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Ange Postecoglou

Discussion in 'Ex Players' started by Mr. Slippyfist, May 29, 2021.

Discuss Ange Postecoglou in the Ex Players area at TalkCeltic.net.

  1. SuperZidane

    Feb 9, 2014
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    I'm not "* the bed" as you so eloquently put it. I have simply expressed a perfectly valid opinion that this guy is not the right choice for my club and will not succeed.

    You think he will - fair enough but your opinion is no more valid than mine (or anyone else's on here).

    I have supported Celtic all my life - if this guy proves me wrong, I'll be only too happy to come on here and admit that I got it wrong.

    If he doesn't - I wonder if you will have the decency to do the same.
  2. spitz

    Jan 15, 2013
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    You are being definitive with very little knowledge on the matter, without him even joining the club yet.

    If you want to shitcan him, at least wait for some bad results...

    I will be here, feel free to tag me at XMAS and we can discuss how he is going
    The big Viduka likes this.
  3. Maestro 08

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Up to a point it's ok but it can quickly descend and if it results in him taking the huff etc then it won't go down too well. Lennon had energy and will to win in bucket loads but towards the end of his tenure he just looked a bit daft throwing his toys out the pram. Looks like this guy had a similar meltdown. I would rather someone had a bit of composure and got their message across in a more measured way without all the histrionics. It would be fun for a wee while but that would quickly wear off.

    His play style intrigues me on a pure enjoyment basis but I'm steadfast in my view that the gung-ho attitude only gets you so far. A half decent manager will exploit it.

    Let's be clear though, if he is as bullish and confrontational as you say regarding his methods and demands this board will not employ him. So the whole thing might be a non starter. But being honest imo this guy would jump through hoops to join eh..the hoops and I can't see him creating much drama to get his foot in the door. Exactly what this board want and a big part of the worry regarding his appointment.
  4. Mr Cleansheets

    Jan 21, 2013
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    Jumping through hoops is exactly what he won't do.

    Many would, I'm sure, but not Ange. Which is probably the biggest hurdle to him being appointed.
  5. oh bhoy

    Jul 26, 2010
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    what has this guy done in the game to even be considered for the celtic job
  6. Mr Cleansheets

    Jan 21, 2013
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  7. oh bhoy

    Jul 26, 2010
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    but he is a bargin basement journeyman who would be greatful for the biggest job hes ever gonna get
  8. Mr Cleansheets

    Jan 21, 2013
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    He's won the league, every job he's had.
  9. Maestro 08

    Aug 30, 2013
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    The Australian contingent in here are effusive in their praise for this guy and that's fair enough and totally understandable.

    What I would like to hear instead of the non stop plus points (I can see how you feel the need to do that as everyone attacks his credentials) is your opinion on what his weaknesses are and areas he could improve on? He surely can't be without fault.
  10. FrankMcCallum

    Sep 7, 2010
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    Big Ange man, big * Ange.

    It’s no big Ange’s fault but big Ange is way out of big Ange’s depth here.
  11. oh bhoy

    Jul 26, 2010
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    good for him ,which brings us full circle back to the standard of football in asia which at no point the cheap * on the board should be looking for a manager ,its exactly the same situation as deila
  12. craigtheceltic

    Dec 30, 2016
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    Not going to lie, I was * off with him when he left the Australian job on the eve of the World Cup. Left when the hardest work had been done and we were left with bringing in a manager at the 11th hour. Sadly the WC performances reflected that and I felt he did it to make a point but did it the wrong way. It’s kinda like getting Celtic to the last 16 of the CL and then saying, * you I'm leaving.

    To put it in perspective, he was hounded by everyone over a 4-5 year period, where he took us to a new level with what was essentially a rabble of players. Mooy, Ryan, Rogic, Leckie were our only top tier players along with an aging Cahill. Everyone in Australia wasn’t happy unless we were beating the likes of Germany and England. We were creating chances but not putting them away. Ange was getting lampooned for the lack of quality even though he was taking the players to a new level.

    So yeah, I think he can be hot headed, but he for some reason cops a lot of criticism. He seems to create a siege mentality, an underdog if you will, for his players and plays on that. Probably if anything he manages with a chip on his shoulder, but his weakness is also his strength.

