that bunch of shitebag corner shop spivs on the board take decisive action.

    I have to be honest and say i have no faith in them, but i am hopeful as ever.

    That * of a commentator Mitchell and Dougie the hun Vipond smiling like a cheshire cat show us all that the press and the media are all against us. Lets stand together and show the lot of them that we will * do the *.

    Hail Hail.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2009
  19. Ray Smuckles

    Oct 2, 2009
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    Maloney was almost out of contract, but the fact still remains that making up sums of money to sell players for is pointless when a player is only worth what another team is willing to pay for them. If Strachan comes in with an offer in the region of 500k then the board should bite his hand off. Although, in my opinion, we'd need to get a centre-back in to replace him.
  20. kennydal

    Jan 30, 2008
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    Your bigoted comments are a no go area on here and wont be tolerated.