my brother put a fiver on after the 3 each at kilmarnock and got 10 thousand to 1 to win every league game to the end of the season
who do you mean glenda or rogne
why not rogne if he stays fit
get a grip who needs huns when theres a link like this give yourselfs a good fucking slap in the face:38::38::38::38::38::38:
only thing i can think of is that he wasnt nasty enough but thats me clutching at straws the guy was a one off and through all his goals and skill...
lamberts strike against goram new year game nearly ripped the net off
people how dont smile misrable bastards
personally dont hate any player that was involved in the uefa cup final team they provided me with memories that will never fade and some of yous...
more titles its the only thing the dirty scum have over us anytime theres an argument they say more titles more titles would be good if they had...
your full of pish mate :38::38::38::38::38::38::38::38::38::38::38::38::38::38::38::38:
i would love the day that this happens:50::50::50::50::50:
susan boyle woo hoo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
mum and dad massive tic fans dad years ago ran a supporters bus so my path was made thank fuck for that could see me jumping of the erskine bridge...
got to be larrson player wise saying that be lucky ever to see a more 2 footed player than lubo ever again 1 in a million for living and breathing...
rivaldos overhead kick to win the league for barca once in a life time got to see it if u havnt
andy thom at full belt hard to catch:shamrock:
big johan the man diffrent class:celt_2::shamrock::celt_2::shamrock:
also agree:shamrock::shamrock::shamrock::50::50::50:
Agree with both these bhoys victory at ibrox at this stage of the season would have totally finished them off(would have probably resulted in an...
STAY. in the boat as juarez in a way its hard to replacate performances when your in and out the team and as ryan 2442 said not on big money so...