    The other weakness is it can take time to bed in his style. If you can’t play one touch football or have an awful touch and you don’t want to buy in, you will struggle under him. Let’s put it this way though, if he can make a bunch of Aussie cloggers competitive on the world stage, I’m sure he can get a bunch of Europeans playing the game.

    Whatever happens, if Ange gets the job, it won’t be boring, on and off the pitch.
    Melbourne Man, Maestro 08 and seanm like this.
  13. jj81

    Feb 22, 2011
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    Spitz and cleansheets are sniffing glou
  14. MAP

    Dec 14, 2017
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    Stubborn (tactically). He won't listen to others, and will only change when he is convinced change is required.

    Not a great (media) communicator; given the large Celtic fanbase, hanging off every word, not ideal.

    Strong-willed (in relation to management). It's his way or the Highway. I'd prefer a little flexibility; he will be the outsider in a large, established institution. This will also flow through to players with egos; he won't tolerate them. When 'better' players are benched or booted, this may not be well received by some (particularly supporters).

    His lack of European experience (CL and Europa) - I don't see the domestic scene/coping with Scottish football as problematic.

    The above gleaned from me having watched him and his teams play; a poor substitute I think to hearing what players etc with direct experience have to say.
    Maestro 08 and craigtheceltic like this.
  15. kyndig

    Aug 29, 2005
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    Feel like we are being manipulated like some cult, be asking us to drink the green ginger soon.
    Sgt Neppers* likes this.
  16. FrankMcCallum

    Sep 7, 2010
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    Big Ange looks as if his breath smells of coffee and Golden Virginia.
    Twisty, Maestro 08 and AdamRS like this.
  17. ddub11

    Feb 8, 2015
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    He,s not what we want but who knows,we might be surprised.No real justifying his appointment and ill be holding onto my cash for the foreseeable future but if he gets the job i wish the guy all the best.
  18. Mr Cleansheets

    Jan 21, 2013
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    I feel like I've already covered his bad points (as have one or two others). His strength can certainly be his weakness in that he has a preferred system and is pretty inflexible. The Oz NT struggled at first with his shape and system (when he decided to change) and the media were all screaming about teh fact that we didn't have the cattle to play the game he wanted - better to stick with the tried and trusted.

    Thing was, it started to work (and of course a NT coach doesn't have the day in day out access to the players to train them in his methods) and by the time we qualified for Russia we were pretty hard to play against. He's been very successful in Japan - his team plays very attractive winning football and I would expect him to do teh same at Celtic.

    But the instant it starts to go wrong and the media get on his back (and especially the fans) he may be too brittle to cope with that. He will definitely understand how huge the Celtic job is but may underestimate the emotional demands.
    Maestro 08 likes this.
  19. anthony valletta

    May 30, 2021
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Tom rogic
    He is stubborn as all *… period!!! He has his style of play and will not budge from that in anyway shape or form (tbf it’s is beautiful football though). He sets his teams up to put it simply score more than they concede which is exciting but can lead to problems. Very prickly with the media and will most certainly oust any player that he thinks is not conducive to the culture and style of football he wants to build, just ask Craig Moore and Danny Tiatto when he took over at Brisbane Roar they were ousted within the first 2 weeks (and they were the Roars best players), he WILL no doubt ruffle feathers at first he will shake the tree and see what falls out and then sweep them to the side, I’m just a little weary of the reaction he will receive from a club the size of Celtic. What I can say without doubt is if Celtic back him they will play the best football they have ever played Rogers included. He has his weaknesses and I personally don’t like him too much but he gets his teams playing very attractive football that’s for certain.
  20. anthony valletta

    May 30, 2021
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    Fav Celtic Player:
    Tom rogic
    Let me ask Celtic football club a question if I may… if you had the choice to choose between Bert Van Marwhic who got Holland to the WC final or Ange who would the supporters want??? Because if you ask the Aussie players that played under both for the NT it’s not even a competition…BVM is nowhere near Ange!! That’s the player’s opinion
    carraigbhoy and The big Viduka like this.