It only becomes unhealthy if you make it so. Any game can become a 'disease' but the blame is fully down to the person playing and how they manage...
Quite rightly so. If he wasn't the type of man that he is he'd have walked away already. It takes a hell of a lot of guts for him to stand up to...
If people want to get drunk, lairy and violent then they will, no amount of twelve o'clock kick-offs and closing of pubs will change that. What...
Wasn't this yonks ago? Either way, still a terrible thing to do.
Lennon will get vilified from every angle even when he's only played a small part in the fracas, which wasn't even his own doing. There's been...
McGeady is not world class. Are we seriously suggesting he's up there with Messi, Ronaldo et al? Yes, he's a good player but he's in no way...
Haha :icon_mrgreen: Brilliant stuff from the Bhoys.
It's not a proper attempt at injuring/being aggresive but you can tell from the video that Diouf definitely meant it by the way he leaned in. He...
I'd get rid of McGinn but keep Paddy for backup/supersub.
So much for Diouf being a changed man, apparently the handful of games he's had were enough for some Rangers supporters to change their minds...
AHAHAHAHA A pathetic excuse for a football team, they know they're shite so they resort to kicking everyone off the field. Once again, HAHAHAHAHA.
He may not have done a lot footballing-wise in his few years here but it's clear to all that Celtic now holds a special place in his heart. He...
It was clearly a well thought out game plan from him, kick Brown and get a yellow card in the first few minutes then disappear for the rest of the...
I'm sure the feeling is mutual. Who cares what he thinks anyway? He'll be sifting his way through all the Championship teams for the rest of his...
No they didn't. The only contact was a hand on the back and then that ugly hun fell over himself.
So frustrating. We've done nothing today.
Sunday away games on TV are a fucking disaster for us, nine times out of ten it'll be horrible viewing.
He's right though. We've been absolute pish throughout and there's no signs of it changing, if anything it looks like they'll score another with...
This mob are fucking at it, they've clearly been giving it 'follow follow' in the dressing room before the game to get them up for this. They...
The commentator isn't even acknowledging that it was a dive, fucking shocking.