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American XL Bully dogs to be banned in the UK

Discussion in 'TalkCeltic Pub' started by Callum McGregor, Sep 17, 2023.

Discuss American XL Bully dogs to be banned in the UK in the TalkCeltic Pub area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Sween

    Aug 27, 2011
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    Pretty much word for word what I was going to say.

    I also just don't understand why sensible people choose to own a dog big enough to kill them when it's naturally wired to have that capability.
    King of Kings likes this.
  2. King of Kings

    Oct 11, 2005
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    I think there’s a case to be made for banning ownership of animals that can cause serious harm, regardless of temperament.

    To a young kid or an elderly person, I’m not sure if it makes a dramatic difference wether they’re under attack from an XL Bully or a lion. An * man might be able to escape, or fight it off with only horrendous injury, but a toddler may as well be face to face with a grizzly bear.

    Do we really want animals that have the capacity to inflict that sort of damage on us roaming our streets, regardless of temperament?
    Ľubomír1 likes this.
  3. Pearse67*

    Mar 20, 2009
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    Feeding raw meat wont turn a dog into a snarling beast much the same way eating rare steak wont turn you into dracula.
  4. Pearse67*

    Mar 20, 2009
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    I agree with the ban but once it goes through idiots will switch to another large dog.

    cane corsos, presas, similar sized dogs and will fly under the ban.

    i had an akita who passed last year at the ripe old age of 15, fantastic dog but i put in so much work, read books, spoke with breeders all before getting one, never allowed of the lead as once these dogs are challenged they wont back down, people are * idiots.
    creed and bigmac7288 like this.
  5. FrankMcCallum

    Sep 7, 2010
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    Can’t understand the mentality of anyone who would keep one of these monsters around their kids.

    Ugly *.
    TheHappyLoss and John Bhoy79 like this.
  6. Tim-Time 1888 Always look on the bright side of Life Gold Member

    May 19, 2012
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    Kids or the parents ?
    Westlondonscot and FrankMcCallum like this.
  7. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I never said just raw meat.

    It's the * owners though.

    You bring up a kid, neglect him treat him like *, let him go out and cause it when he's 9. Grows up to be a major dealer.

    Do you think think that kid would have turned out the same if adopted a birth into a loving successful family, of course not. Behaviour is learned not inherited.

    It's the owners.

    Some dogs might be bred to fight that doesn't mean that's all they want to do.

    They're * mammals and deserve a chance.

    Lock up the owners, that will teach them.
    creed likes this.
  8. Pearse67*

    Mar 20, 2009
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    I agree, were all products of our environments usually.
    Sean Daleer likes this.
  9. bigmac7288

    May 27, 2010
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    Spot on I have 2 akitas alot of these people with the XL dont want to put any work in and known * all about the breed,
    Sean Daleer and Pearse67* like this.
  10. Conjuring_Obey Gold Member Gold Member

    Dec 3, 2008
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    How about strict background checks to buy dogs or cats? As harsh as it may sound you don’t have any entitlement to own any animal, just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
    Twisty, honda and Sean Daleer like this.
  11. JamesM09

    Aug 13, 2014
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    I think everyone agrees bad owners are a problem.

    At the same time, you can't dismiss that some types of dog are probably not suitable for pet ownership regardless of how they are treated.

    Everything you've said above can be applied to lions, chimps, tigers, bears, wolves, huns etc. but I don't think anyone will argue it's okay to let everyone walk about with tigers or allow huns into our homes.

    Some animals cannot be appropriately domesticated, and for others it can be a sliding scale. Fundamentally if a breed of dog can kill a child, elderly person or average female with ease and the domestication failure rate is at a sufficiently high number it clearly shouldn't be kept as a pet. (And when I say sufficiently high, for me that would be a very low number).
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2024
    King of Kings and Tim-Time 1888 like this.
  12. John Bhoy79 Stop the world I want to get off!

    Jan 19, 2009
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    Why take the chance? There are hundreds if not thousands of different types of dog to choose from so why pick one of the few breeds that is capable of killing a human being?
    FrankMcCallum likes this.
  13. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I've told this story before but I had a neighbour years ago that had a border collie that he treated like *. Riled the dog up so much that it was unpredictable and snarled all the time.

    Guy was fighting in the street with another neighbour one night and was getting his * kicked so screamed at his missus to release the dog.

