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Ange Postecoglou

Discussion in 'Ex Players' started by Mr. Slippyfist, May 29, 2021.

Discuss Ange Postecoglou in the Ex Players area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. Peej Gold Member Gold Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Let The People Sing
    Starting the press conference now, that Bankier is a dour faced *. Interesting word choice from him, almost accepting they have been * around, but still doing the "gonnae just forget that and support the team" routine.

    Before I get any further in to it though, I really really hate this #OneClubSince1888 pish. It is so * cringe when you have * all to lord it over your opponents. That can't be the selling point/motivation/tagline for this season.

    At least change it to #YourClubSince1888, gets a sly dig in about being one club without being cringe, but shifts the focus to the fans being the heart of the club and gets the mindset in the right place. Show that the club put the fans first, instead of petty and cringe as * digs at the huns who right now have the bragging rights over us.
    cfcturbo and AussieGreek like this.
  2. James Gold Member Gold Member

    Jul 22, 2009
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    Got to laugh at journalists on twitter slating the fans Q&A based off of the first questions which is admittedly cringey as * but at the same time their colleagues asked questions such as "Do you want to bring through academy players and sell for profit ?"
    cat123 likes this.
  3. McChiellini..

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Looking down on the mutants..
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    For those who are in love.....
    And domestically pressing from the front. Being drilled on that with a pacey, energetic attacking trio kicking it off... Will reward us with plenty goals..

    He clearly knows 2 or 3 player's and position's he wants sorting right now..

    Good signs..
    Crilly likes this.
  4. moravcik1888

    Nov 24, 2009
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    When you think about Ange just as a human being what an absolute * whirlind this must have been for him in the last few weeks. Catapulted from the other side of the world into this madhouse :celt_2: . Must be a shock to the system but he seems to be taking it in his stride so far, which says something about his character.
  5. littlekennie

    Aug 4, 2007
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    It’s the way he started it the arrogance in the sentence when your unearthing gem stones patience is a virtue ........ first of all insulting everyone’s intelligence we know what the time was taken and it was nothing to do with the search and more to do with them giving * bag Howe all the time in the world secondly I’m all for the manager and support him to max and have the feeling he’s going to be a success that doesn’t mean I know he will that * bankier hitting out with that sentence gem stone as if it made in stone and they deserve the brownie points nah mate results will tell if he’s a gem stone no you ya torie *

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    oh bhoy, cat123 and Liam Scales like this.
  6. Chieftain

    Aug 30, 2019
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    Seems very impressive, takes no *. As he says, if he gets the playing style right, the results will look after themselves. Hope he gets to bring in the players he wants.

    If Kennedy has anything about him, he'll leave and seek a managerial job of his own. He can't keep hanging around like a bad smell that the new manager must deal with.
    Lewis Kerr likes this.
  7. AussieGreek

    Jun 24, 2021
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    To my (very) limited knowledge on Celtic, it appeared from the press conference that Dom always had Ange on his mind but others on the board wanted Howe or another manager.
    littlekennie, Noskeil and cat123 like this.
  8. Peej Gold Member Gold Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    On to the "good" parts...

    Not impressed with Doms reply to the DoF role and that potential of Strachan. Sure he clearly said "no". But he was responding to both parts at one time almost. Then expands in a way that suggets Strachan isn't basically ruled out, but the position may not be what we think - or at all. Left it very vague.
    More worrying was the fact he claimed control over the football organisation and talked about Ange fronting that - as opposed to what should be a DoF fronting that department, really.
    He was very careful not to commit to the DoF structure/position at all. The way he spoke his way through that answer suggests more that they haven't decided at all on what the structure is yet, so all this "restructure" and "modernising" is just buzz words for now, I'm afraid to say.

    Ange going on about the backroom staff I really like, seems very focused and set on it being him that is going to decide, every coach gets their chance as much as every player - mentions "few weeks" and maybe we see changes. Sounds to me like he is going to assess what is here, see what he likes, then tell the board what he wants, who comes in, who stays etc.

