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Brendan Rodgers Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Celtic Chat' started by Lewis Kerr, Jun 19, 2023.

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  1. NomDePlum

    Aug 10, 2017
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    I just don't buy that. The manager is the most pivotal appointment we make as a club. If anything the period before Rodgers was invigorating, so again I don't see it is as being particularly negative. Why exactly are we paying Rogers millions of pounds? Ange had literally no power or influence when he arrived, Rodgers is a supposed elite manager. It's incomparable.

    People can blame the board for lack of investment, but if Rodgers isn't happy why is he here? Personally, my take is he's freeloading, not motivated to particularly to go anywhere else and not invested enough in us to do anything about the current situation. Can't really see the argument for anything else.
  2. Wllm Gold Member Gold Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    Tbh I think he probs should have taken a longer time out of the game. Part of me is starting to feel that last season at Leicester burned him out a bit and he doesn't really have that energy to operate at his own best at the moment - especially to manage a club with the demands like ours, but was roped back in by a desperate board.

    We noticeably get ourselves up for the bigger, more exciting games and Rodgers has done fairly well in that regard especially against the huns...but not many domestic games outwith that and I always feel the mentality of any squad is a reflection of its manager.

    Whatever happens this year (and I hope it ends in a league title), I don't think he'll be in the dugout at the start of next season.
    PaddyJamieson and Sgt Neppers* like this.
  3. Scotzbhoy

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Both Lawwells
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  4. Peej Gold Member Gold Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    And Desmond's and Strachan's.
    Too many family dynamics all doing the job for the boys routine here.

    Sent from my M2012K11AG using Tapatalk
    Morcombe likes this.
  5. LectersLuncheon

    Jul 31, 2013
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    wouldnt you like to know
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    The bottom line is he's acting like Lennon MK2. (2nd stint obviously).

    Like Lennon, the passion and connection he had with fans is missing. Like Lennon, he's blaming players (see Kyogo comments), and again , like Lennon, making excuses for the behaviour of a board and a majority share holder who need run out this club, before we can't recover from their antiquated methods of running a modern football TEAM.

    His appointment was not one I was happy with. But said at the time I'd give him two seasons (with titles obviously) to see if it was the correct choice.
    So far, half a season in, we've been dumped out of Europe and the LC, the vast majority of the playing squad have regressed, and we're sitting only 2 points in front of an atrocious Sevco side who had a used car salesman / PE teacher as their manager for a third of the season.

    He gets plaudits for MoR's development, and a couple of adequate performances in Europe. That's all.

    He's already on thin ice, and throwing his lot in with a chairman and BoD that are almost universally abhorred by the support, as well as taking pops at the fans, is managerial suicide.

    He HAS to get his * act together asap. Because if he loses this title, his career is dead in the water.
  6. TIART Gold Member Gold Member

    Jun 7, 2008
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    Rodgers is in a very sticky position right now with the poor quality of our performances.

    His only out during this period is to find excuses that take the focus off him. Players underpar, can’t sign quality, whatever the * he plucks out of the air.

    He and we all know, displays like that, especially at home should be rare but they aren’t. We ended up lucky not to drop points going into the latter stages of a game one nil up and he knows it. Anything could have * happened and this situation will happen again.

    The problem isn’t the player being underpar, the problem is the manager. I don’t think his heart is really in it for one and that will likely be felt through the squad.
    His style is dross, dross for us to watch and dross for players to execute.

    I’ve said it before but these players were part of a squad with a manager playing exciting attacking football and now this. Excited to go to work to can’t wait to go to Nando’s.
    Tippy tap the ball around midfield and get the job done.

    Fans pay good money to watch their team play the Celtic Way - this isn’t it.
    Mickmac likes this.
  7. dbhoy72

    Feb 9, 2014
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    That was nice of him, lol, what stupid comments to make.
  8. Luis1967 Gold Member Gold Member

    May 15, 2010
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    He’s been talking utter bollocks all season. Not once has he been booed off after a win in both stints, apart from yesterday.

    We were on decent form before the break but it’s going back to what it was. He’s need to go I think.
    johnfife1959 likes this.
  9. johnfife1959

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Apart from Jota and Mooy, they were good enough to win a treble at a canter, when he first came in he stated "the club has been left in a great position and i have a great squad" Somebody previously said he was humble when he first came back, I dont remember that, I remember him saying that if you dont believe in me, come back in May!!! Before a ball had been kicked he had won the league, total arrogance.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2024
    Sgt Neppers* and King Kwon like this.
  10. Officer Doofy Come to me, human man Gold Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    His comments after the game are classic Rodgers. Makes it very hard for fans to like him.

    There’s no doubt he’s been shafted again by our disgrace of a board. But he simply has to be doing better with the squad at his disposal, given the utter dross that makes up the rest of this league.

    To beat the huns twice (and for them to have sacked a manager already) and still only be 2 points ahead of them. If’s a * shambles.

    Our football all season has been grim. Our top scorer the last couple of seasons has been posted missing most of the time and has the same number of league as Dessers, and less goals than 5 other players in the league.

    And if he’s not happy with the lack of signings, he needs to be publicly saying it and making it clear to the board.
  11. Luis1967 Gold Member Gold Member

    May 15, 2010
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    Subs are baffling and the fact he wouldn’t trust youth too.

    Why would boys like Vata stay if they can’t get a game? He’s played a couple and looked very good in a short space of time. But guys like Johnstone get as many chances as they want. Johnstone Abada and Maeda are all absolutely rank footballers but will play every week.
  12. oh bhoy

    Jul 26, 2010
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    rodger will hear how dissatisified fan are on serving up * like that every week especially if there isnt something substancial done in terms of transfers this week, if he likes it or not
  13. Paradise_Bhoy

    Sep 1, 2021
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    It does run deeper than him I would give so much more credit to him if he just walked after the transfer window and state the exact reasons why and throw the board under the bus fans would openly accept it in my opinion.

    we need gutted from top to bottom proper footballing department put in place with DOF etc and build like a modern football club none of this jobs for the boys pish
    Sgt Neppers* likes this.
  14. BigDoggyWoofWoof

    Aug 2, 2019
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    This is my take on it. Rodgers has already lived out the dream of being Celtic manager, which I buy that he held to some degree. He's not going to achieve more than he did then. I think it's just a job for him basically. That how it comes off.

    I think comparisons with Lennon's second run are apt. The change in Lennon's attitude was more apparent because he was so invested and passionate during his first run, whereas he looked totally disconnected in his second. With Rodgers the change isn't as pronouned but it seems as though there's even less at stake for him. At least Lennon had the decency to look hangdog and blustering when he lost, Rodgers acts exactly the same, win, lose or draw. You get the impression there's nothing on the line for him personally.
    Leone Naka Fan and NomDePlum like this.
  15. Dalbeth3

    Apr 16, 2014
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    to many greats to be able to pick one
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    Celtic symphony
    There fore the manager is not good enough either
  16. G_portillo

    Aug 31, 2009
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    I think the criticism and pressure is starting to get to him a bit.

    He didnt have to experience this the first time round. Domestically at least.

    He has to show some resilience and a bit of fight. I want to see a bit of anger and passion from him. I dont feel like he has the fear factor.
    Morcombe and BigDoggyWoofWoof like this.
  17. Bad Ambassador

    Jan 15, 2024
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    Just been thinking there for a bit after reading Odin Holms interview. Its good to hear about players feeling optimistic and confident about their future here. I think behind the scenes we have a strong group who enjoy playing together.
    Good personalities in the group make the dynamics so that players are aiming for excellence every week and confidence builds along with trust, they also set good examples for each other.
    I think Brendan would take a lot of pride in the group he has and is working with potential. A different scene to when he tried to keep Moussa here and couldn't
    NomDePlum likes this.
  18. superhans

    Jan 2, 2010
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    Peoples Republic of Cork
    Had a feeling for a while that he regretted coming back and will be gone at the end of the season, think the board know this as well and is probably the reason they've not backed him. While we need players, I wouldn't trust Rodgers in the transfer market, so I'd say where looking at loans with a buy option so the next manager can decide.
  19. Sgt Neppers*

    Jan 14, 2008
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    Sorry what?! He doesn't have his own players to play his own way, but after inheriting Anges team of 2 years (minus 3 in Jota, Mooy, Carl) he doesn't have the players to Anges way. Aye, injuries you can't account for, but the training, the set up, the tactics, the coaches were already in place. The back up to these players would have a better understanding of Ange's way of play than Rodgers.

    Aye, he reverted Taylor back to the way he played under Ange as he can't play over lapping. So he's playing a hybrid of ways without bringing in the player and quality to match his style, which hasn't helped.

    Forgetting players, the style which is possession based is slow, ponderous and side to side. This alone let's our opponents to get their shape and block us, far more easily that Anges directness at speed. We never stop....whilst we haven't, we're * pedestrian at best.

    Rodgers isn't solely to blame. Your correct there. But his style is poor. He's basically reduced Kyogo to invisible. A player who is deadly in the box dropping in to the center circle now to get involved. That's inept or regression was the term you used. Play to your strengths. We don't and that is on him. Cal has been a shadow of himself as well.

    Fans are turning on him due to this and his flip flop nature of defending transfers and the board. Now he's out making petulant comments about fans. Uncalled for. They want the same quality he wants. Except they're not willing to bend for the Lawells/Desmonds lack of ambition.

    He's clearly a Celtic fan and the emotional pull is there for him, but I think he came back to quick on false dawns. As someone else also said, lose this title to a very * huns side, who are financially a wreck, and had to change managers...his career is in tatters. And that will be a Rogders problem he can't bullshit his way out of.
  20. BigDoggyWoofWoof

    Aug 2, 2019
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    I think he does deserve at least some credit for compromising on Taylor's role, though. He's been realistic about the player's abilities and has allowed him to play to his strengths, which is something Ange would never have done. He'd have pushed a square peg into a round hole until he was bought a player he liked. I also dislike his style and how he has Kyogo playing but I'm willing to bet he'll make those adjustments if he doesn't get the player he wants this window. He's a fairly pragmatic man, Brendan, at the very least.