heard alot of bad shit about this forum basically ( talk shite) , the mods are fannies, power crazy, they ban people too easy dont know if it`s...
fair comment m8 so you would like to blow more than one of those cunts heads off? i`m with you man :50:
personally speaking i`d like to blow a hun`s brains out with a sawn off shotgun! would you? would be a right good fucking laugh imo :56:
or some tim throws one through their letterbox while they are in their beds ( no children in the house obviously) BURN THE HUN BASTARDS EVERY...
cannae be arsed with the whole thing in any way, shape or form, although i hope some dirty hun bastard gets their hand blown off with one or at...
you could if you drank down the lodge and were a dirty orange bastard :84::84:
FUCK THE SFA and their puppets
what age do you need to be to buy it? over 5 and under 9 ? FUCKING PEADO CUNT :47:
midweek game in the 80`s , ended 1-1 and that wee orange cunt cooper got sent aff for the manky orange scummy bastards!
doctor required ASAP
judas wee scumbag cunt
thats what i like to hear, i will tell my dad you were asking for him
DIRTY ORANGE BASTARDS......couldnt give a fuk who knows one ....who has family that is one.....every single one of the racist cunts (behind closed...
i was told about the huns history and all their bigoted anti catholic, bnp scummy bastard supporters and how they hate people just because of...
he is fucking pish the position he plays (wherever that is) give him a chance through the middle and if he aint up to it then see ya
HD is fucking garbage
bastard i forgot all about this :47:
cant stand the cunt and would never cheer anything he done would boo the cunt every minute
agree...samaras to fuck and give murphy a chance cant do any worse
aye it is m8.....for some unknown championship striker more than lightly