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Celtic Transfers 2024

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Callum McGregor, Oct 30, 2023.

Discuss Celtic Transfers 2024 in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
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    Larsson. Forever and always.
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    1 week left.

    Most lucrative UCL group stage ever. If we can't get ourselves motivated and ready for that then I really despair at the club tbh.

    * of a lot needs to happen in 7 days for this to be even somewhat salvageable.

  2. oh bhoy

    Jul 26, 2010
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    the scenes next week when we are scrambling about trying to sign shankland to replace kyogo
  3. Celts88 Gold Member Gold Member

    May 15, 2005
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    Perth, Australia
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    The Lemon
    You must hang around a different type of supporter than me. For myself there's some that complain what we have / haven't done and there's others who enjoy watching the football, but just wish we could do better in Europe with a stronger squad.

    "Even the smsm is piling on, with ex players, usually in the "everything is fine" camp are starting to write opinion pieces in the rags asking the same questions we are."

    You're joking about the SMSM "usually in the everything is fine camp". The press have always had it in for Celtic, not just back to Stein's time but waaaaaaaaaaaaay before that. The ex-players who write (or jsut put their name to articles) in the press are typically soup takers, and the one's who would talk in our favour get little if any press / air time.

    "Theres never been a more united support imo" if you add "on Celtic forums" then I would agree with you, but external to forums there's those who want more, but are also happy with 12 out of 13 titles and quadruple trebles.
    Pogues and stew37 like this.
  4. GazF1888

    Jan 2, 2008
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    Big difference is we're the richest a Scottish club has ever been by a mile and it's actually our money, Murray relied on loans from Bank of Scotland. £12m in 2000 is probably around £30m today. They didn't die because they signed one expensive player.
    Blochairnbhoy likes this.
  5. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
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    Larsson. Forever and always.
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    I use the twitter fan base and Facebook also as a decent metric and I'd say there's not one fan I know who isn't * off at the lack of activity tbh. Even in person in pubs or games going back years now it's always been an issue.

    Every single post by the club the comments are about the transfer activity and level of profit etc. There's been a dislike towards the likes of Lawwell for some time.

    Personally I would definitely say that the majority are in the same camp. I have seen fans happy to just be ahead of the Huns and to have that domestic success but that can be used to paper over quite enormous cracks in our squad, recruitment, general footballing structure and long term growth plans. Ofcourse looking on paper at a club with such success it would be easy to wonder why fans are disgruntled but it's not as black and white as that. Nor is it being spoiled or anything to think the club are in the wrong and not doing enough.

    Speculating in order to do more in Europe would not exactly derail that domestic success either..it would make it easier.

    I definitely think there's an element of our fanbase who are paranoid that if we spend money we will go bust or something like the Huns. As ridiculous as that sounds. Many have been brainwashed into thinking that the balance sheet needs to be hundreds of millions in the clear at the expense of the footballing side of things. Which is depressing.
    Slaw, JC Anton and ardis1967 like this.
  6. Sgt Neppers*

    Jan 14, 2008
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    Let's be honest with ourselves. Nobody is signing today. We won't do any busines over the weekend, so we have 5 days to get 5/6 players in. You believe that...then come here...I have a bridge to sell you!

    So already now, you can surmise that it's been a disappointing window. What we need in, won't be done. It's a simple as that. Not including out goings, losing Kyogo as well would be a * show of a window.

    All this just further illustrates how poor a the set up actually is....until that's resolved, we'll continously have these pishy, underwhelming, rotten transfer windows will be.

    Getting the structure in place is only part of it....removing others at the tip of the pyramid needs to happen as well to modernise.
  7. Jacob knows Gold Member Gold Member

    Jan 31, 2018
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    Pretty sure we signed sviatchenko on a Saturday. That’s all I’ve got
  8. Celts88 Gold Member Gold Member

    May 15, 2005
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    Perth, Australia
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    The Lemon
    "if we spend money we will go bust or something like the Huns. As ridiculous as that sounds. Many have been brainwashed into thinking that the balance sheet needs to be hundreds of millions in the clear."

    Yep, totally agree that's as ridiculous as that sounds :50: I wouldn't think there'd be one single person who thinks "that the balance sheet needs to be hundreds of millions in the clear" Now if you had said there's some who don't want to go down the Rankers route and spend every single penny I would agree with that.

    "Nor is it being spoiled or anything to think the club are in the wrong and not doing enough." I fully agree with that :50: as the Club have a lot they've done right, but at the same time plenty they've done wrong. The board needs a good injection of new blood with new ideas, current policies need revised, a complete revamp of the scouting / recruitment department, etc., etc.

    "Speculating in order to do more in Europe would not exactly derail that domestic success either..it would make it easier." 100% agree with that too :50:

    Just because some posters don't think Lawwell is Satan reincarnated and the Club isn't run by the Stygian Council doesn't mean they wouldn't want changes to happen to improve things behind the scene to progress Celtic on the Park.
    Sgt Neppers*, Pogues and Mr Shelby like this.
  9. evilbunny1991

    Feb 2, 2010
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    This post is exactly what the board wants the fans to believe.