    Add that to what Dom is saying, it sounds very much like Ange is fronting it all as the head of the football department. Which sounds good if we give him that control and we dont hinder him, but inevitably it will mean the coaches coming in are Ange guys, not the clubs - ala Rodgers.

    Good talk on letting the players get their chance. Ajer and Edouard points - seems fair, they've only just came back in to the country by sounds of it, he's not had that chance to sit down and talk with them yet. See what the next few days bring on that front, but he again seems positive in assessing the squad himself and confident in himself to get the guys he wants in the door. Board need to let him/back him.

    Give Dom a bit more credit here, he speaks well of just wanting to get the place settled first in his first undertakings, then set about changes. Slow process it seems - but I still go back to it just being buzz words for now. No action yet.

    Ange response to "jumping up a level" Brilliant big man! Throws it back in the face of the question, much in the way of the "second choice" Guys a believer in himself, that is a very good trait.

    Interesting that Dom states his time in Australia and Japan perhaps - alongside the City Group connection - this approach was more Doms own approach over PLP? would explain some of the rumours around a divide in the pack.

    Some bingo terms from Ange, regarding knowing the club from young age, Lisbon Lions etc - expected, but he says it humbly and honestly.

    Rebuild he is positive for, again staff and players to be assessed and built on - time being the only big pressure/worry to him.

    Dom on reconnecting - talks well, but puts a focus on getting fans back in the stands as being where the connection comes back - sorry but no, the connection needs to start long before then. Lots can be done to get that back without expecting the fans to do it for them by walking through the turnstiles.

    Talks well (Ange) on willing to give young talent a chance if he see's it, happy to have them training with first team - even if due to numbers.

    Dom wanting to blend the talent and income of players and staff. Redevelop the youth, good good.

    Peter Lawwel aint out the building it would seem, his responsibilities as CEO end, but he will still be connected to us for 2 years due to the European thing. Is he on that board because of Celtic, or on his own merits?
    Do we need to keep him involved in some capacity for him to keep at the European table?

    Overall, I agree with most, good conference and all that.

    Ange speaks well, defo see he is a guy that leads and comes across as a strong character. If the board trust and back him, he should get the results he wants. But I can envision the issues that we have seen in the past. If Ange feels he isn't getting the support, or being fobbed off, it will end badly for all parts.

    We see how that unfolds in time.

    For now I am on the Ange train, got faith in him now.

    Dom, I aint so sold on. Speaks well, but he reminds me of the sort of guy who knows exactly what to say and what you want to hear, but also know how not to say what you don't want to hear - so in turn not to disappoint you.

    He'd be that friend who will never tell you no to going out for a pint, but actually never tell you yes - til you realise the * hasn't shown up at the bar and ends up ignoring his phone all night :56:
    Lebo, kramer1 and Noskeil like this.
  9. Noskeil

    Jul 16, 2020
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    I understand the sentiment but think it’s extremely harsh, I have no doubts in my mind after a few weeks they were preparing for someone else. Everyone knows how fast anything changes, that’s the same in the football world, opportunities arise and you need to act upon them. I’ve said already, when a job like Celtics come up they’ll have thousands of applications without them being board targets.

    Howe * us about could be one of the best things for us as a club. His plan backfired now he’s still looking for a prem club to manage as the Everton gig got wrapped up.
    The big Viduka and littlekennie like this.
  10. FranceCelt

    Feb 12, 2017
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    To be fair, it's an impossible question for him to answer, and it's a question more for McKay than Ange.
  11. Noskeil

    Jul 16, 2020
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    That would put him in a truly disgusting position. Does he lie to the fans or completely disrespect to members of staff (like it or not that’s what they are at the moment). That would put him on such a further back foot it’s unbelievable.
  12. Peej Gold Member Gold Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Let The People Sing
    Bankier is a dour faced *.
    Sitting there with arrogance and telling the support to just forget last season and move on.

    Sorry it is not being forgotten by some of us.

