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If we only win the League will this season be deemed a success?

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by JC Anton, May 22, 2024.

Discuss If we only win the League will this season be deemed a success? in the Celtic Chat area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Random Review

    Aug 31, 2012
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    I see you had just said something similar to my last post in this one; but I wrote that last post before seeing this.
    JamesM09 likes this.
  2. JC Anton Get yer, hats, scarfs badges & tapes

    Jul 26, 2010
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    I always think a League Win can give you excellent momentum. Let's new signings understand what they've joined etc.. maybe important for a new manager tho or for team that's struggling.

    It was important for Ange and in the past for Wim, they immediately spring to mind and next season a win stops any momentum for them.

    In some ways, in the context of the season its more important than the Scottish Cup in terms of confidence for the campaign as a whole. Less prestigious of course..
    Random Review likes this.
  3. NomDePlum

    Aug 10, 2017
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    We've obviously been successful in the league but we've not moved forwards as a club.

    There's lots of ways to define success. I'd trade winning trophies for a better club and/or development structure, for instance.

    Is winning something that you've achieved 12 out of the last 13 times enough to say it's a success? I don't think so but it's a personal perspective so no argument with those who want to look at it from that perspective.
    NakamuraTastic and JC Anton like this.
  4. Raoul Duke

    Jan 29, 2015
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    It wouldn't be a failure but definitely not a great season. No one at the start of the season would've took one trophy and no europe after christmas.
    NakamuraTastic likes this.
  5. JamesM09

    Aug 13, 2014
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    I'm just curious if he can show where I argued Rodgers managed this squad before this season.

    Honestly, his reply there was pathetic and cheap.

    Yeah I mean there's different ways to cut it for sure. I'm purely looking at what we had going into the season vs. what was challenging us across the board, and to me (under the proposed hypothetical we only win the league) I would say that's a general underachievement for the season for the club.

    There's definitely more of a case Rodgers has over-achieved given the recruitment situation.

    One thing I would say is I think people (not you) are far too sensitive about this stuff. It's fine to just admit Celtic maybe didn't hit their best this season.
    NomDePlum likes this.
  6. Random Review

    Aug 31, 2012
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    I think his reply was perfectly reasonable TBH and it comes down to the same crossed wires as before. You had previously pointed out that we went from a treble-winning team to this. His argument that Rodgers had never managed that squad makes perfect sense as a counterargument if (as I imagine Paul was) someone is arguing that Rodgers, the coaching staff and the team haven't underachieved. Of course you were talking about the whole organisation and so it understandably seemed like a complete non-sequiter to you.

    Neither of you is posting anything pathetic or cheap. Try to be nicer to each other FFS.
  7. Random Review

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Fields of Athenry
    I don't know about "no one", mate. I would have. The day the summer window closed, I would have taken just the league. That's before I even knew about all the injuries to key players for such long stretches.
  8. JamesM09

    Aug 13, 2014
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    This isn't what happened mate.

    I never at any time argued that Rodgers had managed the squad before, yet that is what he said I was arguing.

    He ignored my post and said that was my argument. It's dishonest and pathetic and he knew what he was doing.
  9. HTG "I have an uncle who does Yoga"

    Dec 28, 2016
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    In regards to the league cup, the Jullien cup final and the Kyogo double both set the tone for our respective season 100%, where-as it didn't for the huns this season as they had almost zero competition winning it, it was handed on a plate up until the final itself.

    Scottish cup has always been a bonus, it'll never make up for losing the league and it won't make or break the following season if we lose it. What it would do for next season is put more pressure on Clement, as that would be 4 games without beating us if he does lose.
    NakamuraTastic likes this.
  10. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    West Lothian
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    Neither do I tbh, but if we don't do it this summer then Rodgers won't be here come January and we won't attract anyone better than him again.
    NakamuraTastic and Random Review like this.
  11. Ciaran_67

    Jul 25, 2013
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    As I’ve said before, pre-2016/17, a double would have been considered the exceptional of all exceptional seasons. It’s BR who changed that dynamic and perhaps to some he is a victim of his own success.

    Europe has been an overall disappointment in the last 10 years. However this season was our best performances since 2019. The only game we were truly of was Atletico away.

    I don’t subscribe to the Ange fawning in Europe - doesn’t matter how much you want to dress up a 3-0 loss to Real. Humpings off Bodo Glimt, Leverkusen, Leipzig and failing to beat a war torn Shakhtar Donestk playing in Poland was very poor in my view. We were worse at CP as well!
    NakamuraTastic and Mr Shelby like this.
  12. PaulM1888 Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    May 8, 2007
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    You've completely misunderstood my point, multiple times now.