    Genuine question are you Peter Lawell? I only ask because every single one of your posts defends how this atrocious transfer window is unfolding.

    They have brainwashed the support into thinking if we spend money we will somehow go the way of the dead Rangers and go bust. It’s a complete fallacy and the board have peddled it so much previously through Lawell as CEO that it’s become ingrained in their thinking. Stockpiling money like it’s going out of fashion.

    Beggars belief that people don’t see through this charade. It’s quite simple really they have no ambition but to be just slightly better than our bankrupt rivals across the city. That’s why we have success domestically but get bent over in Europe year upon year.
  10. bhoy_wonder Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    Celts88 likes this.
  11. ardis1967

    Aug 26, 2014
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    As mental as it sounds I'm actually excited for the next week. I've done my moaning about the board, recruitment etc and fingers crossed we bring in who we need. I have made peace with MOR leaving.

    Really hope the club bring in at least 5 or 6 or it could be another civil war between fans :56:
    Celts88 likes this.
  12. JC Anton Get yer, hats, scarfs badges & tapes

    Jul 26, 2010
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    LB, LCB, CM x2 ST/RW/LW

    5 in.. maybe more if Kyogo goes to City..

    Isn't likely..
    Sgt Neppers* likes this.
  13. Peter T. Lawwell Esq Chairman of Celtic FC PLC

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Relax everyone. The best time to sign players is the last two days of the window.

    That's when all the players that no one else wants get a big yellow "Reduced to clear" sticker slapped on them.
    johnboy19, JML67, Twisty and 3 others like this.
  14. Pogues

    Aug 29, 2015
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    Seen this kind of post a lot in here.
    Genuine question. What benefit is there to the board to stockpile cash and have no ambition?
  15. Blochairnbhoy

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Brendan doesn't need the money and I would think more of him next saturday if he resigns and exposes the * on the board. Let's know why they are hoarding cash and failed to back him again for the 3rd window in a row as I said in another thread you can remake a film like titanic countless times with a different narrative it sinks at the end.

    We all know a week today we will still be sitting refreshing screens. Checking social media and for what nothing.

    We will then have threads on the Saturday with disgruntled supporters, we will then play rangers and if we get a good result will be fine and happy clapping.

    Then we get to the UCL get pumped. Get to the AGM, few jokes about the huns. Hold the profit and loss up like a trophy, board will go on about when the seasons come we need a fall back reserve for the failure to qualify for the ucl.

    Moan in December when results dont go our way, have optimism come January again then abject failure again to identify key areas.

    Rinse and * repeat over and over again. Nobody does * all, we just sit here and people say yer a negative *, yer never happy, same * moaning.

    When you have the resources we do and see we have a genuine chance to forge ahead and put the boot down on their throats knowing the shoe was on the other foot they would do it. Pumping thousands into the club per season for the same auld * well sorry for having the temerity or balls to call it out.

    Dinosaurs run the club, bean counter!!

    * the lot of them it's our club not * theirs!
    johnboy19 likes this.
  16. Blochairnbhoy

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Scott Sinclair
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    They have told you for a rainy day lawwell said it last year to avoid selling players to cover costs when we don't make the UCL which is likely from 2026 onwards due to * results in Europe
  17. evilbunny1991

    Feb 2, 2010
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    Let the People Sing
    There is generally no benefit to have reserves of cash that high for a football club. Not unless we had a plan for the use of that cash out with normal business outgoings I.e wages, maintenance costs etc. We may well have a plan but it’s not been communicated to us. Is it redevelopment of the stadium are we expecting a shift in the football landscape to a super league that requires some kind of buy in and we hope to be there? These are not in the know suggestions I’m just theorising.

    Having some cash reserves is good for a rainy day but the argument against holding excess cash above this is that it can generate better returns through investment. For a football club that’s player assets and success on the pitch.
    Mr Shelby, Pogues and Blochairnbhoy like this.
  18. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Need something concrete today. Too much business to get done in one week.
    Sgt Neppers* and Blochairnbhoy like this.
  19. Slaw

    May 18, 2008
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    This is utterly * depressing. It’s starting to sink in where this is heading.
  20. Celts88 Gold Member Gold Member

    May 15, 2005
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    Perth, Australia
    Fav Celtic Player:
    The Lemon
    "Genuine question are you Peter Lawell" - if you want to ask a genuine question a good start would be to get his name right :86:

    I've wrote the below in posts and I can fully see why you'd think I've been brainwashed :88:
    "The board needs a good injection of new blood with new ideas, current policies need revised, a complete revamp of the scouting / recruitment department, etc., etc."
    "we need as a minimum 1st team CB, LB, Winger and Midfield"
    "They're an irrelevance, it's Europe we need to concentrate on to move forward, gain back some of our self respect and continue attracting good players to Celtic."

    I agreed 100% with the below comments from Mr Shelby
    "Speculating in order to do more in Europe would not exactly derail that domestic success either..it would make it easier."
    "Nor is it being spoiled or anything to think the club are in the wrong and not doing enough."