    Then sits there so passively and awkwardly. Just can tell that him and the cronies are boring * and no wonder the club has ended up where it is. Zero passion or pride in what they are doing, zero enthusiasm or engagement.
    Spoke to the media/fans as if they were not there, reading a script/memory.

    Ange and Dom at least engaged the questions, sat forward, gestured, answered things.

    Get them all to * still.

    here hoping Dom is a man of his words and backs himself.
    The board are sitting ducks doing * all, they don't give a * about the club, so long as it is deemed a "success" and they get to use a title and tell their rich pals they own a football club.

    Dom needs to take it by the balls, never get in to bed with the board, and do things his way.
    Lawwell is not the man to follow, he was in bed with the board and done things to never rock the boat and keep the books balanced, the club just better than the rest and deemed "success" so that he too can have a fancy title and some good social points at the rich boys dinners he goes to.

    No time for that *, Dom if he is taking control as he wants to, needs to either hire the DoF or go all in at a good leveling with the manager. Back the manager, side with the manager, fight for the manager.
  13. McChiellini..

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Looking down on the mutants..
    Fav Celtic Song:
    For those who are in love.....
    He did answer the assistant position's quite clearly though..

    He practically said Kennedy, Strachan and other's will basically be on a trial period where he'll decide if he wants to work with them..

    Imagine how cutting that must be for a guy who thinks he's untouchable here. The go to man when Lennon came in after he'd worked under the rat in unrivalled success. Then had a stint as manager himself towards the end of the season and Ange is telling him, Strachan and every * that he's gonna be watching over them..

    Loved hearing that. Certain * noses well out of joint.....some massive one's as well..
    Lebo, bagforlife, OziBeerMan and 6 others like this.
  14. HTG "I have an uncle who does Yoga"

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Aye I loved hearing that as well.

    There's every chance both of them do stay at the club, but hearing it'll be on Ange's authority is music to my ears.
  15. RogicHasMagicToes

    Dec 12, 2020
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    The board are the ones who have put him in this disgusting position by not already making the decision for him, instead they've left it to Ange to bullet them or not, spineless.

    He needs to bin the pair of them from any first team involvement before the first qualifier, send out a powerful message that he's not messing about and will be ruthless if he has to be.
  16. Peej Gold Member Gold Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Let The People Sing
    I have visions of Kennedy being found out by Ange, to only then try to turn to Dom and realise that Dom is backing Ange.
    Then he tries to turn to Bankier thinking the old boys act will work in his favour.

    Got the look of being a snakey * about him.

    That aside, I do actually hope some how, in some * up way, that Ange manages to get something out of them and they aren't as pathetic as they both showed last season.

    I was critical last two weeks of Ange being a yes man by accpeting these idiots, but today I am much more with Ange.
    As you say McGuire, these two are on trial here, they need to prove to Ange that they have something to offer.
    I'll trust Ange here, if in a few weeks he deems either decent enough, I'll trust it is his choice.
  17. RogicHasMagicToes

    Dec 12, 2020
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    Fields of Athenry
    It definitely is a question more for Dom, because he should have already terminated the contracts of the pair of them before this point, but to let Ange know from a fan perspective that the majority fan opinion is that neither are wanted at the club would he good to let Ange hear and hopefully persuade him even more to bin them asap
  18. AussieGreek

    Jun 24, 2021
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    Dom isn’t CEO until July 1.
  19. Crilly Hakuhna matata

    Aug 9, 2014
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    Yeah I’d say wings and across all 4 positions at the back is priority. He’s ticked all my boxes so far with regards to how he wants to carry us forward and I’m behind him now 100%. Hopefully he hits the ground running and has success but if not I hope he has a plan b, something Lennon did not possess
    kramer1 and McChiellini.. like this.
  20. McChiellini..

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Looking down on the mutants..
    Fav Celtic Song:
    For those who are in love.....
    Aye, think it's obvious right back was one of the position's he was talking about. Mentioned pace as well so left back as well. Left wing. Up top..

    Aye I'm right on board now mate. Think the support will really get behind him now, whereas before I was unsure if he would be afforded it from the get go..
    kramer1 and Crilly like this.