    Rodgers didn’t have Jota, Mooy or Starfelt from the treble winning team nor Abada for the most part. It wasn’t a ‘treble winning team’ he inherited it was the guts of one with inferior replacements for vital main starters. Jota being the biggest downgrade but Starfelt to Scales isn’t far behind.

    Which also ties in with the point about the recruitment being that poor it lost several people their jobs mid-season.
  13. Sween

    Aug 27, 2011
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    I think there are a few difficulties in answering this kind of question, though its fun to try...

    Firstly, whether we like it or not, we play in a two horse race and our benchmark for success will therefore always be shaped by how the other team do. The fact rangers went on a good run this season and found themselves top with a couple of months to go undoubtedly shaped celtic fans perceptions of how celtic were doing. If they were are * as they were at the start of the season I think we wouldn't be nearly as critical of celtic. It's easier to tolerate boring football 15 points ahead than it is when you're neck and neck.

    Also, celtic fans typically have different objectives to the celtic board. If the objective this season for celtic was to win the league within budget then we've achieved that. From a board perspective we don't need a 6m left back to beat Kilmarnock and St mirren therefore had we spent 15-20m we would probably end up with a similar level of success.

    Ultimately from a club perspective I think as long as we win the league we have achieved our objective. Doesn't necessarily mean we've over achieved but doesn't mean we've under achieved either.
    Random Review likes this.
  14. Skelleto

    Sep 21, 2010
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    The way i see it is like this.

    If we "only" win the league, it is a success because its all about the league at the end of the day.

    If the huns win 2 cups, it would annoy me as they would see that as a (in a deluded way) more successful season than us.
    NakamuraTastic likes this.
  15. saltire78

    May 15, 2010
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    That's because they're gauging a different "success" to us... We're trying to keep winning the league and making Europe, while they're conflicted on the trophy tally matter as they desperately try to maintain their "world record" number above us. They can place value on the 2>1 argument that we just think is nonsense...
    Skelleto likes this.
  16. Cumbernauld Bhoy67

    Jul 15, 2015
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    This season was always about winning the league with the automatic qualification to the new champions league format, will be a success no matter what happens on Saturday.
  17. Waiting For An Alibi

    Mar 31, 2023
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    We barely lost a game with the CCV-Starfelt partnership. Then we bring in 2 guys, who Rodgers gave up on, so much so that Welsh was being picked. The CCV injury was a massive blow.

    Since Hatate has returned. we have gone up a level. The mf has a better balance and O'Riley found his form again. It's no coincidence that we are playing our best stuff late in the season. I'm not saying that everything Rodgers done was perfect, but he beat the huns when it mattered, even with injuries. Hopefully he does the same on Saturday.
    JC Anton likes this.
  18. LectersLuncheon

    Jul 31, 2013
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    wouldnt you like to know
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    all of them
    Cups are a bonus, nothing more imo.

    And if we're being honest, most of us wouldn't really be too bothered losing out on either of them ,IF... Sevco were to win neither.

    I rather enjoy seeing the likes of St Johnstone and Hibs lift a cup, and couldn't give a * about the likes of Hearts doing it.

    This cup finals meaning and importance is due to the opposition.
    If we had just won the league and say hearts and Hibs lifted the other cups ... Fine, who cares really.
    But we cannot allow that rancid outfit to lift it, because if they do so, it's in spite of us.
  19. Random Review

    Aug 31, 2012
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    Jinky (ever) Lubo (modern era), KT (current)
    Fav Celtic Song:
    Fields of Athenry
    Slightly off-topic, but this thread was the closest match I could find: this has to go down as an incredibly successful season. From the worst summer window I can ever remember to all the injuries to key players and possible cheating by the VAR at Tynecastle, we've been up against it this season. To pull off a double is an incredible triumph.
    Rydo1888* and Pogues like this.
  20. Blochairnbhoy

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Well done to brendan and the boys.

    Another season done. Successful again

    Well done to the boys on the forum who unlike guys like myself stayed true and committed to the cause. We argued, we fell out. We took slaggings but we got there in the end altogether.

    Enjoy the summer (hopefully some good signings) and hopefully we can do it all again.

    HH and * bless you all
    JC Anton, Crilly and Rydo1888* like this.