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Boruc Tatoo

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by celtic-bhoy, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. :38::38:Have any of you seen the tatoo on boruc's neck?

    it is in polish and means addicted. this worrys me and looks like a cry for help if you ask me.

    think the big man is in trouble/.
  2. Yeah I've see it, i wouldn't say it's a cry for help.. He's an eccentric goalkeeper with a likewise personality so I wouldn't make too much of it :50:
  3. He could be addicted to anything. Celtic, his woman, loads of positive things. Not necessarily a cry for help mate. :50:

    Still a rubbish tattoo though, but that's up to him. :56:
  4. goalkeepers are all known to crazy.......so its nothing new
  5. Bhcmn2008

    Bhcmn2008 Gold Member Gold Member

  6. we need more borucs in the world so make it a boruc

  7. a can mind before the old firm game when he first got it that someone told me he had it to take the * out people saying he was addicted to coke but the above makes more sense
  8. allright his tattoo is a bit of a mess at least its not as bad as that pri## novo's 5 stars on his arm wots that all about think he has only won two titles in his time with scotlands shame.
  9. too right!
  10. HAHA!!! He is a t**t! Boruc's isn't great to be honets, shoddy place to have it but i guess its up to him!:p

    Hail Hail the Holy Goalie!
  11. I wouldn't worry about that too much mate just a tattoo as long as he puts in the performances i ain't complaining.
  12. It might not even be a proper tattoo,bit of a daft place to have it.
  13. it says addicted to s i think [​IMG]
    A cool tattoo but in the wrong place.. NECK :31:
  14. 1 more at least. just to take penos
  15. shock the media have to make things stand out "orange" who gives a * about it being sponsored by orange?

    also in that report, it isnt a S its

  16. I think when we talk about Artur, we should take into account the fact that he is a complete loon :50:
  17. why are folk convinced its in polish?

    its clearly in english, apart from the symbol.
  18. It loosk like addicted to music.
  19. * it's just a tattoo, Leave it at that.

    We all know he's off his * rocker anyway :rolleyes: