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Ange Postecoglou

Discussion in 'Ex Players' started by Mr. Slippyfist, May 29, 2021.

Discuss Ange Postecoglou in the Ex Players area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Leone Naka Fan

    Mar 9, 2008
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    Croatia, near the city of Split
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    If you value your health and ability to do your job right, you do. And there's no free run at a club that's a pressure cooker.

    Levy isn't just any cancer, he's a stage IV mesothelioma that's spreading radiation. Compared to him, DD is reasonable.
  2. Peej Gold Member Gold Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Right, if he goes, he goes.

    I'll be sad to see him leave, but thank you for the memories.
    He leaves this coming week, he goes down in history in the same way that Wim Jansen does for me. Which is a great * managed, fantastic football and attitude. Done the job needed and done it * brilliantly.

    He will not be tarnished if he leaves for spurs this week.

    I do still think he's got unfinished business here and I reckon there is no smoke without fire - he may have very well been sounded out. Or his agent has done the dirty work to try play Celtics hand, but has inadvertently managed to create a situation that perhaps Spurs are actually serious in approaching him.
    Keep in mind, til now, nothing has been confirmed that either side has spoken to the other.

    I imagine, if there is a real link to the job at Spurs, then Ange will be weighing up the two sides. Finish and prove his football at Celtic, with a firm belief that he can do some damage in the UCL next season.
    Or take the spurs job, in the firm belief that he will be able to turn them in to a top four side again and push on from there.

    It's an opportunity that doesn't come along often, if I could have a word with the big man, I'd remind him that finishing what he started here should surely equate to better opportunities arising. If spurs are seriously interested after just these two seasons, then they and others will be interested come summer 2024 as well.

    It's gonna be a tough one for him, if the offer is actually there.

    However, he's surely not gonna give any of us the answers we want in interviews currently.
    If he says "* spurs I'm no * leaving" then he closes that door and potentially others, footballers don't even do that let alone managers.
    If he answered "yeah I've spoken with Levy, they're an attractive proposition" then he would be shooting himself in the foot of he decided not to take it, with all of us knowing he's looking to leave.
    Would also make himself look really * stupid if Spurs then didn't take him as well.

    Which is why you'll find 99% of the time players and managers will skirt all questions when possible.

    So no, let's not be a * the the guy who's been a revelation at this club and given us all what we really deserve from this club.
    Attractive, attacking, successful football.

    Whenever it is that Ange does leave. Be it tomorrow or next year or later, we deserve this sort of football at this club always.
    None of your Lennon, Strachan standard of football (even if it does bring results), we need attractive, attacking football. Modern football and a modern club that's going to attract players, regardless of who the manager is.

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  3. Sgt Neppers*

    Jan 14, 2008
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    Folk haven't turned on Ange. They're annoyed. Annoyed at the timing, overshadowing treble celebration, the leaks from down south, lack of clarity from Ange, the not knowing in general. Some are accepting of our business model and moving on the EPL for example.

    Compare the comments made about Rodgers back then and now. That's turning on someone.
  4. The Prof Administrator Administrator

    Feb 28, 2010
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    For me yesterday was a farewell, i don't believe anything is in the balance or Ange still has a decision to make, think it's already done and will be announced this week.
  5. Sean Daleer Free Palestine Gold Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    He’s got CL football already if he stays?
  6. Mr Shelby Moderator Moderator Gold Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    That may well happen but it's still a big job. For a manager in the Scottish Premier with only 2 years experience in Europe to go immediately to Spurs, not even a Forest or a Fulham in-between.

    Rodgers had previously managed arguably the second biggest side in England and only got Leicester after leaving us.

    Timing is everything.

    Another way to look at it is they're at rock bottom just now (spurs) so it can only really go up from here unless he somehow had them finishing lower than 8th which I don't believe he would. Losing Kane could rock the boat though. In fact, it will.
  7. murphy88

    Jul 28, 2010
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    I reckon Enrique gets the Spurs job. The Spurs fans are already furious at what’s going on the club and their fans want a name. Levy will be under pressure to get someone you would class as a “top manager” in my opinion.
    NakamuraTastic, greengrocer and honda like this.
  8. dmccourt95

    Jul 20, 2011
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    True but the league holds us back, most managers would take 10 games against Arsenal City Man U Liverpool Chelsea over 6 champions league games that could be a complete doing in every game depending on the draw on top of having to break down low block 34 times a season
    The Prof likes this.
  9. The Prof Administrator Administrator

    Feb 28, 2010
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    The Celtic job is huge pressure but the EPL is even more so, Ange won't be winning any trophies and games will be tough to win, all against the backdrop of a nutjob of a chairman and an entitled support who don't live in the real World.
  10. murphy88

    Jul 28, 2010
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    I’m not sure on that mate. Teams above Tottenham will spend big this summer as well. I don’t think it would be out of the question for Spurs to finish bottom half next season. You are either going to have Kane who wants away, or they lose him and need to try and replace a lot of goals. Is Postecoglou a big enough attraction for top players to go there? It’s a completely different market he is then shopping in. Bigger egos to deal with as well.
    NakamuraTastic likes this.
  11. greengrocer

    Nov 28, 2009
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    I'm hoping that they go for "the big name".
    That'll appease the spurs fans and I doubt levy would get the pushback from Enrique as he would with ange.
  12. Celtic_Daft1888

    Jun 25, 2008
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    No one has turned on him. Pointing out that he's handled it terribly and the end should be now, regardless of whether or not he gets the Spurs gig isn't turning on him.

    I love the man. Absolutely love him but I can't see how he comes back from this after the last week or so and last night in particular. Saying "I want to enjoy this"... why can't he enjoy it and still commit to the club? The answer seems pretty simple to me. He doesn't want to commit. Why would he not enjoy it if he committed himself to the club? He wants away. It's as clear as day.

    That being said, my attention now turns to who we get in as his replacement. That's now where we need to be putting the majority of our efforts. Spurs or not, we need to move on as a club.
  13. Dublin Celt

    Jul 19, 2019
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    Ye sure

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    oh bhoy and NakamuraTastic like this.
  14. TheHappyLoss

    Jul 14, 2013
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    No one has turned on him but if you love your partner and there is a strong rumour that they are leaving you it’s bound to get you a bit prickly. My only gripe would be if you don’t think like Tommy Burns don’t quote Tommy Burns.
  15. Dublin Celt

    Jul 19, 2019
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    Actually more confident today he stays than I was all last week...still think he's 90% gone just wouldn't surprise me for spurs to bottle his appointment and go back in for nagelsmann or Enrique last minute..

    Sent from my GM1903 using Tapatalk
    Artorias likes this.
  16. jimbobers Gold Member Gold Member

    Feb 21, 2015
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    Don’t really think there’s any coming back now . He’s probably away and if he has a change of mind i would rather he left . Has been brilliant but the relationship is over . Could have said he’s not leaving but hasn’t. We should move on and hopefully get another gem .
  17. seamus1967 Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    I really don't get all this about Ange leaving.

    It's normal for an agent to narrow down & explore options for their clients. I'm sure the agent will do this with clubs even if their client hasn't expressed an interest.

    Ange has seldom commented on anything other than the task in front of him. He's said those that think he doesn't think that way, don't really know him.

    Maybe I've missed something here, but it looks like a load of rumour and speculation. If I have missed it, please someone point it out to me.
    Leone Naka Fan likes this.
  18. Celtic_Daft1888

    Jun 25, 2008
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    Where does that leave us, though? With a manager who seems to have fractured his relationship with the club owner, chairman and CEO?

    If you were Dermot Desmond right now and you had seen what his Agent had been up to and the way he has acted in the media, would you be still giving him the biggest salary the country has ever seen for a manager? Would you still be giving him the biggest transfer budget the club has ever had? All for him to walk away in 6 months time when a job he wants again pops up? The ship has sailed for Ange here, now. Time for us to move on, regardless.
  19. Sgt Neppers*

    Jan 14, 2008
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    I agree with a few things there. He hasn't handled well but he's been put there by Spurs by a large degree as well.

    Yeah it's difficult to move on from this cause as a club we're fully invested in his methods and ethos. As fans, the majority are hooked as well. The board may have longer bitter memories but the situation is more than retrievable. He could turn it and say, hectic end to a successful season with heaps of pressure and speculation from all quarters. Having had a few days to settle and reflect on this season, I'm here, we continue to progress looking for bigger steps in Europe plus this and that and signs a new 5 year deal.

    But it all seems to point in the other direction now. Nothing wrong with airing annoyances either. Just want it resolved ASAP either way.
  20. NomDePlum

    Aug 10, 2017
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    This thread is wild.

    Ange is a grown man and whilst I hope he stays, and to some extent still think that most likely as it's all just rumours at this point, if he chooses to consider a job elsewhere because it's better for him and his family then that's just life.

    Doesn't mean he hasn't appreciated being our manager or was being false. He's certainly improved our club, team and squad from where it was when he took over.