Hahah carefull as well mate tell all the good posters to be f----g carefull man serious no bulls--t these b----ds are really dangerous mate .On...
Aye mate checkhookboxing one of the best posters is an Ajax hooligan mate they duped him plus sent chapo down started the riots .For the...
Mate be real carefull man don't trust any pms these sociopath b----ds are really dangeous mate don't tell anybody f---k all especially about...
Read rhis and understand . https://www.checkhookboxing.com/index.php?threads/los-zetas.18559/page-7
Comment deleted by staff
Hahahah mate man Irish boxer got miurdered .Mexicans came to back him up and got took out the game .The chinese antrax was a heavy gangster man...
RIP amigo [MEDIA]
This is my thread man . [MEDIA]
Don't know if drunk talk but 499 quid man want to buy it in the morning .
CE02BOX man I want this reg ( celtic boxing ) but think I need a great motor for it .F--k it want it on my Astra .
I've been buzzing for this man hope it doesn't fall through .
Nobody will ever know man it was my enemies that took the sinaloas out man that's the real reason why chapos in jail and chino and his girlfriend...
Can hardly understand Spanish only when i'm bevied man . [MEDIA]
Swear to f---k man Chapo was in Amsterdam . [MEDIA]
If u got Celtic tv mate live for everybody .Think cause it's only a friendly usually just live audio .
Bucket list spill a beer for the amigos in Amsterdam . International boxing hall of fame canastota New York Mexico eat as many tacos and pump as...
F----g can't beat a bit of scarface honest man most epic time I ever had in my life meeting the amigos in Holland don't think anything will ever...