In my seat in the Jock Stein stand watching us easily beat that team of losers.
I’ve not sat in the actual seat it says on my season ticket since I’ve got it,group of three people next to me and I’d break them up if i wanted...
Seen the cure at Glastonbury in 1986,headlining the main stage,absolutely amazing,when they were playing it was thunder and lightning,a natural...
Henrik Mccourt
I voted no,Neil Lennon is not the manager i wanted for our club,now he’s here he gets my backing 100%. The board are not going to splash any sort...
I support the team and whoever selects the team,but i also want the best manager to select the team and the best manager is not Neil Lennon.If it...
Ma mum is dead,so can go to the game with no guilt. As long as the kids get their mum a card I’m good to go.
The best footballer we have is a tie between mcgregor or Rogic. Both these players on their game are the best we have,tierney is good but not the...
I really don’t think we will get through this tie,i want us to get through this tie,but the players seem to be conditioned,drilled into them that...
Play our natural game with the players we’ve got available and we’re good enough to stand up and make a game of this. We’ve got more than enough...
I think with him being in goal the defence and midfield are more comfortable that there will be a better out ball to the feet of players,so...
This window,same as the last window,same as the last window before that,we all can see what’s required for the team,and if we can see it surely...
I think this guy is the real deal,he’s playing football for fun just now,as any 18 year old should be. With his upbringing and Brendan’s coaching...
No for me 1963,barren years
I play but not very well,my four electric guitars are Gibson’s,a r7 gold top,a335,a double cut junior and a studio les Paul. Just recently bought...
I’ve just read through the ten pages of this thread,why Celtic supporters don’t think we can win the league after just a handful of games is...
the season has barely started,I’d rather wait until round about December to see how the league is shaping up before even talking about that...
I never mentioned Forrest,or Brown,or Griffiths,where you coming from with that.
We should always wear the hoops at home. It defines who we are,we are Celtic.
In the space of a couple of games,the guy has shown in my opinion,he’s what we need at the centre of our defence ,if it takes 13 million and a...