Put him on 40 grand a week
Awesome loads of greeting face hibs fans beautiful
Not my proudest wank
Fuck it throw him on this Saturday
Awesome possum
Who was the other commentator not the Irish one he kept on saying we when talking about celtic
Your doing very well peter keep up the good work
You guys not think kuhn could get a bit jealous for all the love for Jota or is it just me
Raith rovers fans with a brit flag in their end scumbags
Him and boyd are a pair of fuckin dicks.
Bring him home
It was but it's in euros
He knows we're gonna get pumped and he doesn't want to be part of it lol
I'm in donegal and haven't had electricity in 20 hours and won't be getting it back till Sunday evening they said on the news
Especially that wee fanny Gordon Duncan on Clyde radio still going on about
Your alright mate I'm staying single for a while now and feel much better for it but thanks lol