    Dog raced to the fight like it was possessed.... And attacked his owner instead of the other guy :giggle1:

    Just proof that any dog can be turned dangerous if treated a certain way.

    Years ago we had the same scare stories about Rottweilers yet a rottweiler brought up in a loving household is one of the gentlest, most faithful pets you can have.
  14. cidermaster Gold Member Gold Member

    May 19, 2014
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    North Wales
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    A There are too many people who should not ever own a dog

    B There are too many people who get a breed or type of dog which does NOT fit in to their lifestyle . For example they get a dog that needs loads of exercise and give it nowhere near enough. Or they get a dog that is not ideal for young children.

    C Adding to B the people that get a dog simply because it is the fashionable breed at the time, never mind if it is right for your home

    D The XL Bully, just look at the above and then add the factor of around 66% of people killed by dogs in the UK in the last 3 years have been done by this type of dog. As one leading Dog Expert said on Radio 4 the other week, most dogs attack through fear, this type has just attacked.

    E I am a massive dog lover and animal lover and many people like me wish this XL Bully had never reached our shores. So when people like us raise massive concerns, that is important.

    F The dogs that bite or nip the most are actually small breeds, but the damage they do on people is nothing, nothing like what a 8-10 stone dog can do. Why on earth a family with children would get an XL Bully is beyond me.
    Tim-Time 1888, Twisty and jimbobers like this.
  15. King of Kings

    Oct 11, 2005
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    What was the outcome of his border collie attacking him?
  16. King of Kings

    Oct 11, 2005
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    That’s it for me.

    Forget the fact it’s a dog for a minute, and consider it in the same way we would any animal. Do we want animals that are capable of killing full grown * males walking around our street?

    That’s before you even get to the temperament argument. Dog breeds have psychological traits that are breed dependent, and aggression is a trait ingrained in the XL Bully.

    It makes about as much sense to me as someone walking around with a hyena on a lead.
    JamesM09 likes this.
  17. Sean Daleer Show Israel the Red Card Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Hi missus ended up leaving him and he got a bit of a sore face telling me he was a big noise and supplying somebody I knew.

    He didn't supply anybody, as you would expect from somebody trying to turn a collie into a devil dug
  18. cidermaster Gold Member Gold Member

    May 19, 2014
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    North Wales
    Fav Celtic Player:
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    That Depeche Mode when we score!!
    I have always said this...........' There are too many people who should never have dogs or children, while there are too many other people who would make fantastic dog owners or parents if they could.
  19. King of Kings

    Oct 11, 2005
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    Kinda sums up the difference though, doesn’t it? An XL bully launches into attacking him, and I reckon he’s doing well to escape with life changing injuries, and some PTSD.

    My folks have two border collies, and one of them can be a bit on edge around my young niece. Nothing to do with his upbringing - he’s a very well looked after family dog - but they’re also dogs that are known to exhibit possessive personality traits. He doesn’t like my niece getting attention from me, basically. She’s also at that age where she’ll pull on ears - generally not read the warning signs of a dog who wants to be left alone etc.

    Absolute worst outcome would be a quick warning bite from him - doubt it would even pierce the skin. An XL bully on the other hand? If it turned - and they’re all capable of doing so - would likely end in tragedy.
  20. Idioteque I’ll laugh until my head comes off

    May 7, 2010
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    East London
    Think the outright ban on the dog is a step too far. Large dogs like that require obedience training and early socialisation with people, other pets, animals. They should be allowed to experience the sights and sounds of the modern world as a pup and grow into a stable friendly dog. Unfortunately many of these large dogs are locked up in crates for most of their days or tied to a chain in someone’s back yard with very little social interaction. I’ve grown up being around large dog breeds owned by my friends , Cane Corso / Rottweilers / And Bully’s while having 3 boxer dogs and a Doberman myself. We could take our dogs out in responsible spaces where they could release their energy. Never once encountered them acting irrational to people or other small dogs on walks. If anything they wanted to play with whoever they met.

    If anything the owner should be vetted before being able to own one. It’s seems the minority of irresponsible dog owners have created a culture of distrust and fear from an animal that given the right training and environment will grow into a well behaved and loving dog.

    Where does the ban stop ? Is it rotwillers next ,After all they are just as large and pack a much stronger bite.